Tag: Phantom Corps

Excerpt: Captivated by Lauren Dane

Posted May 1, 2012 by Holly in Promotions | 1 Comment

Hannah awoke and simply relaxed for long moments, breathing in Julian’s skin as she lay on his biceps. His other arm was banded about her waist, holding her. Keeping her from floating away on bad dreams.

When she opened her eyes, it was to find Vincenz looking at her.
“Would you like to go on an adventure, Hannah Black?” he asked softly.
She thought carefully. Would she?
“What kind of adventure?”
He smiled and she wanted to simply curl into him with happiness.
“Sometimes it might be dangerous. It would involve travel.”
He made it sound like a fairy story. “Would you be there?”
“I’d ask if that was something you wanted, but I think I know the answer. Yes, with me and Julian.”
Julian’s breathing changed and she didn’t fail to note the hard cock resting against her ass. It was what happened in the morning for men, she told herself, even as her nipples hardened.
“Do you know me that well, then?”
“Sometimes.” Vincenz’s pupils swallowed nearly all the color of his eyes and her heart pounded as the moment stretched taut between them. She wanted . . . so much. In the months that she’d ended treatment, she’d entered into talk therapy with Dr. Pesch. The panic had long subsided and every day she gained a little more ground in her head. Enough to feel, so very fully, everything else she’d been stripped of in her time at the labs.
Foremost among those feelings was sexual desire.
And chief among the causes for that popping back into her life lay there in the bed with her. And she felt guilty about it. Yes, they’d made a place for her in their lives and in their bed. They showed each other affection in her presence in a way they never did in front of anyone else. On one hand it thrilled her to be so trusted with such a beautiful and intimate thing. They were so sexy together. And she never wanted to hurt that.
On the other, she wanted those hands on her. She wanted Vincenz to kiss her the way he kissed Julian. Well, not precisely. She found what they had together to be gorgeous. She didn’t want to replace that. She wanted to have it too. In her own way. She wanted Julian’s voice to change when he said her name. Not exactly how he did when he said Vincenz, but the change, the way it was clear he meant something to Julian simply by the way he uttered Vincenz’s name. That’s what she wanted.
Something beautiful and unique and not only with one of them.
So stupid to want such a thing. Stupid to think the way Julian touched her was more than just friendly, or to imagine the desire in Vincenz’s gaze when she moved. They were together and she would never do anything to harm that.
“Where is this adventure then?” she murmured, swallowing hard and trying not to squirm against Julian, whose response to her attempt to get up just a breath earlier had been a tightening of his hold. Which . . . seemed to make her molten inside. It felt so good she wasn’t sure how to respond.
“We’re off to blow things up in the Imperium.” Julian’s lips brushed against her shoulder as he settled her back against his body, and yes, yes, he was still hard.
“You’d let me blow things up?”
Vincenz grinned at her. “Would you like to blow things up?”
“A year ago I’d have denied it. But I can’t lie to either of you it seems. I would very much like to blow things up. But . . . you can’t take me along. I’m not one of you.”
Vincenz moved closer. So close the heat of him seemed to sear her skin through her nightdress. Probably because it tended to ride up when she slept and lodged at the top of her thighs.
“If you’d rather not, we can make arrangements for you to travel to Ravena. You’ll be safe. Protected. Far, far away from anything that’ll blow up. We’ll be back after our mission is concluded.”
“You’d send me away?”
Vincenz closed the last bit of space between them, pressing his body to her front as Julian cradled behind her. A full-body shiver of delight rolled through her along with a gasp.
“If you wanted to go, we’d make it happen.”
Julian spoke in her ear. “But we wouldn’t be happy.”
Was she completely misunderstanding this situation? Was this no more than two friends surrounding her because that’s what she needed? Was the cock at her ass really for Vincenz? Who had an answering hard-on at her belly. Each breath she took was filled with them. The warm, utterly male scent each of them carried on his skin.
She had no words. None that she could utter and not feel like a fool anyway.
Finally, she let herself take a leap. “Take me with you.”

This book is available from Berkley Heat. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

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Guest Author (+ a Giveaway): Meet Lauren Dane, Writer of Kickass Heroines

Posted May 1, 2012 by Holly in Giveaways, Promotions | 29 Comments

We welcome Lauren Dane today. She’s here to celebrate her latest Phantom Corps release, Captivated.

So I’m Lauren Dane. I write books. Some of them you might give to your mom, others you might not. (Heaven knows I love it that my parents are so supportive of my writing, but I cringe knowing they read some of them!)

Today, my futuristic erotic romance, CAPTIVATED is releasing from Berkley Heat. Which is why the lovely ladies here at Book Binge are kind enough to have me as their guest.

Some things I love: Led Zeppelin, Wye Oak, Etta James, Lykke Li, pistachio gelato, handbags, fried food, scary movies, science fiction, vintage styled clothing from the 40s and 50s, lemon drops, hot men (including my husband), tumblr, shoes, muscle cars, Motown, dancing…

And badass women. I think perhaps it started with Wonder Woman back when I was growing up. Lynda Carter was tough as nails with her lasso of truth and those awesome bullet proof wristlets. Oh and Lindsay Wager’s Bionic Woman too. I’m sure today they’d give Wonder Woman a better job, but I digress. It also helped that my mother is a strong woman. As were my grandmothers.

I grew up in a culture that was changing. The 1970s and early 1980s were a time where women where trying to find a balance between home and work, between career and family. Where women in media had so often been pretty, unless they were single and slutty – we started to see women portrayed as more than that. As smart people who struggled with balance like men did. As lawyers and senators, as superheroes and scientists. As well as mothers.

I don’t write weak female characters. I can’t connect with them and I’m not sure most readers want to. They don’t want to read about doormats, crybabies or helpless whiners.

But they don’t all have to be perfect. Or superheroes. They can be flawed. Broken. They can step back and let the dude fix stuff—not because he’s the dude, but because he’s the expert on lock picking or shooting or whatever.

I also love writing about women who have gone through something difficult and are healing. I think healing, the drive to survive bad things is a common experience. Not necessarily what Hannah Black, my heroine in Captivated has endured, of course. But people get through things, get past them, triumphed over them. People can relate, even if what the person on the page has dealt with is far more severe.

Perfect people are boring on the page. Totally well adjusted people are wonderful and someone to look up to, but they don’t usually make for a good story. Following a character through ups and downs as he or she works to get better can really show a reader the heart of that character, which is why I love to write them as well as read them.

Of course, in CAPTIVATED, all three characters have their wounds. Vincenz, who has spent years of his life trying to prove he is not the same as his father. Or Julian, who is nearly drowning in his need to avenge the death of his best friend. So Hannah finds her place there with them. And they protect her, but it’s Hannah who has to heal herself. And she does, slowly but surely.

Broken heroines need their HEA too, don’t you think? One of my favorite wounded heroines are JD Robb’s Eve Dallas, who has grown so well over the series, but will never entirely be healed. Oh and Faith from Linda Howard’s After the Night (one of my favorite books of all time) and Tessa Dare’s Susanna from A Night To Surrender. What about you all? Any favorites?

The story goes like this — Seven years ago, Lauren Dane decided to quit her job and stay home with her brand new second child. As a result, she had lots of conversations in a sing-song voice but no real outlet for adult thoughts and words. While on bed-rest with her pregnancy with the tiny monster, Lauren had plenty of down time so her husband brought home a second hand laptop and she decided to “give that writing thing a serious go.”

Lauren had no idea how fabulously wonderful it would feel to actually make a go of her writing and she’s thankful every day people actually want to read what she writes! She’s well aware of her good fortune and loves every moment of it, even when she has to edit and put Barbie’s dresses back on over and over again. She still hasn’t managed to figure out how to shut out the sound of Wizards of Waverly Place so she can write a love scene, though.
Visit Lauren on the web at www.laurendane.com.


Lauren has offered a signed copy of Captivated to one lucky commenter! Leave a comment on this post answering her question from above and you’ll be entered.

Contest ends Sunday, May 6 @ 11:59pm. Please note: you must include a valid email address with your comment to be eligible.

Captivated is available from Berkley. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

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Review (+ a Giveaway): Captivated by Lauren Dane

Posted May 1, 2012 by Holly in Reviews | 44 Comments

Holly‘s review of Captivated (Phantom Corps, Book 3) by Lauren Dane

Vincenz Fardelle, exiled son of the Supreme Leader of the Imperialist Universe, has spent much of the last ten years working to stop the threat his father poses. But he’s not alone in his quest. Julian Marsters has lost his best friend and countless others in the war and has made vengeance his only goal. In each other, Julian and Vincenz find not only like minds, but kindred spirits.

However unexpected their relationship, everything changes for Vincenz and Julian when Hannah Black comes into their lives. Having been captured and held in near total isolation by imperialist troops, their immediate response is to protect her.

Emotionally shattered but resilient, Hannah rebuilds herself. Because of the warm safety she finds in the arms of Julian—and Vincenz she becomes someone harder, stronger and bent on preventing the Imperialists from harming anyone else.

For the two men, wrestling with their passionate feelings for Hannah is only the beginning. War is about to send all three into harm’s way and an equally dangerous secret could tear them apart.

Another excellent entry in the series.

Hannah, Julian and Vincenz are all damaged in one way it another. Each was beautifully flawed. They filled up the dark places within each other and made a complete package. There can be a lot of pitfalls with a permanent threesome. It’s also a little unbelievable, even in an alternate/futuristic universe. These three made it work, however. I fully believed in them and their relationship.

One of the things that makes this novel work so well is that it’s stretched over a long period of time. When Julian and Vincenz find Hannah she’s been tortured and abused. That isn’t something you can get over in a week or two. Hannah’s recovery was very slow. And even after she was doing much better, she still had setbacks. Still questioned herself and the men. Still had insecurities. I found this to be so realistic. I don’t think the novel would have worked if it Hannah was magically better at the end.

Julian and Vincenz are human. As such, they make mistakes. With each other and with Hannah. There were times when one or both would lash out and say things that really set Hannah back. Again, this was very realistic. As humans, we often say and do things without thinking. Because Hannah had such a rough time before meeting them, her triggers set off deeper feelings and insecurities.

The beautiful thing about the novel, is how much we get to see the three of them grow. In the beginning Hannah is nearly broken. At the end she’s nearly mended. She’ll never be what she was before she was captured and tortured, but she’s stronger for having survived. Julian and Vincenz each had their own demons to battle. And they did. It wasn’t always easy watching them stumble, but the end result was totally worth it.

I really like the direction Dane has taken the overall story arc. This is a series that grows with each book. While I don’t think it’s necessary to read the first two books (the Federation Universes books) I would recommend reading these three Phantom Corps books in order. They can standalone, but the story is so much more rich when experienced in full. A major conflict was resolved in this book..but it also opened up a lot of new ones. I’m anxious to see where (if she plans to continue the series) Dane takes things now.

My heart went out to Hannah in the last book. Watching her heal in this novel was both heartbreaking and wonderful.

4.25 out of 5

***Contest Alert***: Leave a comment on this post for a chance to win a signed copy of Mesmerized, the first book in the series (and one of my favorites). Also, be sure to check back later today. Lauren Dane will be guest blogging and giving away a signed copy of Captivated.

 Contest ends Sunday, May 6 @ 11:59pm. Please note: you must include a valid email address with your comment to be eligible.

This book is available from Berkley Heat. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

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Book Cover: Capitvated by Lauren Dane

Posted November 1, 2011 by Holly in News | 0 Comments

I absolutely adore Lauren Dane‘s Phantom Corps/Federation series. If you’re looking for strong characters, a lot of action and a good amount of spice these are the books for you. Of course, I’d buy these books even if they weren’t great. Why? Because the covers are freaking amazing. Check out the latest, for Captivated (which I stole from Lauren Dane’s website):


And just because, check out the previous two covers:

Book Cover


Book Cover

You know you want to lick read lick read them.

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Excerpt: Insatiable by Lauren Dane

Posted July 15, 2010 by Holly in Promotions | 1 Comment

Check out an excerpt of Insatiable, book 3 in Lauren Dane‘s Federation Chronicles, and the first book in her new related Phantom Corps series.


“Daniel.” She poked him. “Wake up.”

“Why?” he mumbled.

“Three hours are up.” “No. I had another short dream. I had time left.” He rolled to sit up, and the cold air got under the blankets.

“I don’t think so. Maybe time moves differently in your ’Verse. But here we use chronos. Mine says our three hours have passed.” He got out of bed, grabbing his pants and pulling them on.

“And even if you did have a short time left, you needn’t be so cross.”

“I have a very good internal chrono.”

He went to wash his face and noted his skin had gone very pale and his hair very dark. After the pills kicked in, his eyes had gone from green to brown. He added a scar on his neck, leading up to his ear.

She barged around the corner to continue pestering him. “You’re a pain in the—” Her eyes widened. “You’re very good at this disguise part of the job. I should cut my hair, don’t you think?”

His gut cramped at the thought. “It’s very beautiful,” he saidbefore he could say something sane and professional. “I mean, you’d still be beautiful with short hair and—”

She put two fingers over his lips and froze, before moving her hand away. Then she pressed her mouth to his. He hadn’t expected it, but he couldn’t step away either.

Her lips were sweet, sweet as the kiss was. A soft exploration of his mouth with hers. At first. It wasn’t so much innocent as it was unexpected. It snared him, much like her taste had. She was warm against him, relaxed, obviously trusting him more than any rational woman should have. His blood surged with need for her, with want, demand for more.

He fisted his hands to keep from hauling her against him, from stroking the elegant curve of her spine down to her ass. A groan bub- bled from deep within his gut at the memory of the fantasy he’d had the day before. She sighed, taking it into herself.

It was when she stepped closer, her fingers digging into the front of his shirt, molding herself to his body and her tongue sliding into his mouth, that he finally found his sanity about a meter from where all the blood in his body had gathered.

“Seven hells,” he gusted as he set her back from him, holding her upper arms firmly. “That can’t happen again.” Her mouth called to him, those luscious lips just so slightly swollen.

“Why?” She licked her lips, and he groaned. “Stop that. Carina, this is a bad idea.” A smile played on her lips as she realized the extent of her power.

Gods, he was in trouble now.

“Why? Really? You kissed me back. You’re attracted to me. I can see it. I can taste it.” She pressed fingers to her lips, and he struggled to breathe.

“You’re my cargo. You have something that could save the lives of millions. You’re . . . I bet you’re untouched, aren’t you?” He forged on without an answer. “I’m not. I’m not a nice man. I kill people. All the time. You need a nice man. A gentle man who can give you the life you were bred for.”

She waved a hand as she turned. He took advantage of her distraction and headed back out toward the main room.

“Where are you going? I need your help with my hair,” she called out.

“Tell me when to come back there.” He scrubbed his hands through his hair, standing it on end.

“Now. Gods, did your mother drop you on your head a lot as a child?”

“You’re pretty mouthy,” he mumbled as he headed around the corner and found her in little more than sheer underclothes. “Hey!” He turned his back. “You’re naked. I said when you were ready.”

“You’ll get hair in my clothes and it will itch. Cut it short.” She handed him shears as he turned back around and tried in vain not to look at the shadow of dark pink nipples against the pale material.

“Are you sure about this?” He sifted fingers through it, so long and soft. Beautiful and feminine. “If you braid it, you can tuck it into a watch cap, and no one will know the difference. Women of all ranks have long hair. You don’t have to cut it.”

She turned, so close she brushed against him. “Women of all classes have short hair, too. Do you like it?” Tossing her head, pale burnt-sugar hair tumbled around her shoulders.

The scent of her choked him in the best kind of way. This chemistry between them was so very delicious, even if he knew anything else between them was totally impossible.

“It’s lovely. It’s up to you.” He tried to step back, but he was boxed in, and she knew it.

“I am a virgin, you know. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have desires.” She leaned in, brushing her cheek against his chest. His cock ached, the pulse as he got harder and harder was an angry throb. “I do. Have desires, that is. I’ve never had the opportunity to express them and certainly not with anyone like you. There’s no one quite like you, Daniel.”

“You’d do well to remember that, Carina.” He pointed to the stuff he’d left on a ledge near the basin. “You’re my sister again. We’ll call you Carrie, and I am Neil. We’re itinerant workers, looking to get on with the grain shipments. Do you know anything about wheat? It’s a crop brought from Earth, and I know it’s grown out here. We’re from Suerte.”

He managed to step neatly away once she’d turned to look. “I always wanted blue eyes.” She began to plait her hair into two long braids as she spoke. “I’ll keep it long for now. And I’m very well aware that there’s no one like you. This isn’t over.”

She wanted to laugh when he scurried from the room. An altogether new sort of power surged through her veins. Her allure as a woman wasn’t new, not really. But this sort of romantic chase, the sensual dance they did as he pretended to resist her, was something she’d never imagined, and it was thrilling.

If she had to risk her life, leave her family behind and hare off into new territory with a man like him, she planned to enjoy every moment of it.


UndercoverRelentlessInsatiable (Federation Chronicles, Book 3)

This book is available from Berkley. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

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