Author Spotlight: This or That: The Series.

Posted April 5, 2010 by Rowena in Features | 8 Comments

After brainstorming over ideas of fun ways to discuss all things Suz Brockmann, Casee and I thought it would be fun to pit different SB things against each other to make a discussion more lively and we’re starting today….

So, which series do you prefer??

Do you like Tommy boy and his crew or does Prince Joe and his crew appeal more to you? Also, why do you like them better? Let’s get this party started, shall we?

Sound off!

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8 responses to “Author Spotlight: This or That: The Series.

  1. Troubleshooters, all the way.
    The size of the book allows for a more complex plot, setting up more than one storyline in each book.
    For fast reads, TDD is the way to go but the Troubleshooters are stronger reads for me.

  2. Natasha

    I’m a Prince Joe and crew fan 🙂

    I tried reading a few of the Troubleshooter books. But I just couldn’t get into the series. Sometimes it gets very dark and depressing. Max’s book comes to mind. Or maybe it was before then. I’m referring to the back story about what happens to Max’s girl (I can’t remember her name). I find the series very….serious. If that makes sense 🙂

    So yeah, I prefer the tall, dark and deadly series.

  3. Rowena

    I’m in the middle of rereading The Defiant Hero and I’m remembering how much I love these guys. I miss these guys. I miss Nilsson, Wildcard, Sam, Stan and all of those guys. I wish we’d get to see more from these guys.

    Like Tracy, as much as I love the TDD guys..for me, it’s always going to be LT and Team 16!

  4. Rowena

    @Strlady- I hear you. Troubleshooters do have more complex story lines and relationships.

    @Casee- I had forgotten how much I used to be annoyed at Wildcard. It was only in his book that he was redeemed in my eyes because he used to get on my nerves but man, I love that guy!

  5. I’d have to say the TS crew – mainly because they are all full length books and they are more recent. Some of the TDD are a bit dated now I thinkk. Plus the TS series has Sam Starrett. ’nuff said.

  6. Anonymous

    Troubleshooters! Gotta have me some Sam and Stan! However, I have a thing for Bobby too … but overall it is Tom and The Gang for me.


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