Monthly Reads: March

Posted April 6, 2010 by Casee in Features | 25 Comments

Casee: March has been the best month as far quantity goes. I read a lot of great books in March. I also read some not so great books. My total for the month was 12.

Abandon the Night by Joss Ware (4.75/5)
Unseen by Nancy Bush (3.5)
Fire and Ice by Julie Garwood (3.5/5)
Angel’s Peak by Robyn Carr (3.5/5)
Moonlight Road by Robyn Carr (3/5)
On the Steamy Side by Louisa Edwards (3.75/5)
Something About You by Julie James (4/5)
The Cinderella Deal by Jennifer Crusie (3.5/5)
Shameless by Karen Robards (4/5)
Masked by Moonlight by Nancy Gideon (4/5)
Killing Me Softly by Maggie Shane (3.5/5)
Defeat the Darkness by Alexis Morgan (3.75/5)

Rowena: March was an okay reading month for me. I was able to knock back quite a few of the books that I’ve been looking forward to. I did have a couple of DNF’s but overall, I had a satisfactory month. Here’s a list of what I read this month:

Most Eagerly Yours by Allison Chase (4.5 out of 5)
Instant Temptation by Jill Shalvis (4.75 out of 5)
Seize the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon (4.75 out of 5)
The Bachelorette Party by Karen Lutz McCulluh (4 out of 5)

The Summer of You by Kate Noble (DNF, I lost this book somewhere in my house which is why I stopped reading it. I haven’t found it yet so it still remains unfinished dammit)
Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen (4 out of 5)
The Next Best Thing by Kristan Higgins (3.75 out of 5)
Savor the Moment by Nora Roberts (3.75 out of 5)
My Own Personal Soap Opera by Libby Malin (DNF, just couldn’t get into it)
Ten Things I Love About You by Julia Quinn (4.5 out of 5)

My favorite read this month goes to Instant Temptation by Jill Shalvis. She writes my favorite kind of contemporaries and TJ’s story rocked my socks. Honorable mentions go out to The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen and all of the ARCs that I’ve read. I enjoyed the Julia Quinn and the Nora Roberts books and can’t wait for them to finally come out. I’m going to give away a copy of The Summer of You because one of my favorite book pimps (Ames) read and enjoyed the book so I’m sure when I find it, I’ll enjoy it as well.

Holly: I was on vacation the first week+ of March, so I didn’t have a lot of reading time. Unfortunately I’m not able to read in the car, because we spent our vacation on a road trip. Bummer.

Jason and Me by Jenna Anderson 3.25/5
Seduced by Silver by Gwen Campbell DNF
Night Embrace by Sherrilyn Kenyon (re-read) 2/5
The Return of Eden McCall by Judith Duncan (re-read) 4.5/5
Phantom Lover (in the Midnight Pleasures anthology) by Sherrilyn Kenyon 2/5
Dance with the Devil by Sherrilyn Kenyon (re-read) 3.5/5
In Love With Her Boss by Christie Ridgway 3.75/5
Kiss of the Night by Sherrilyn Kenyon (re-read) 3/5
Crush on You by Christie Ridgway 3.75/5
Chasing Perfect by Susan Mallery 3.5/5
Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase (re-read) 5/5
Pride and Prejudice (audiobook) by Jane Austen read by Lindsay Duncan 5/5
Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLean (re-read) 4.5/5

I did a lot of re-reading this month. Out of 13 books, 7 were re-reads. My favorite read of the month was actually a listen. The audiobook of Pride and Prejudice, read by Lindsay Duncan. I’ve read P&P hundreds of times, of course, but I really enjoyed it on audio. My second favorite was Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLean. My worst read ocxzx f the month was Seduced by Silver by Gwen Campbell. Ames read it and really liked it, but it was way too weird and nasty for me. I only read 30-some pages, but trust me – it was more than enough.

