Today Lauren Dane is here to talk about her latest release, Insatiable
, and her characters, Daniel and Carina.
Thank you so much for having me guest with you today!
Over the years I’ve written all sorts of characters. At the end of each book I love them all, usually for different reasons. Some of them are easy to write. Polly Chase for instance. She pretty much writes the scene herself. Other characters take me a while to warm up to and figure out.
I can write a synopsis or outline for my characters, and I do write book synopses to plot the basic outline of the story. I can say to my editor that the characters are—for instance—a rabble rousing attorney and the leader of the Federated Universes. I can tell her the book will be about two seemingly opposite people finding they’re not so different after all. I can tell her the story is about a former principal ballet dancer and a tattoo artist, but what I won’t know for some time after I start writing is just why and who these characters are and how that intersects with what makes them do what they do.
So when I began writing INSATIABLE I knew who Daniel was because I’d began to write him in RELENTLESS. But I didn’t know all that motivated him. That came as I wrote the book. But he was easier for me because I’d had time with him on the page before.
The other end of the spectrum is Carina. I’d originally imagined her as a cool, icy bitch. But as I wrote her, I realized she wasn’t that at all. Each page I wrote, she came to life for me more.
She’s unlike most other characters I write in that she’s an incredibly sheltered woman. So much so that she’s a virgin and I’ve only written one other virgin before back in A TOUCH OF FAE. But Carina isn’t silly or naïve at all. She understands the world, understands the particular suffering of her people in a way Daniel can’t though he’s exposed to it as well.
So I had to write a virgin princess and give her an edge. What would she mean to Daniel and how could I create that spark and tension between them to make it real for readers?
In the end, she revealed herself to me slowly, almost shyly, but persistently. She is not fragile, though she’s leaving everything she’s ever known behind. She is tough. She is intelligent and she never gives up on what she wants, which, over time, includes Daniel.
She’s resilient and steadfast and she loves Daniel and won’t be separated from him. He’s totally taken off guard by her, she keeps him off balance and he doesn’t know what to make of her, but he knows enough to admire and respect and as the time passes, to love. She isn’t what he expected at all, but they click because they’re right for each other, no matter how unexpected each was to the other.
In the end, when I sent it to my editor I loved them both. I love Daniel’s courage and his strength and I loved Carina’s energy and wit. I loved them together and I truly hope you all do as well!
What kinds of characters are your favorites?
The story goes like this – A few years ago, Lauren Dane decided to quit her job and stay home with her brand new second child. As a result, she had lots of conversations in a sing-song voice but no real outlet for adult thoughts and words. While on bed-rest with her pregnancy with the tiny monster, Lauren had plenty of down time so her husband brought home a second hand laptop and she decided to “give that writing thing a serious go.”
Lauren had no idea how fabulously wonderful it would feel to actually make a go of her writing and she’s thankful every day people actually want to read what she writes! She’s well aware of her good fortune and loves every moment of it, even when she has to edit and put Barbie’s dresses back on over and over again. She still hasn’t managed to figure out how to shut out the sound of the Backyardigans so she can write a love scene, though.
Visit Lauren on the web at
Thanks for being here today, Lauren! Seriously y’all, these characters are awesome. I absolutely adored them.
Want a chance to win a copy and find out for yourself how great Daniel and Carina are? Just leave a comment on this post answering Lauren’s question from above! Contest ends July 22, 2010 at 11:59 p.m.
This book is available from Berkley. You can buy it here or here in e-format.
Hi Lauren
Don’t enter me as I’ve won your books in the past. I love alpha heroes like the Chase Brothers, the Federation heroes and the characters from your “tattooed” stories. I also love smart-mouth, no nonsense heroines. I still want to be Polly Chase when I grow up LOL. The Insatiable cover is one of my faves and I’m sure the inside of the book is just as amazing.
I like characters that are strong but also have a weakness of some sort. No one is perfect so seeing some type of vulnerability either physical, mental, etc. It makes the characters more real.
Count me in for the drawing.
I love strong characters but ones that may have a flaw or are tortured and the love of a good h/h makes the difference.
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Hi, Lauren! Congratulations on “Insatiable”! Daniel and Carina sound like quite an intriguing pair : )
I like characters who are basically defined around the edges, but still flexible enough to be surprised and revised. A “complete change of character” is not really believable, and also not very interesting. It’s the little flaws, “uh-ohs”, and “ahs” that make for a readable character.
