Who wants to win a nook?

Posted March 17, 2010 by Holly in Giveaways, Promotions | 105 Comments

Bookshelves overflowing? Tired of lugging multiple books around with you? Been wanting an e-reader but didn’t want to spend the money one on?

Well, now’s your chance to win one for free. We have a nook to giveaway and it could be yours.

Here’s what you have to do:

  1. Go to the Barnes and Noble website (barnesandnoble.com) and find 1 thing you like about the nook, along with a link to the first book you plan to purchase if you win.

  2. Search through our archives (thebookbinge.com) for your favorite post/review we’ve ever written.

  3. Come back here and leave a comment – or email us at contests@thebookbinge.com, with “nook contest” in the subject – with both links (one from B&N.com with the first book you plan to purchase and one with your favorite post/review from this site), telling us why you want to win.

  4. If you share the contest somewhere public (Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, your blog/website) and leave a link in your comment, we’ll toss your name in for a second time. But it has to be somewhere public..ie, if we follow the link we can see it.

That’s it! Pretty easy, right? This contest will end Sunday, March 21 at 11:59 p.m. Winner will be announced Monday, March 22.

ETA: This giveaway is only available to U.S. residents.

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105 responses to “Who wants to win a nook?

  1. Oh! Me, Me, Me!

    1- My favorite feature is the touchscreen and the pretty color covers.

    2- My favorite review is of course, my review of Release by Beth Kery. ;o)

    3- I tweeted about the contest on 3/17, but I don’t know how to show it. HELP!

  2. C2

    Ah yes, a contest I can’t ignore. 🙂

    Feature I like: Changing the font size – cause I’m bat-like and like big fonts. 🙂 (And now I’m hearing Sir Mix-a-Lot in my head…thanks for that.)
    I like the color covers on the lower screen, too. Kind of like Cover Flow in iTunes.

    My favorite post/review: Heh. Gone Too Far re-read.

    I tweeted, too: http://twitter.com/c2s/status/10635735336

    The first thing I’ll buy might be: Patience. The cheese…I crave it!

  3. My favorite thing about the Nook is the screen is large enough to see the words easily and it has such cute little covers!

    My first EBook would be An Echo in the Bone and then In April Lover Mine!!

  4. I emailed you 🙂 And also – have to say I want more of my “favorite posts” – I think all of you should get nasty more often :X (Of course only when warranted.)

  5. I love your last review of the Nook and the Kindle. Because I was going to get an Ereader for my birthday and was having a hard time deciding. This really helped.

  6. I resisted eReaders until this past weekend when I had the chance to play with a friend’s nook (does that sound naughty, or is that just my dirty romance writer mind working overtime?).

    Anyway, my favorite feature is that the nook can last up to 10 days on a single charge! Great for traveling!

    The first book I would buy is Lara Adrian’s SHADES OF MIDNIGHT (I am so behind with my reading!)

    I want to win the nook because Ikea raised the prices on their bookshelves, and I don’t have room for another one anyway.

    My favorite post at Book Binge? Take one guess: My own!

    I “tweeted” it, but I’m not sure how to copy and paste just one tweet. http://twitter.com/FarrahRochon

    Good luck, all!

  7. wow! you’re giving away a nook! count me in please! i really want to give ereading a try. i think i don’t like it now b/c all my ereading experience is on my computer–i think i’d like it better on a nook 🙂

    1. it has 2GB of memory and you can store 1,500 books in it! And add a memory card if you need more space. (that will save me a lot of space)

    The first book I would buy is probably E. Naughton’s Marked (which comes out in April and i hope the e-version comes out then too).

    2. Both are my faves b/c these reviews go hand in hand in my eyes. After reading this, I really wanted to get my hands on J. Shalvis’s book Slow Heat:

    But it’s a 2nd book in a series so I went back and read this:

    both reviews convinced me to buy BOTH the books.

    3. I tweeted: http://twitter.com/chelleyreads/status/10640689366

    thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  8. Jen

    My favorite thing was all the screensavers you can get for that gorgeous color screen.

    My first nook ebook would be The Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas. I would want one of her best books to be the first book I download on it.

    Your review from 2007 for Virgin River, Robyn Carr’s first book in her Virgin River series made me get the book, introducing me to one of my now favorite authors and series. http://thebookbinge.com/2007/12/virgin-river-by-robyn-carr.html

    I want to win because my books are starting to take over my house. Moving my tbr pile to ebooks would make me feel like less of a book hoarder 🙂

    I’m also putting a link to this contest on my blog:


  9. Oh my goodness, would I love to win this prize! I’ve been begging for an e-reader since the technology was introduced, but thanks to a tight budget, it has remained a dream.

    The first book I would get would be The Preacher Creature Strikes on Sunday. It’s a cute book my son would like. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Preacher-Creature-Strikes-on-Sunday/Mike-Thaler/e/9780310866664/?itm=7

    My favorite review you have done so far has to be The Kindle and Nook comparison. It’s great to see that all down in print. I haven’t quite made my mind up as to which one I want. They seem to both have some pretty neat features (of course if I win that solves the problem of making a decision!) http://thebookbinge.com/2010/03/product-review-nook-vs-kindle.html

    I would love to win this so I can stop dropping hints to my family members! Thanks for the great giveaway!

    mammabear06 at gmail dot com

  10. 1. What do I like the best about the Nook? Several things, The fact that it is easy on the eyes, you can enlarge the print if you need to, It has a touchscreen and you can download in seconds.

    1st ebook I would buy? It would have to be Full Moon Rising by Keri Arthur. I love the Riley Jenson series.

    2. Favorite post/ review?
    It would have to be the review of Shiloh Walker’s Book Broken

    3. Why would I want to win? I am disabled and on a fixed income. I cann’t afford to by books but I have several friends that have ereaders that would lend me ebooks but I don’t have an ereader to read them on.

    4.Shared on Facebook

  11. I like the touchscreen on the Nook and the wireless download ability. The first book I will download is Instant Temptation by Jill Shalvis.


    I really liked the review for Broken by Shiloh Walker. She is a new to me author.

    Thanks for the chance to win the Nook and for the product review of the nook vs. Kindle.

  12. The thing I like about the nook is letting friends borrow your books on it. Love that.

    The first book I’d get would be Going Too Far by Jennifer Echols. On the top of want to buy list.

    I went to look at my google reader and found the reviews I starred. The one I liked most in recent memory is probably this one (cause I want to read this book some day): http://thebookbinge.com/2009/04/review-im-in-no-mood-for-love-by-rachel.html

    tweeted: http://twitter.com/janicu/status/10646189349

  13. 1. Well, the thing that caught my eye since I heard of the Nook way back when is that because it’s B&N’s reader, which means I can use the discount card on all ebooks like we do in the store. But geez, the first book I would get, this is tough. LOL Well, the first to show up in the list that I don’t have yet is Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake by Sarah MacLean, so I’ll go with that one.

    2. well, looking at some authors I read, I saw you had one for Take Me For A Ride by Karen Kendall. Loved your review, even if I did love the book myself. . . 😉

    3. I sure would like to win, because I certainly love to read, and boy, would I be reading like nuts on this thing! 🙂

    4. Here – http://twitter.com/OV_099 and here – http://www.facebook.com/people/Lois-Merritt/100000225278700

    and that’s it from me! 🙂


  14. My library was just hosting a technology expo and they had the Nook there. I have total Nook envy now!

    Favorite thing about the Nook: It’s so lightweight, has a great battery life, and I love the color screen (’cause I’m such a visual gal).

    First book I would buy: Roxanne St. Claire’s Make Her Pay because that’s the only Bullet Catcher book I haven’t read yet.

    Favorite Book Binge Review: Lisa Kleypas’ Blue Eyed Devil, because I just loved that book.

    I tweeted here:
    http://www.twitter.com/cynthiajustlin (not sure how to make a direct link. sorry!)

  15. 1. I love the fact that you can share e-books on the nook! I always swap & share books with my friends and that was one of the reasons why I held back from getting an e-reader.

    My first e-book purchase would be Lisa Kleypas’s, Smooth Talking Stranger:

    2. My favorite Book Binge post is the one feature Elizabeth Hoyt, she is my favorite historical author:

    3. I want to win a nook because I don’t have an e-reader and would love to have one & the thought that I could have over 1500 books at my fingertips is almost too dreamy 🙂

    4. I tweeted:

    Thanks Book Binge for hosting such a great contest!

  16. I like that it’s an e-Reader and I don’t have one and I am downloading more and more e books all the time and I hate reading them at the computer! I like that the “nook’s nook’s easy-to-read E Ink® display is more like a traditional book than a computer screen.”

    First e-book I’ll buy — Angel’s Blood by Nalini Singh


    Review: http://thebookbinge.com/2010/03/review-pleasure-of-dark-prince-with.html

    Liked this review b/c I just finished downloading and reading Pleasure of a Dark Prince — at my computer!!! And it wasn’t that comfortable staying up all night in a chair.

    So I really, really, really need a nook.

    Review: http://thebookbinge.com/2010/03/review-pleasure-of-dark-prince-with.html

  17. favorite feature, can work wirelessly to brows inside abarnes andnoble store that is sooo kewl you can brows the books from your NOOK.

    the book i would write a review for is lora leigh’s lions heat, love her series,

    the places i have posted this, my facebook twitter and myspace

  18. Okay, I have to admit, I’d never heard of a Nook before and wondered how you were going to go about giving away a breakfast bar… He, he, language barrier always gets in the way of a good translation!

    1. I love everything about this! I love a good old trade paperback as much as any other lover of romance but sometimes they are too expensive, get heavy or just plain ratty by the time you read them a few times. Might have to still purchase the occasional one though. Not sure how the Nook will handle being dipped in the bath… The first book I would get would be Beverly Kendalls, Sinful Surrender. Looks fantastic!

    2. I’m relatively new to this site but I loved the post, Nice Girls Don’t Date Dead Men! Everything about the title of the post and the book screams ‘catchy’!

    3. I put this site with the mini URL as my FB post! Not sure how to prove it… You can check me out? I’ll pop it on my Author page as well. Bronwyn Stuart – Romance Writer.

    Thanks =)

  19. JenB

    I love that the Nook is much more flexible than the Kindle. It’s the technology of a Kindle with the user friendliness of a Sony or similar reader.

    I’d like to buy Hell Fire by Ann Aguirre first, and I sincerely hope B&N plans to release it in Nook format. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Hell-Fire/Ann-Aguirre/e/9780451463241/

    My favorite BB post is the Reader’s Guide to Author Websites: http://thebookbinge.com/2009/03/readers-guide-to-author-websites.html

    I want to win the Nook because my Sony Pocket is too small and I want wireless access.

    And here’s the link to my Twitter post: http://twitter.com/jenthegingerkid/status/10637564076

  20. Whoops – three times a charm. Let’s try again: this time with a contact email AND links!

    I like the e-Ink display, which looks like it’d be easy on the eyes, and the fact that it’s readable in sunlight. I also like how it supports PDF format (very handy for reading fan fiction and/or public domain fiction).

    If I won, I would probably buy Percy Jackson #4: The Battle of the Labyrinth first, as I’ve just finished (and liked) the first book and I’ve already bought the first three paperbacks. I may also buy House of Many Ways by Diana Wynne Jones.

    …and, okay, Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder is also now on my to-buy list.

    My favorite post from your archive: I’m new to the site, but I’m going to say The Storm Glass by Maria V. Snyder review, because wow this book looks interesting, and you just turned me on to a new author I’d never heard of. I’m going to have to find her Study series.

    Why I want to win: because I’d love to read fan fiction/public domain fiction in my bed rather than on the desktop computer (v. awkward), and also because I had a Rocket eBook more than 5 years ago, and due to an accidental fall and a weird angle, I no longer have a Rocket eBook. I miss my eBook reader. 🙁

    Thank you very much for the giveaway!

    anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com

  21. Because of my sister, I am interested in an e-reader. I love the fact that I can carry many books without the added weight to my suitcase…you know a majority of the airlines charge for checked baggage now, so we are trying to travel light with fewer bags. When you go on vacation for an extended period of time…you need many books for reading on the beach! The first book I would buy is: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Eclipse/Stephenie-Meyer/e/9780316008198/?cds2Pid=28406

    I am re- reading all of the books before they come out in the theater!

    my favorite review so far, although I enjoyed the book was:


    I just love your brutal honesty Holly!

    I am going to share on my Facebook page!

    Good Luck to me!!

  22. 1. The best thing I love about the nook is that it isn’t a Kindle! Also, I love the design of it and the LCD screen at the bottom.

    2. The first book I’ll buy? Sadly, Dan Brown’s Lost Symbol. I want to read it, but the library’s copies are all out for days and I’m not buying it in hard cover.

    3. My favorite review here? The one on PC Cast’s Hunted. So addicted to this series, but refused to start purchasing in hardcover (sense a trend here?) the review catches me up without feeling like I need to read it right this minute.

  23. 1. I love that the Nook has 2 GB of space and you can have up to 1500 books plus room for newspapers and personal files. The first book I would buy would be Shutter Island http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Shutter-Island/Dennis-Lehane/e/9780061238505/?cds2Pid=32069&inframe=y.

    2. My favorite review is the review fo Bound, Branded, Brazen. http://thebookbinge.com/2010/03/guest-review-bound-branded-brazen-by.html

    3. I want to win because I love reading but I also like to be green and this would benefit me in both ways.


  24. Wow! What a fantastic contest!

    Since I’m getting older, my favorite feature of the Nook is the adjustable font size. 🙂

    Right now I am unemployed, so the cash outlay for an e-reader definitely isn’t in the budget. If I won, the first book I would buy is J.R. Ward’s LOVE MINE:


    I just posted the contest to my FB page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=app_2915120374#!/chicki.brown

  25. I’ve been looking at different readers for several weeks now. Debating between Nook, Sony, or Kindle. I’ve narrowed it down to the Nook or Sony, so if I win your Nook my search will be over!

    So many features I like about the Nook. My favorite would have to be the ability to insert a SD card to expand the memory.

    First book would probably be the March Harlequin Presents. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/One-Click-Buy/Michelle-Reid/e/9781426850738/?itm=1&USRI=harlequin+presents

    Favorite review at your site would be Pleasure of a Dark Prince because it has been sitting on my nightstand for over a week and I haven’t had a chance to read it yet. Your spoilers didn’t spoil the book for me at all, it only made me want to read it more!

  26. My favorite feature of the nook is its ability to read books from the public libraries. I would buy http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Poisonwood-Bible/Barbara-Kingsolver/e/9780061436772/?itm=1&USRI=poisonwood+bible because it’s my next book club book!

    My favorite post was “What author will you not give up on?” I’m glad I’m not the only one who reads any book with a specific author on it just because I’ve loved the author before. 🙂

  27. I like the feature to download from my public library (as well as what look likes a clear screen w/good font size).

    I’d like to download Scarlett Fever. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Scarlett-Fever/Maureen-Johnson/e/9780545253307/?itm=1&USRI=scarlett+fever

    My favorite post was your review(s) of Jill Shalvis’s Slow Heat, which convinced me I should read these books though I was lukewarm to a book I’d previously read by Ms. Shalvis. http://thebookbinge.com/2010/02/review-slow-heat-by-jill-shalvis_08.html

    Also tweeted the contest too.

    Thanks ladies!!!

  28. I adore the touch screen on Nook. If anything breaks first on a piece of electronics, it’s the buttons. There’s nothing like a color touch sceen on any electronics.

    The first book I would purchase on the Nook would be Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Born of Night. I already read her Hunters and her Kinley MacGregor Lords of Avalon books. This would be the perfect chance to launch into the League series.

    I adore the series, and the idea of showdowns between the heroes, which is heated debate on her own lists, is fabulous.

    Why do I want to win the Nook? I read e-books anyway, but I typically cart my laptop around to read, since my old PDA doesn’t deal well with newer PDF files and has limited file types. A handheld reader with a decent sized sceen would make life so much simpler, and I’ve been looking at the Nook anyway.

    Yes, I did pass this along.


  29. Thanks for holding this contest!

    1. What do I love about the nook? Well, after being allowed to play with a friend’s for a while, and feeling the emptiness of my hands when I had to give it back, I’d have to say… everything. *G* What a beautiful little piece of electronic mastery the nook is! The touch screen is so much FUN…

    The first book I’d buy would probably be Gena Showalter’s Lords of the Underworld bundle, because I’ve only read The Darkest Night and I need to catch up!


    2. After exploring your archives, I think I’ve finally settled on a favorite (so far) post/review of yours – it’s actually kind of a double act. Your interview with Meljean Brook where she talks about her trepidation over giving Jake his own book – I found it fascinating, because the first book from the Guardian series I read was Demon Bound (Jake’s book) and I absolutely adored him.

    Along with that, I heart your follow-up “confession” post: http://thebookbinge.com/2008/11/in-interest-of-full-disclosure.html
    (and I’m totally jealous that you get to have Meljean’s baby!)

    3. Why do I want to win? Man, I can still feel the nook in my hands. It was a beautiful thing. I want one sooooo much, but all my money’s tied up for the next year at least (or until I get a million-dollar advance, hahaha).

  30. Nook Contest
    I’d love to win, I’ve been eying the Nook but it’s still a bit pricey for my budget!!

    I love the different font size of the Nook, I like the different colors and the touch screen..Sorry, more than 1..lol

    I’d buy this ebook… http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Road-Trip-of-the-Living-Dead/Mark-Henry/e/9780758240323/?itm=7&USRI=mark+henry

    My favorite blog post is…
    VERY informative!!

    I tweeted about the contest and used the link.. connie6344 is my twitter name…

  31. As I get older, it’s getting tougher and tougher for me to read without my glasses, and I hate wearing glasses. I would love to own the Nook because it would allow me to read without using my glasses. Finally, the freedom to read without worrying about where I’ll lose my glasses this time. 🙂

    The first book I would purchase would be the Belgariad by David Eddings.
    This series is a casualty of my eyes. I have read it once a year since the series came out back in the 80’s. This is the series that solidified my love of Fantasy books. I haven’t read it in a while because I just have old copies with the small print…

    My favorite blog on here is
    I enjoyed it because it is exactly how I feel. Books are a necessity and now my son is almost 10 and reading as much as I did as a kid. This gets expensive. Before long we are going to own all the Geronimo Stilton books. LOL But I agree, evil corp or not, they are the cheapest and easiest way to purchase books!!

    I posted the link


    It’s also on my regular page, but I don’t know if it is publicly accessible.


    And my blog:

    Thanks! 😉

    It was Brenna’s Facebook Link that brought me here.. *grin*

  32. Ooooh, count me in!

    1. I like that it stores 1500 books (that would free up a lot of shelf space). And the book I’d first buy is Kresley Cole/Pleasure of a Dark Prince…….http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Pleasure-of-a-Dark-Prince/Kresley-Cole/e/9781416583554/?itm=1

    2. My favorite review was the one for Acheron by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Seeing such a wonderfully worded review with so many loving comments for a book I loved too was wonderful to read.

    3. I would love to win this because as a disabled person it is getting harder to hold books and turn pages. Not having to use much more than a pointer to view books would allow me to continue doing something I love.

    4. I tweeted about the contest on twitter here….http://twitter.com/jone402/status/10680290192

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  33. I love how the nook is a touchscreen, which makes it easier to use in my opinion.

    The first book I plan to purchase is Lora Leigh’s Forbidden Pleasure. I love her books! http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Forbidden-Pleasure/Lora-Leigh/e/9781429915748/?itm=6&USRI=lora+leigh

    My favorite review is the one on Atlantis Redeemed by Alyssa Day. Your review made me decide to start reading the series again after I got tired of it.

    I would love to win since it would be a lot more convenient carrying a nook around instead of tons of books, plus the ebooks are cheaper and that’s important since I’m a college student.

    Blogged about the contest!

    lilazncutie1215 @ yahoo.com

  34. Kim

    Best Feature: I like the slim size of the Nook, thus freeing up space.

    First book I would download: Julia Quinn’s next release, Ten Things I Love About You

    Favorite review: Seduce Me at Sunrise by Lisa Kleypas

    I’d like to win the nook because books are overflowing in every room in my house.

  35. The best feature: Size and weight. Also the touchscreen is super cool.

    First book I would download: And Lover Mine by JR Ward:


    My Favorite review is Kresley Coles Pleasure of a dark Prince.


    Tweeted: http://twitter.com/iheartbkgossip/status/10687521211

    cindyc725 at gmail dot com

  36. I have been trying all over the net to win one. My luck has to change sometime. Thank you for giving me another chance to win. Why do I want to win? Because I can’t afford to buy one for myself. I like the fact that it is sleek and that I can have a library at the touch of my fingers when I travel or when I am sitting on the couch.

    I think the first ebook I would buy is Nauti Deceptions
    by Lora Leigh

    My favorite review of yours are all the Julie Garwood reviews. Not many people know of her, and she happens to be my favorite historical romance author. If I had to choose one, it would be The Wedding by Julie Garwood.


  37. 1. The one thing I like about the nook is that I can lend my friends books & vice versa.

    2. I’d buy a Kresley Cole book.

    3. I think I should win because I bought an Ebookman in college back in 2003 & I had a list of cons to go with it. I need to upgrade and I hear good things about this E-reader AND it has WiFi capabilities. 🙂

    4. Also I Posted the contest on my Facebook page

    5. My favorite book binge post is the upcoming releases of 2010.


  38. 1) I love that you can lend books to other Nookers and even lend them to PC’s, Mac’s, iphone users and iPod Touch owners..my daughter has an ipod Touch and it would be great to share books between the Nook and her ipod Touch.

    The first book I’d download is “A Reliable Wife” by Robert Goolick. I love books set in the past and it also looks like a good thriller:

    2) My favorite review was “Waking Nightmare” By Kylie Brant
    I picked up the book and I have to say I, too, really enjoyed this thriller.

    3) I tweeted:

  39. I have a Sony eReader Touch and I like it. The only reason I would want to win the nook is so that I could give it to my Parents. They are getting older and it’s hard for them to find some of their reading material in large print so the ability to change the font size would be wonderful.

    The Book I would buy first if it were for me is the Lords of the Underworld Bundle by Gena Showalter


    But since I’d like to win it for my Parents, it would be Slocum and the Big Horn Trail by Jake Logan


    My favorite review was the guest review of Master of Fire by Angela Knight


    I posted it on one of my Blogs on Blogspot:


  40. Sky

    The Nook is amazing!

    I like the feature that allows you to trade books with your friends. That’s so darn smart!

    The first book I’d get: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Nowhere-to-Run/Suzanne-Brockmann/e/9781426847738/?cds2Pid=28526

    You betcha! I love Suz’s books and now that she’s been slowly releasing the books that she’s written back in the day I try to grab those up as quick as I can. Our book store closed in January though. It’s a crime. Now, I have to drive 90 minutes to get to a bookstore! I need something right at the tips of my fingertips!

    I love this review:


    When you can make me laugh in the review…I know it’s a good thing (as Martha Stewart says!).

    Thanks for the great blog…keep up the good work.


  41. MJ

    Thing I like about the nook: the Alice in Wonderland screen saver!

    First book I would download: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Whats-wrong-with-the-world/G-K-Chesterton/e/2940008751512/?itm=17&USRI=g+k+chesterton

    Favorite review: http://thebookbinge.com/2010/03/review-beyond-night-by-joss-ware.html

    Why I want to win: I’ve been wanting an e-reader for a long time, and really can’t afford one. In the meantime, I have hundreds of books in storage because I don’t have space in my house to shelve them…


  42. Don’t forget to add the links for #1 and #2! Due to the awesomeness of the prize, we won’t take entries that don’t have links.

  43. Oh Pick Me, Pick me!! 😀

    What I like about the nook: The touch screen.

    The first book I would buy: Hostage to Pleasure by Nalini Singh since I haven’t picked it up yet. *gasp!*

    My favorite post here at book binge is Casee’s “Hawke or Tohr?” post. I love the anticipation of upcoming books in a series. 🙂

    And a link to my blog where I shared the contest.

    Thanks for the awesome contest, ladies!!

    Erin 🙂

  44. TMM

    1. I love the ability to categorize your books, as well as lend them as I am in a book club and have a lot of friends with similar interests.

    The first book I would purchase if I win would be Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies.

    2. This was my first and therefore favorite review. It was also an excellent book.

    3. I posted this on my facebook as well

  45. MJFredrick

    My favorite feature is the touch screen, and the easy page turning button. The first book I’d buy would be Instant Temptation by Jill Shalvis.


    My favorite review is Beyond the Night by Joss Ware.


    I posted about the contest on my Facebook page:


    I would LOVE my own e-reader! Thanks for the opportunity, and keep up the good work!

  46. 1. What I like about the Nook is it’s ability to change the size of the font and that it looks like the real page of the book. Very important with “middle-age” eyes. The first book I would purchase would be Beth Moore’s “So Long Insecurity”
    Wouldn’t I look so much more secure reading it on a Nook???

    2. My favorite post/review was the one comparing the Kindle and Nook. I didn’t realize the differences!

    3.Here’s the link to the Beth Moore book I’d purchase: http://productsearch.barnesandnoble.com/search/results.aspx?store=EBOOK&WRD=so+long+insecurity+you%27ve+been+a+bad+friend+to+us

    Here’s the link to my favorite review/post: http://thebookbinge.com/2010/03/kindle-vs-nook-round-1-specs.html

    I would like to win this so I’d be able to read things a bit easier! I recently had eye surgery which has made it more difficult to read small print. Having a Nook would make reading easier!

    4. I shared this contest on Twitter: http://twitter.com/splashesofgrace/status/10745150039

    Hope I can win! It would make my day! My email is sweeps327(at)gmail(dot)com

  47. 1. The nook has those book covers. Yes, the other features are nice, but the accessories grab my attention more. I want to personalize my own, so the wide variety of covers and other accessories grab my attention. Though the 2G memory and easy-to-read font are great features.

    As to the book that I would purchase first, I’m thinking Kerrelyn Spark’s THE VAMPIRE AND THE VIRGIN just because of accidentally hearing about it online. Here’s the link: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/The-Vampire-and-the-Virgin/Kerrelyn-Sparks/e/9780061976483/?itm=1&USRI=kerrelyn+sparks

    2. The review of Christine Feehan’s DANGEROUS TIDES was good. I did enjoy reading the book and seeing the fave part of the story by Casee is nice to hear and commiserate. Here’s the link: http://thebookbinge.com/2009/06/review-dangerous-tides-by-christine.html

    4. I posted an entry on my LJ blog. Here’s the link: http://era-chan.livejournal.com/#era_chan451303
    (Hope that works.)

    I’ve also added an entry to my WP blog. Here’s the link: http://erahime.wordpress.com/2010/03/19/nook-contest/
    (Again, hope that works.)

  48. 1. What I love about the Nook is that by best friend owns one. It is so lightweight and easy to bnadle and read from. The first book i would download would be The Help. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/The-Help/Kathryn-Stockett/e/9781440697661/?cds2Pid=28406

    2. A favotrite post of yours is http://thebookbinge.com/2010/03/guest-review-bound-branded-brazen-by.html

    3. Id’ like to win a Nook because who wouldn’t want to carry around a stackload of books around in something that only weighs a pound.


  49. My first book that I would get would be Anne Bishop’s first Black Jewels book


    My favorite review would be hard to choose…but, I guess one of the ones that helped me find a new series would be the one about the teen books written by the p.c. cast, who’s adult romance books I love as well.


    For the past six months, I have been going through the painful process of getting rid of my books to prepare for our next move. I went from eight, four-shelf bookshelves, double book deep each shelf, down to three with only half the shelves doubled up…gods, that was painful. I love ebooks! I want more e-books, but I don’t have something to take on the road with me yet. I bet I could save on some weight with an e-book reader.