Our giveaways this month are:

Nine Rules to Break While Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLean
Abandon the Night by Joss Ware
The Summer of You by Kate Noble

If you want to be entered to win, leave a comment on this post telling us what your favorite – and least favorite – reads of the month were. Also, be sure to tell us what book you’re interested in reading. You can put your name in for more than one book, but you’ll only be allowed to win one, so choose wisely.

So…what was your favorite read of the month? And your least favorite?

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25 responses to “Monthly Reads: March

  1. My favorite read was the only book I actually finished this month, yes…just ONE book finished…sigh. It was The Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott. I love me some E.Scott!

    I’m hoping to get a hold of Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake soon, seen a lot of rave reviews for it!

  2. Christy

    I read a bunch of good ones this month like Practice Makes Perfect by Julie James and Wild Ride by Jennifer Crusie/Bob Mayer but I think Angel’s Blood by Nahlini Singh takes the cake this month. Raphael is so HOT, I’m already clamoring for the next books.

    I’ve loved all the reivews for Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake, so I’d love to put in for that one. 🙂

  3. Uuuuuhhhhh heh this is me drawing a total blank. If you want to talk tv shows, I’m definitely your girl. Reading? Sadly hasn’t been happening much.
    Let’s say… favorite read? Anybody by Justin by Shelli Stevens. Is it too much to say least favorite was Protecting Phoebe by Shelli Stevens? Heh that’s not true – I just thought it was too much for too short a book. And I’m not into the whole suspense someone is OUT TO GETCHU type story.

    What book do I want? Dammit I’d be ok with all three. But… 9 rules really is calling my name 🙂

  4. Anonymous

    I didn’t have a great month. I’d say my fav was His Secondhand Wife by Cheryl St. John. Least fav, Proof by Seduction by Courtney Milan — not because it was really terrible, but because I’d had such high hopes for it, which weren’t met. I’d love to read the Joss Ware book, have heard so much buzz. (And sometimes it’s true!) 😉 — willaful

  5. Anonymous

    I didn’t have a great month. I’d say my fav was His Secondhand Wife by Cheryl St. John. Least fav, Proof by Seduction by Courtney Milan — not because it was really terrible, but because I’d had such high hopes for it, which weren’t met. I’d love to read the Joss Ware book, have heard so much buzz. (And sometimes it’s true!) 😉 — willaful

  6. I finished Pleasure of a Dark Prince by Kresley Cole, which I loved and am so looking forward to the next book when the Ascencion is in high gear! I’m just starting the new Stephanie Laurens series and am in the third chapter of the first book (the something bride…can’t remember the title). I finished off the Bastion Club books and I have to say, the only one I really enjoyed was Dalziel, the rest were not the best Stephanie has produced.

    I really am looking forward to reading Nine Rules to Break While Romancing a Rake. The reviews have been great and it seems like a great read.

  7. My favorite read from March was Slow Heat by Jill Shalvis. Can’t wait to read the new Instant book, especially considering you gave it such high marks.

    My least favorite read was Lessons in Seduction by Melissa Schroeder

    I’m looking forward to the new Julia Quinn, as well as the Kate Noble and Nine Rules…all sound like something I would like.

  8. My favorite book last month was The Dead Travel Fast by Deanna Raybourn. It was a gothic type story with bunch of twists in it. I would love to win Nine Rules to Break when Romancing a Rake or The Summer of You.

  9. My favorite read of the month was Practice Makes Perfect by Julie James. There were actually more than that, but that’s the one I’ll pick. For worst book, I’ll go with Transgressions by Erastes. I love books in the m/m genre and this was so highly touted and yet I really disliked it. It was a DNF for me. As to what I’m looking forward to, that would be JR Ward’s Lover Mine. I already have it pre-ordered and am counting down the days until it arrives on my doorstep.

    And I would be thrilled with any of the books in the giveaway. I’ve heard great things about all of them.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  10. Chelsea B.

    My favorite was The Vampire and the Virgin by Kerrelyn Sparks! There was no least favorite–I adored all the books I read last month! And I’m interested in reading Nine Rules to Break While Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLean!