US Resident, GFC Follower, Subscriber
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
I like heroes who are strong, willing to go the extra mile for those he loves, and has flaws.
I like heroines who can take care of themselves and go after what they want. They are strong, kick butt women.
I love passionate characters. For heroes, honor & integrity is key. For heroines, strong women who aren’t afraid to express need. These are my favorites.
Love Characters that fun, sexy and smart willing to give their all for the person they love but I don’t them to be perfect. Also must have a sense of humor. Depending on the storyline my two main characters should work in concert together. But since I have this book don’t put in for the contest. Loved it by the way.
I like characters with the same traits I like in real folks–intelligence, honest and a sense of humor. The characters really do make the book for me. I enjoyed your column. Thanks.
I like strong,but flawed characters. The flaw makes them seem more believable.
I love chracters that are scarred either inside or out that are still willing to go after what they want. I like them smart and willing to speak out, no meekness that leads to wasted time or silly misunderstandings.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
I love characters that grow through out the book while I am reading. I like strong characters who let others help them and weak characters who find their strengths.
I love quirky characters who make me melt and laugh. I also like a bad boy, but who is really just misunderstood
I love intelligent characters with a noble streak and wicked sense of humor. Also, when both H/h have alpha qualities it makes for a very explosive read!
Thank you everyone for all the comments about characters. I love to hear when folks say they like flawed characters and people who are smart and noble. All, IMO, fabulous components to really great characters
I like variety! Anything other than Too Perfect To Live — although the prototype incredibly cool and competent hero can be pretty attractive. And passion is important. Nothing kills a romance for me faster than feeling a sense of indifference. — willaful
I love all the excerpts of Insatiable so far! I love characters who can be humorous because they make the story more interesting.
I love characters with a wicked sense of humor and great one-liners!
Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com
I like wounded warrior heros and strong heroines 🙂
I love wounded/damaged characters who still have the guts to keep on going in spite of their pain. It shows that they still have some kernel of hope left in them no matter how bad things have gotten.
i love characters that are human warts and all. They can be amazing in many ways but still they could be me or the girl/boy next door. I love Polly she such a mother but she’s also a wife and quite the character. To me she sums up your characters. They can and are more that one thing at a time. Love them and looking forwrad to reading about daniel especially
like ones who are funny
and kind but tough
congrats on teh book
I love strong characters, with sense of honour, but at the same time they have to have flaws 🙂
Hi Lauren!
congrats on your newest release 🙂
Pamk said it perfectly – those characteristics are very important for me too, because they make the protas real and I get a picture of them in my mind!
greetings, Ina
Hi Lauren,
I love strong heros and compassionate heroines that have differences but work together in the end for a great love story. I also love the Backyardigans because of their great stories for children and enjoy watching this program with my grandson.
Hi! I like smart and compassionate characters with a sense of humor. Basically, that’s it. Everything else is a bonus.
I like interesting characters–smart, funny, not necessarily gorgeous… capable, willing to work hard to get the job done (sounds like someone on a job interview!), able to change and grow and admit when s/he’s wrong…
Can’t wait to meet Daniel and Carina!
f dot chen at comcast dot net
Favorite male characters tend to be pretty alpha in personality, sexy inside and out, have a sense of humor, adores the woman that he loves, and knows how to be a partner (or can be trained, lol), in love and life.
Favorite female characters are strong in mind and spirit,( not necessarily a warrior), will allow the right man to sweep her off her feet, has a sense of humor, a bit snarky, and gives as good as she gets.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
This is a cool question. For the hero characters – I’m usually drawn to alpha males /redeemable bad boys or military heroes with a troubled past. Plus, a little dry wit doesn’t hurt, either. In addition, I like them to have a soft side for their lady love. Thanks.
thanks for sharing Lauren :)!
I like characters that have a nice balance between edge and vulnerability.
Ones that have flaws – that are the perfect size, that don’t have the perfect temperment, perfect social status or perfect family
Something that makes them standout a bit from others.
Also like the tortured/dark past kind ;).
Pam S
I like characters that have alpha tendencies wrapped around a soft core and protectiveness. Flexible but not wishy-washy.
Contest closed. Please check here to see if you’ve won: