Reading Habits

Posted March 24, 2010 by Holly in Discussions | 36 Comments

Because we’re nosy the curious sort, how about a little impromptu poll about your reading habits?

  1. On average, about how many books do you read a month?

  2. Where is your favorite place to read?

  3. Do you read ebooks?
    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks (i.e., how many ebooks vs print books do you read)? If you don’t, why not?
    3b. What kind of e-reading device do you use to read your ebooks?

  4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on?

  5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Or do you just grab and go?

Don’t be shy now! We want to know all about your reading habits. Leave a comment with your answers or do a post on your own blog and leave a comment with the link.

Inquiring minds and all that…

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36 responses to “Reading Habits

  1. Jen

    1. On average, about how many books do you read a month?

    2. Where is your favorite place to read?
    In Bed

    3. Do you read ebooks?

    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks (i.e., how many ebooks vs print books do you read)? If you don’t, why not?
    95% (most of my books are ebooks now I have ran out of room with print books!)

    3b. What kind of e-reading device do you use to read your ebooks?
    Sony Ereader

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on?
    Take the jacket off

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Or do you just grab and go?
    Just go and grab one!

  2. 1. Anywhere from 10-30 (depends on the month)

    2. My favourite place to read is the washroom, but most of my reading gets done on the couch while watching TV.

    3. Yes!!!

    3a. Oh, I would say about 90% ebook. It feels weird to hold print books now.

    3b. iPhone – but I want to get a dedicated device.

    4. I will if I am taking it out of the house.

    5. If I grab and it has bent corners or something, I will grab a different one. HOWEVER, I do also collect bad printing. I have a book where the printers cut in the wrong spot, so the spine print is actually on the cover, and the cover wraps over to the back, and the back wraps onto the spine.

  3. 1. It varies, but it’s usually between 10 and 20 books a month. It might even be more.

    2. May favorite place to read is in my room.

    3. Yes, I read e-books.
    a.Very few. If it’s not free or close to it, then I am not going to buy it. I like having a book in mt hands.
    b.I have Kindle for PC and for other sites I use the PDF format.

    4. I leave the jacket on hardbacks, but take great care not to damage them.

    5. I used to just grab a book off the rack, but then I started getting books with creases and tears. Definitely not what you expect with new books. So now I go through and look through them. If I am buying a book, that means I am going to be keeping it, which means it should be a good investment. I recently bought two books which were alright on the outside but had missing text and fading ink. So you win some and you lose some. 🙂

  4. Jim

    I read close to 20 books per month (I don’t watch TV) seated in our front room in a big leather easy chair. Ebooks on a sony pocket reader during travel and for very new series releases.
    Leave it on. Grab and go.

    Please post the results.

  5. Here we go:
    1. On average, about how many books do you read a month? 10-15 books

    2. Where is your favorite place to read? anywhere / everywhere

    3. Do you read ebooks? Yes
    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks? 90% are eBooks
    3b. What kind of e-reading device do you use to read your ebooks? Sony Reader

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on? Dust Jacket OFF

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Best Copy!

  6. 1- On average I read 6-8 books a month.

    2- Favorite places to read: subway (while commuting) and in bed.

    3- I read ebooks. a) about 10% dedicated to ebooks b) read ebooks on PC or BlackBerry with the free Kindle apps.

    4- yes, I always remove dustjacket

    5- I always try to pick out the best copy and if there is only one copy and it’s in less-than-pristine condition, I do not buy it.

  7. 1. 10 to 15 books

    2. Bed or on the train

    3. Yup sure do.

    3a. I read probably 8 to 10 books on the ereader and 2 to 5 prints

    3b. Sony PRS 505 (Sangria red)

    4. Off… to much of a hassle.

    5. I look for the one that looks brand spanking new. For used one that doesn’t have earmarks and binding isn’t falling apart.

  8. 1. I read 6-8 books per month.

    2. My favorite place to read is on my couch.

    3. Do you read ebooks? No, never.

    3a. If you don’t, why not? I don’t own an e-reader (too expensive & I have too many paper books in my to-be-read pile), and I don’t like reading something book-length on my laptop.

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on? I always take the jacket off.

