The wonderful folks over at Avon have graciously offered us two Advanced Readers Copies of Anna Campbell’s MY RECKLESS SUMMER to give away on Book Binge and we’re going to do that.
If you could recklessly surrender to something/someone, who/what would it be and why?
Leave a comment on this post, answering the above question and we’ll choose two winners. You have until 11:59pm on Thursday, May 13th to get your entries in and we’ll announce a winner shortly after.
Good luck!
I have recently really surprised myself with a desire to visit France. To enjoy Paris, the wine country, the art, the opera, the food and etc! How terrific it would be to make the journey with a charming companion who had the same interests. If he was fluent in French, tall, masculine and courtly, so much the better. If he was all those things, plus spoke French in a deep, sensual voice……je ne regrette rien (I regret nothing)!
Please enter my name in the drawing. US Resident, Follower, Subscriber.
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
I would totally surrender to Jensen Ackles and whatever fun he would plan. He’s funny and cute and on a boring, depressing day like today I’d love some excitement.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
I would recklessly surrender to a vacation because we haven’t had one in quite a while.
Hm, oh now I know, I would recklessly surrender to a big bookstore. I would go in, and for once not feel the pressure of saving and just spend money on what I love
Mine would be to a fictional character: Duke (Conrad Hauser) from G.I. Joe!
He has principles and sticks to them, is loyal and I’d trust him with my life (which says a lot – I wouldn’t trust too many people with my life).
YAY!!! ANNA CAMPBELL!! Oh my gosh, I love love LUV her stories.
I would recklessly surrender to a day by myself. So many people ask me for things and I would love a day where I could just be by myself and do what I want.
It’d be grand.
Also Hugh Grant…he’s someone I’d definitely be reckless with!
rachie2004 @ yahoo (d0t) com
I would surrender to the desire to eat chocolate every day. Because I would be a much happier person to be around *big grin*
i would recklessly surrender to the following: channing tatum, puck from glee, dr. reid from criminal minds or james macavoy because they’re really hot.
If he weren’t already happily married, I would recklessly surrender to Daniel Day-Lewis because he is simply a beautiful, intelligent, heartfelt artist & man.
Looks like a really great book — would love to be included in the drawing.
I’m sad to say that I don’t think I’ve ever recklessly surrendered to anything or anyone. I’m just too practical. But every once in awhile I get the urge to just sell everything I own, quit my job, and move to someplace like Indonesia where I could live cheaply near a beach and scuba dive in warm water anytime I wanted to.
I’d surrender to the urge to stay in bed for a week with a mountain of books on a nonstop reading fest :).
Pam S
What Chelsea said:
I would love love to surrender to chocoloate. In fact, I’m waiting for that imaginary day to come. Why? Because, i just LOVE chocolate. Nothing in the world beats chocolate!
that’s a tough question…
but I would recklessly surrender to a day without worries, a day with having to budget a day to just relax and let my cares float away
I would recklessly surrender to a day at the spa followed by book shopping.
I would surrender a night of sleep to read this book
I would recklessly surrender to a vacation to St. Thomas, because I have always wanted to go there and we haven’t been any where in a long time.
I would surrender to Sawyer (Josh Holloway) and get reckless with him on that island!
I would recklessly surrender to unlimited gift certificate to buy books, and more books
I’d recklessly surrender to Gerard Butler and if there was chocolate involved, well… let’s just say that reckless wouldn’t be the word I’d use then!!
I would recklessly surrender to Alton brown. However, since he is happily married, maybe we can just make some orgasmic chocolate together.
I would recklessly surrender to Richard Armitage. I have had a major crush on him ever since I watched North and South. I love his voice.
I would recklessly surrender to Kellan Lutz! Wow! I just don’t think I would care about anything anymore:)
He is just beautiful!
Thanks for the giveaway!
i would recklessly surrender to spend a whole day….reading
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
i would recklessly surrender to spend a whole day….reading
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
Hmmm… A vacation alone sounds good. Enough time to relax and have a chance to miss my family.
I could recklessly surrender to a huge slice of chocolate mousse cake! Please count me in – Thanks!