    I posted you on my facebook!


  50. I just love that the Nook is so portable! I just finished reading The Help and do you know how heavy that book is? I am a woman with a heavy purse that I take to work so with all my usual stuff plus the book I HAVE to carry or else my day is ruined, things can get pretty heavy. The Nook would save my poor neck and shoulder from strain which is another reason why I really want this Nook. There are too many people on the train for me to lug around books and get all cramped everywhere I try to enjoy some reading.

    My first purchase would be Archangel’s Kiss: A Guild Hunter Novel by Nalini Singh. I’ve heard amazing things and it’s on my TBR list. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Archangels-Kiss/Nalini-Singh/e/9781101184998/?cds2Pid=25184&inframe=y

    My favorite post is titled “Author Spotlight: Why I’ll forgive Sherrilyn Kenyon for anything.” The reason why I love it is because this is seriously the only negative review I have ever seen regarding her books. I have read them all and I have to agree with your review. She has fallen into this YA trap and instead of moving forward with us, these characters are going back and then we have to backtrack. There were plenty of WTF moments and I was somewhat saddened BUT I love SK. She can do plenty wrong but she still isn’t LKH to me. Her I have no love for anymore but SK still has room to screw up before I turn away. http://thebookbinge.com/2010/02/author-spotlight-why-ill-forgive.html

    I mention the contest in my contest roll on the right side. http://sillylittlegame.blogspot.com/

    Thank you for hosting this!
    yeseniah23 @ gmail.com

  51. I sent you an email!

    I like all the pretty colors you can get it in and the fact you can downloud 1500 books!!!! Yes!

    I would downloud either Hasta la Vista Lola by Misa Rameriz http://productsearch.barnesandnoble.com/search/results.aspx?store=EBOOK&WRD=hasta+la+vista+lola or Dead in the Family by Charlaine Harris http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Dead-in-the-Family/Charlaine-Harris/e/9781101187319/?itm=1&USRI=dead+in+the+family.

    My favorite post is of course this one…Ready to Win a Nook!! It’s totally great! Wonderful! San Frantastic!

    I have wanted a nook forever. Now that the hubb’s work looks like it’s gonna go under I may never get one and I’m gonna have some hospital time soon. I really need this!! It would be so uplifting!!

    I put this on facebook! http://www.facebook.com/lisaglidewell


  52. I love the font size option.

    I would buy the time traveler’s wife. I already read it, but it is my favorite book. I would also get the harry potter series 🙂

  53. OMG, what a wonderful contest! I would soooo LOVE to win a Nook! I’m on a slow Dial Up Service and I can’t download ebooks because it takes way too long to do so. Ive missed out on alot of great books because of that. And, too, since I spend alot of time at doctor appts, and dialysis (Im Caregiver for my dad) it would be great to have a Nook then!

    I cant pick just one thing I like best about the Nook! Its great!

    The book I would choose is by Lora Leigh, the link: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Lions-Heat/Lora-Leigh/e/9780425233801/?itm=5&USRI=Lora+Leigh

    And I really enjoyed the Review: Nice Girls Dont Date Dead Men by Molly Harper.

    THANKS for this wonderful opportunity!

    hugs, Kari

  54. My favorite feature is that I can use the Calibre book shelf that I already have established to transfer and read books that I’ve purchased on other sites.

    The book I chose was Black Jack by Lora Leigh-http://productsearch.barnesandnoble.com/search/results.aspx?store=EBOOK&WRD=lora+leigh+black+jack&box=lora%20leigh&pos=3

    2. Love your book reviews, I am always finding new authors and books to check out. One of my recent favs was the review for Skin Game by Ava Gray. I’ve read Ann Aguirre’s books and really enjoyed them, but hadn’t realized that she was branching out with this new pen name.

    I would love to win a Nook to give to my son. He just started a new job and will be spending more than two weeks a month traveling through out the country. With the Nook, he can take over 1500 books with him, tuck it in his carry on, and have access to his favorite authors, as well as easy access to purchase any books he wants. Plus he can access magazines and newspapers, which he needs as part of his job. And man, gifting him with a Nook would be such a kick, and definitely an extravagance that neither one of us would be able to afford right now on our own.

  55. I like that the bottom bit with the book covers is in color. It adds a bit of life to it so it’s not dull and grey like the Kindle. Plus, now you can get those rear covers and make your nook look like springtime!

    If I could buy a book, it would be Lindsey Leavitt’s Princess For Hire because then I could get the pink cover and it would match! But it’s not listed at B&N as an ebook so I think i’d pick up a copy of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter ( http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Abraham-Lincoln/Seth-Grahame-Smith/e/9780446571852/?cds2Pid=28407 ) but I don’t think they’d have cover to match that one…

    As for my favorite post, I like the one you did about believability ( http://thebookbinge.com/2009/11/believability.html ) because it helped me to see that the relationship in my book happened too fast and I needed to let things happen naturally. Now there’s tension in my book and it makes the ending that much sweeter! I bookmarked that one.

    I’ve posted a link in one of my posts on my blog: http://camarshall.blogspot.com/2010/03/sunshine-award.html

    And also on Twitter: http://twitter.com/thatwemightfly/statuses/10790981292 and that tweet was RT’d! (I can’t figure out how to link to RT’s… but it was @JessicaTudor who RT’d!