    5. I always choose the best copy when buying. I want the book to be pristine, though it usually isn’t!

  9. 1. 3-10, I have three kids and then do daycare for three more. So, not as much as I want.

    2. Anywhere the kids are not. (see #1 with questions)

    3. just downloaded my first one an am reading it now. On my itouch.

    4. Leave the dust jacket on and NEVER dog ear the corners. Always use book markers.

    5. Hardly ever go to the book store 99% of my stuff comes from the library. If not I always chose the best copy. My $$ and I want the best. 🙂

  10. Anonymous

    1. I read about 8-10 books a month.

    2. My favorite place to read is on a bean bag chair by my bedroom window.

    3. I don’t read e-books, yet! I really want an e-reader device.

    4. I take the dust covers off the hard back books I read; does that make me neurotic?

    5. When I go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book I am planning to buy, I look for the best copy. I have been burned before (crinkled pages, smudged printing).

  11. 1. 15 – 20

    2. anywhere, but probably most favourite is on the way to & from work (trams, busses, underground).

    3. sure do!

    3a. 60% e-books
    3b. cybook gen3

    4. yes! off with it, it do not want a single scratch on the jacket.

    5. choose best of the bunch.

  12. 1. On average, about how many books do you read a month? Between 9-12.

    2. Where is your favorite place to read? I have this big blue recliner that’s big enough to fit me, the dog and the car.

    3. Do you read ebooks? Yes.
    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks (i.e., how many ebooks vs print books do you read)? If you don’t, why not? I’m trying to buy most of my books (except collectables like the In Death series, which I own all of) in e-form. I’m doing pretty well, so far.
    3b. What kind of e-reading device do you use to read your ebooks? I have a Sony Pocket eReader, which I like quite a bit, but I’ll be upgrading in not too long, probably to a nook or Kindle for the wireless feature. The downloading and transferring aggravates me.

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on? Uh, the cover works as a bookmark. I leave them on.

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Or do you just grab and go? I’m a grab and go girl, unless the book is noticeably beaten up. Let’s be honest, I’m going to beat the crap out of the book once it’s in my possession anyway.

  13. 1. I read approximately a book a day.

    2. I read curled up on the couch.

    3. I read ebooks.

    3a.40% are ebooks

    3b.I read ebooks on my laptop and I have a Kindle.

    4. I leave the dust jacket on hardbacks.

    5.I pick the best copy at a bookstore.

  14. Ooh, fun!

    1. On average, about how many books do you read a month?

    Ugh. Not very many any more. Somewhere between 2 and 6, I’d guess?

    2. Where is your favorite place to read?

    I do most of my reading on my breaks at work these days, but I also like the spare futon in my rec room. It has a cozy purple comforter that is just right for curling up under.

    3. Do you read ebooks?

    Not yet.

    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks (i.e., how many ebooks vs print books do you read)? If you don’t, why not?

    I like books, and I haven’t been able to bring myself to spend the money on an e-reader.

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on?

    Take it off.

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Or do you just grab and go?

    In a used bookstore, I’ll examine them all. In a new bookstore, I’ll just check out the first one in the stack/row/whatever and if it looks okay, I’ll take it. Otherwise I’ll look at the next one and so on down the line.

  15. 1. About 15 books 😀

    2. in bed

    3. no

    4. take it off – if not, they tend to get torn 🙁

    5. Best copy. I used to just grab and go, but now, I pay more attention to them 😛

  16. I read if I am lucky 3 bks a week

    I dont read ebooks

    Re hd cover – sometimes I take the dj off and sometimes not

    I do look for the best copy of a book if there is more than one available

    My fav place to read is on the couch

  17. What with work, other activities and Twitter, I only read about 4 or 5 books a month these days, in addition to short stories here and there.
    My favorite place to read is my office/study – it has the best light and I’m surrounded by my books so I love the room.
    I don’t read e-books very often, if I do read one, it’s on my PC.
    I don’t read hardbacks often either, but I’d take off the dust jacket so it wouldn’t get damaged.
    When I go to the bookstore, I try to pick the best copy. I take care of my books and I like to start out with a nice copy.