  11. My March read were Good !
    i read some books that really awesome :
    – Wild Heart by Lori Brighton
    – Sing Me To Sleep by Angela Morrison
    – The Life of Glass by Jillian Cantor
    – Something About you by Julie James (thanks to Rowena ^_^)

    so far, i still can’t finish :
    – Crimson & Steam by Liz Maverick
    i’ve been trying to finish it since last two months. but still i just can’t connect with the Characters and story, yet. i’m gonna try this book again soon.

    since i’m still in ‘Romance mood’ and really like to dive in more into romance world, I’d really like to read ” Nine Rules to Break While Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLean” !

  12. Fave this month would be In for A Penny by Rose Lerner, closely followed by Lessons in French by Laura Kinsale.

    Least fave – 911 by Chris Owens. It’s an m/m/m story picked up after reading a rave review and was disappointed by many things in the book, not least of which was sloppy copy editing and some grammar usage which drove me batty.

    I’m interested in Kate Noble’s The Summer of You – after reading some reviews, I picked up Revealed and Compromised in ebook version but TSOY wasn’t available.

  13. ritu

    Hmm.. March was a good month for me. read quite a number of books too. Favorite book was Heart’s Blood by Juliet Marillier.

    My least favorite was a category: Three Boys and a Baby. It was recommended by a frnd and I just couldn’t finish it. It reinforced my urge to never to pick up a book with a baby in it.

    I would like Nine Rules to break while romancing a rake or Abandon the Night by Joss Ware.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. My favorite read was Archangel’s Kiss by Nalini Singh, I love all her books. No least favorite, I liked all my books this month.

    I’d love to read Nine Rules to Break While Romancing a Rake.

  15. Would love to read Nine Rules to Break While Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLean :=)

    Best book this month was The curious incident of the dog in teh nightime by Mark Haddon.

    Worst, surely one of the 5 books I started but never got past page 5.

  16. Most favorite reads of the month are NAKED EDGE & Heaven Can’t Wait (novella) both by Pamela Clare.

    No bad reads this month really…I liked but not did not love Julie James’s new one, Something About You.

    Count me in for Joss Ware’s book, if I get chosen. Thanks.

  17. My favorite read was To Tame A Dangerous Lord by Nicole Jordan. I didn’t have a least favorite read.
    I would love to read the Joss Ware book or the Sarah MacLean book.

  18. my two favorites were julie james’s practice makes perfect and alissa johnson’s macalistair’s fortune. my least fave will have to be tempt me if you can by janet chapman

    i’m interested in reading nine rules to break and summer of you. thank you!

  19. I read 15 books in March. My favorites were two contemporary romances–Jennifer Crusie’s Bet Me and Julie James’ Something About You. My least favorite was The Prize, from Brenda Joyce’s de Warenne Dynasty. It just didn’t work for me.

    I’d love any of the three books you’re giving away–they are all on my TBR list. Thanks.

  20. My favorite read this month was Nicole Peeler’s Tempest Rising.

    I’d love any of the three books listed, but especially Joss Ware’s Abandon the Night because I recently read Beyond the Night and really enjoyed it.

    I didn’t have a least favorite read, it isn’t often that I pick up a book and don’t enjoy it.

  21. Em

    I liked Emma Wildes’ Lessons from a Scarlet Lady.

    I’m interested in Nine Rules to Break When Seducing a Rake– I read the review and it sounds good.

  22. Anonymous

    Aside from my rereads of all of Patricia Brigg’s books while waiting for Silver Borne, my favorites were probably Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews and In For a Penny by Rose Lerner (thanks to BookBinge for bringing this one to my attention).

    My least favorite was a freebie on the Kindle called Booth’s Sister – it was a DNF.

    I’ve read Nine Rules (very good), so my choice would be The Summer of You. – JenM

  23. My favorite March reads were “Run to Me” by Christy Reece and “Cold Pursuit” by Carla Neggers and my least favorite was “Hunting Julian” by Jacquelyn Frank.

    I would love to win “Abandon the Night”, thanks!

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