  56. My best friend is getting a Nook and mentioned the lending feature, which I hadn’t heard about, so now I REALLY want one! 😀

    The first book I would buy? Gah, so many. Um. LIAR, my top choice, isn’t in eBook yet, so my second choice is BLEEDING VIOLET by Dia Reeves: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Bleeding-Violet/Dia-Reeves/e/9781416998662

    I’ll be honest, I’m not a regular reader, so I’ve just looked over some of your reviews. I’ve been curious about this book on and off, and your review really makes me want to finally read it! THIRTEEN REASONS WHY (http://thebookbinge.com/2010/02/review-thirteen-reasons-why-by-jay.html)

    And I tweeted the contest. You can see it in my stream at http://www.twitter.com/jessicatudor


  57. I loved your set of interviews with Nalini Singh. (http://thebookbinge.com/2008/01/nalini-singh-love-affair-with-written.html) She’s such a fantastic author, and I love what she described as her “hunger to read”. I have that same hunger. And having a Nook would make it easier for me to indulge that hunger, because my library would always be with me, wherever I go. How cool would that be?

    That being said, of course I would LOVE to win a Nook. I love that it’s portable and all that. But the coolest part are the colored frames! 🙂

    The first book I would buy would be Nalini Singh’s “Archangel’s Kiss” because it’s the only one of her books that I haven’t read yet, and I’ve been waiting to buy it until I could get it on an e-reader. So that would be fantastic!!

    Oh, and here’s my Twitter profile, where I just retweeted this awesome contest! Thanks for running it!

  58. Third try at a comment, I keep remembering I forgot something. Okay.

    1- I love the touchscreen idea and the fact its smaller then an ipad.

    2- My favorite review is all the Meg Cabot ones… http://thebookbinge.com/2009/01/guest-review-princess-diaries-volume-x.html is a link to one.

    3- I plan to purchase many MANY books for it, do I have to name one? Umm the first one would probably be one of Tricia Goyers Historicals

    4- I will tweet, blog, Facebook, talk, etc… 🙂 My blog is at http://www.EisleyJacobs.com and the post will be up Sunday March 21. Facebook is http://Facebook.com/EisleyJacobs/ Twitter account is http://www.twitter.com/EisleyJacobs and talk.. well unless you are big brother, I dont think I can link to that 😉

  59. My favorite part of the nook is that I can take my entire library of books with me on vacation and not have to worry about luggage restrictions! Not to mention that the personalization options will allow me to have a cute nook wherever I go. I have been lusting after the nook since before it came out and I working part time and seeing it on display every day is torture.

    I think the first book I would buy on nook would be Percy Jackson’s Titans Curse (nook 3) because I just finished the second one. http://productsearch.barnesandnoble.com/search/results.aspx?store=EBOOK&WRD=titan%27s+curse+%28percy+jackson+and+the+olympians%2E%2E%2E That and pre-order Kelley Armstrong’s The Reckoning because I can’t wait for the 3rd book in the series. http://productsearch.barnesandnoble.com/search/results.aspx?store=EBOOK&WRD=the+reckoning+kelley+armstrong&box=the%20reckoni&pos=1

    I really liked Holly’s Review of Slow Heat http://thebookbinge.com/2010/02/review-slow-heat-by-jill-shalvis.html and any of Casee’s reviews because her reading tastes are similar to mine, so I can trust that if Casee read it, I will prob like it, too.

    I want to win a nook because my mom, who is not a reader, has been threatening to throw my boxes of books out, because they are taking up so much space. If I had a nook, I would never be under siege from my mom because I would only buy paper copies of books for my keeper shelf! I would love to be able to have a nook so I wouldn’t have to worry about space for my books. No more lugging my laptop around if I want to read an ebook! It would be an awesome thing to win a nook since I just got a new job and this would be a great thing to have on the commute.

  60. 1. I like the “Lend eBooks to Friends” feature. I think it’s cool to be able to let a friend borrow an eBook, just like you could with a paper-book. Here’s the link to the first eBook I’d get.

    2. My favorite post is “What Does It Say About Me? because I’m in the same boat. I’m a 30-year old woman who is addicted to YA! Good to know I’m not the only “grown up” checking out the YA section on a regular basis.

    3. I want to win because I love the portability and convenience of an eReader. I am a newly obsessed vixen dying to get her hands on an eReader. I just read my first eBook on my iTouch but I need a bigger screen. And e-ink.

    4. Tweeted

  61. 1. There are so many things to love about the Nook, but I think my favorites are the ability to download a screensaver and color the Nook. That looks like fun.

    2. First purchase link: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Eternal/Cynthia-Leitich-Smith/e/9780763651534/?itm=72

    3. Review I like: http://thebookbinge.com/2010/03/kindle-vs-nook-round-1-specs.html

    4. Tweeted: http://twitter.com/Margay/status/10822108569

    5. Facebooked: http://www.facebook.com/MargayLeahJustice?ref=nf

    6. Sidebar linked: http://margayleahjustice.com/?page_id=51

    I want to win this because I’m a book nut anyways and it would be nice to have a nice little electronic gadget to read them on. And this is more portable than regular books for someone like me who spends a lot of time in doctor’s offices with a sick kid and needs to keep occupied!


  62. 1. The most appealing feature for me is the color covers.

    My first purchase would be: New Peabody book by E. Peters! http://search.barnesandnoble.com/A-River-in-the-Sky/Elizabeth-Peters/e/9780061987960/?itm=1

    2. My favorite review is Devil in Winter…I just love that book for every reason outlined there. http://thebookbinge.com/2009/10/author-spotlight-review-devil-in-winter.html

    3. I think the Nook is the prettiest of the ereaders out there. And want to make my digital reading more portable. 🙂

  63. My favorite thing about the nook?? Tough to say. Probably the feature I like the best is that there is no glare or backlight, which means it reads more like a book than a computer screen.