  18. Chelsea B.

    1. On average, about how many books do you read a month?– around three.

    2. Where is your favorite place to read?– a comfy pink chair that sits infront of my book shelf and beside a lamp.

    3. Do you read ebooks?– hardly ever.
    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks (i.e., how many ebooks vs print books do you read)? If you don’t, why not?
    3b. What kind of e-reading device do you use to read your ebooks?

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on?– I leave it on.

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Or do you just grab and go?– Hmm….Usually I just grab and go, unless the book has something glaring at me. Then I pick a better looking one 🙂

  19. Chantal

    1. On average, about how many books do you read a month?
    –Right now it’s about 7 per month. Down from the 20-25 I used to read. Sigh.

    2. Where is your favorite place to read?
    –In my bed.

    3. Do you read ebooks?
    –I sure do.
    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks (i.e., how many ebooks vs print books do you read)? If you don’t, why not?
    –It’s 50/50.
    3b. What kind of e-reading device do you use to read your ebooks?
    –Currently, my phone. But I own and am a fan of the eBookwise.

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on?
    –Leave it on.

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Or do you just grab and go?
    –I choose the one from the back because less people have touched it (less germs.)

  20. Wendy

    1. My number is usually somewhere between 6 – 10.

    2. Don’t really have one these days because reading time = whenever I can grab some. Right now the bulk of my reading is done on my lunch break at work. Sigh.

    3. I do read ebooks and I have an “ancient” Sony Reader PRS-505 which I lurve. I really only read category romance in e – so I would say it’s roughly 40/60 e vs. print right now.

    4. Always leave the dust jacket on. Always.

    5. I always look for the copy in the best condition. I have serious OCD when it comes to the condition of books. It’s one of my many quirks.

  21. Amy Huber

    1. On average, about how many books do you read a month?

    20-25 a month

    2. Where is your favorite place to read?

    Anywhere (Favorite is in bed)

    3. Do you read ebooks?
    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks (i.e., how many ebooks vs print books do you read)? If you don’t, why not?
    3b. What kind of e-reading device do you use to read your ebooks?

    Yes. Currently, 15%-20% of books are read electronically. I own a Sony Pocket Reader.

    (add: My decision is usually based on pricing – if they are the same price, I will purchase a hard copy)

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on?

    Take it off.

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Or do you just grab and go?

    I pick the nicest copy (I do check smell of the book first – I won’t pick up a prisitine copy if it smells like smoke).

  22. Anonymous

    1. I’m a slow reader and during the school year, don’t read as much as I do in the summer. On average, I read about two to three books a month. During the summer, that number is higher.

    2. Hands down, my favorite place to read is my bed.

    3. I don’t read ebooks. I don’t have an e-reading device, and I like the idea of a “real” book. Maybe if I tried an e-reading device and liked it, I’d look into ebooks.

    4. I do take the dust jacket off when I’m reading hardbacks. Don’t want to mess it up, you know?

    5. When I’m at the bookstore and there are multiple copies of the book I’m planning to buy, I always pick up each one and choose the best copy. I’m kinda obsessive about that, actually.


  23. 1. On average 11 books/month

    2. Favorite place–in my den recliner, which is surrounded by windows

    3. yes
    3a. about 20% ebooks
    3b. laptop computer, for ebooks checked out of the library

    4. Dust jackets: library book—leave it on; my book—take it off

    5. Absolutely choose best copy!

  24. Natasha

    1. 5 – 10. It depends on the books usually. Sometimes a book is really good and I’m way too happy to sacrifice sleep time for some reading time 🙂

    2. My bed! Mostly because there is no other place I’m guaranteed to be left alone for a long stretch of time. Also I do most of my reading at night.
    When I get my own place, I want to get/install one of those bay window reading nook things. That would be awesome!

    3. Yup!

    3a. Let’s put it this way, if there is a choice between ebook and print, I go for ebook. I find that I’m better with reading ebooks. With print I’m always tempted to skim the book. Especially if the book starts off slow. Then it takes me a long time to continue reading because there is no “suspense” left.

    3b. For the longest time it was my laptop. Then I decided to give a dedicated reader a try and bought the eBookwise. Then I decide that I liked reading on a dedicated device and bought the Sony PRS 505. Love it!