    This is the first book I would buy:


    Why? Because I love Chelsea Handler, she is hilarious!

    My favorite Book Binge Article:

    Why? Because I absolutely love Julie James and the author of the article summarized why JJ is such a great writer. Her books really do get better and better. I get excited every time she releases a book. This coming from a person who generally does not like books with lawyers or law enforcement type characters. It says a lot about JJ that her characters are so rich because she doesn’t have a lot of steamy scenes, which I normally prefer in my books. But with her, I don’t mind!

    I would love to win the nook because I am a serious book junkie and I need to decrease my TBR pile. I am excited at the idea that I could fit all of my books into one convenient device!

    runningmatey at hotmail dot com

  64. (OK, 2nd attempt at a comment)

    1. The one thing I truly like about the nook is the sharing ability. A great way to introduce a great book/writer to friends and family. If I were to win, my first book purchase would be my favorite writer Walter Mosley’s Bad Boy Brawly Brown: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbninquiry.asp?isbn=9780759547735&ourl=bad-boy-brawly-brown%2fwalter-mosley&itm=18&rv=1

    2. My favorite post/review from thebookbinge.com would be Kindle vs. nook: Round 1 (specs): http://thebookbinge.com/2010/03/kindle-vs-nook-round-1-specs.html

    I want to win because I hate carrying books around and can’t see myself getting either a Kindle or iPad. I just love the nook for its form-factor, touchscreen and because I simply want an ereader.

    I tweeted the contest here: http://twitter.com/ronntaylor/status/10833554134

  65. Great contest ladies. I don’t have an e-reader so I’m not real familiar with how they differ. I did liked a bunch of the features of the nook.

    1. One thing I liked is the ability to lend eBooks to friends. The first book I would buy is Lorelei James’ Long, Hard Ride. http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Long-Hard-Ride/Lorelei-James/e/9781599984681/?itm=2

    2. Hard to pick a favorite post. I’m choosing the review of Lisa Kleypas’ Worth Any Price because Nick Gentry is my favorite Kleypas hero and Lori wrote a great review.

    3. I would love to win a nook because I would love to have an e-reader but at this point I can’t justify spending the money on one. Thanks for the chance!

  66. I’d LOVE to win! I like the way wireless updates will be available. And I’ll probably buy tons of ebooks, relieved not to have to find shelf space. One title I’m considering is this late-medieval historical:

    My fave recent review: Atlantis Redeemed:


    Because Alyssa Day’s series is just awesome. And may I say how I appreciate the way you show all the other books in an author’s series on the blog?

  67. Sig

    1. it will take up less room in my purse!
    2. I really liked your comparison of the Nook to the Kindle: http://thebookbinge.com/2010/03/product-review-nook-vs-kindle.html
    3. the book I am waiting for doesn’t say it will be in Nook format (Wizard Squared), so I would get the next book (for me) in the Pyschic Eye Series: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Killer-Insight/Victoria-Laurie/e/9781429517508/?itm=8

    And I posted it to my FB page at: http://www.facebook.com/sigscreations

    It takes me about 5 hours to read a book so I go through a lot of books! But I have been laid off from my last THREE jobs and have been unemployed this time since last July so buying an ebook reader is out of the question. This would mean I wouldn’t need to worry about carrying a spare book because I might finish one before I got back home.

  68. 1. I like the way the screen looks like a book. I think that would be a very comfortable way to read. The first book that I would buy would be Julie James’ Something About You.

    2. My favorite post is your interview with Julie James because she is now a favorite of mine and it was that post that introduced her to me. http://thebookbinge.com/2008/11/guest-author-julie-james-visits-book.html

    3. I would love to win since I will be moving to a smaller place in the next few years and the only thing that I have way too much of is books. This would be a great way to have all my favorites without taking up the room.

  69. Awesome contest! I’ve always wanted a kindle but the nook sounds even better. I’ve sent an email with info for 1-4. Thanks!

  70. Anonymous

    My nook would start out with loading up The Autobiography of Ben Franklin. We’ve been talking about him alot lately around here (for some reason) and I find him extremely interesting! My favorite feature is the ability to lend and borrow books. How cool is that?!? Just like real life without the broken bindings and creased pages when you get it back!

    My favorite article of yours is probably This nook versus kindle comparison. I was waffling when I read that too, but am leaning toward a nook now (especially if its free!!!).

    Thanks for the wonderful contest!


  71. Wow what a great contest! I am glad I stumbled upon this blog…love your book reviews!

    1. I love the color screen and fact that I do not have to carry around the BAGILLION of books in my purse that I usually do! 🙂

    2. First book I would purchase would be a toss up between Jane Austen classic or Susan Elizabeth Phillips or Stephenie Meyer…tough decisions! http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Pride-and-Prejudice/Jane-Austen/e/2940000746196/?itm=71

    3. One of my favorite reviews from your site was a review of Bertrice Small’s The Border Lord and the Lady. I love love love her books and never would have tried them til this review! Thanks for sharing your thoughts! http://thebookbinge.com/2010/01/guest-review-border-lord-and-lady-by.html

    4. I tweeted about the contest also! http://twitter.com/librygodess

    Looking forward to reading more reviews and other fabulous contests! Thanks so much!

  72. Cindy

    It is hard to pick just one thing that I love about the Nook. One big thing is the fact that you can add a memory card. I don’t know if I would ever own 1500 books, newspapers, or magazines but the option to add more if I need the space is very nice!

    The first ebook I would purchase would be The Pact by Jodi Picoult.

    The most recent post I have enjoyed is the review on the Kindle vs Nook. I have gone back and forth on this and I still come back to Nook!

    Thanks for this giveaway! Good Luck everyone!

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