    4. Leave it on. But I have to admit, it’s very annoying to read with the dust jacket on. Keeps slipping and sliding.

    5. I spend about 5 minutes going over each copy to find the one that is as close to perfect as it can get 🙂

  25. 1. On average, about how many books do you read a month?

    Somewhere between 12-18.

    2. Where is your favorite place to read?

    On the couch in my lounge room. I’m not a bed reader – I’m not flexible enough I think – it gives me a sore neck.

    3. Do you read ebooks?
    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks (i.e., how many ebooks vs print books do you read)? If you don’t, why not?
    3b. What kind of e-reading device do you use to read your ebooks?

    I read ebooks on my Sony PRS-700. I buy paper books to complete a set – eg, my In Death books are all paper, or if I can buy the paperbook cheaper from someplace like the Book Depository (my new best friend) or if it’s not available as an ebook. Other than that, I buy ebooks.

    I have phases – I read ebooks for a while and then I decide to read a book I have in paper format. I’d often stick with paper for a little while then until I get a hankering for one of my ebooks, and so it goes.

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on?

    Take it off. It’s annoying. And easily damaged.

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Or do you just grab and go?

    I take the first one and if it’s damaged, then I might rummage for the best of what’s there. If the first one’s fine, that’s the one I take.

  26. MJFredrick

    1. On average, about how many books do you read a month? Only about 4 🙁

    2. Where is your favorite place to read? in bed

    3. Do you read ebooks? yes

    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks (i.e., how many ebooks vs print books do you read)? If you don’t, why not?
    Now that I have my iPhone, I read primarily ebooks, about 75%.

    3b. What kind of e-reading device do you use to read your ebooks? iPhone

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on? Leave it on.

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Or do you just grab and go?

    I choose the best 🙂

  27. Rowena

    I love reading polls!

    1. On average, about how many books do you read a month? Hmm, anywhere between 10-15 (15, only on a good month).

    2. Where is your favorite place to read? Hmm, there’s a chair in my room that is comfy to read so I usually sit there or I sit on the couch downstairs in our living room. I love reading back there.

    3. Do you read ebooks? Yes.
    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks (i.e., how many ebooks vs print books do you read)? If you don’t, why not? Hmm, I’d say about 30% of my reading is done through ebooks.
    3b. What kind of e-reading device do you use to read your ebooks? I have an eBookwise and it’s been very good to me.

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on? I don’t usually read hardcovers (I’m too cheap) but when I do, I take the jacket off. I can’t stand reading books with the jacket on because it slides up and down and it distracts me so meh, I stay far away from the jackets.

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Or do you just grab and go? Whether I’m at the UBS or B&N/Borders, I pick the best looking copy. I like pretty books.

  28. 1. On average, about how many books do you read a month?
    I read between 5-7 books a month but I honestly do not keep track of it.

    2. Where is your favorite place to read?
    In my bed.

    3. Do you read ebooks? Yes.
    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks (i.e., how many ebooks vs print books do you read)? If you don’t, why not? If I had to say, maybe 1 out of 6 books I buy are in ebook form because I get a discount working for a brick and mortar store.
    3b. What kind of e-reading device do you use to read your ebooks? I do not have an ereader, so I just use my laptop, which is why I do not buy as many ebooks. Reading on laptop is not very relaxing.

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on? I leave it on and use it as a bookmark.

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? I just pick one up and go, but as I walk away I will check it to besure the book is not torn or damaged in any obvious way. Most of the time, i am too busy thinking “must read it!” to worry overmuch about the condition of the book.

  29. Stephanie

    1. On average, about how many books do you read a month? About 20

    2. Where is your favorite place to read? My couch

    3. Do you read ebooks? No; as of yet they’re still a bit too expensive (and I’m not an early adopter). I also usually check most of my books out from the library anyway and my library does not provide ebooks.

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on? Usually take it off because otherwise it gets wrinkled.

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Or do you just grab and go? I ALWAYS look for the best copy (as my mom showed me to)

    Fun post!

  30. 1. On average, I read about a dozen books a month.

    2. Where is your favorite place to read?
    My living-room.

    3. Do you read ebooks?
    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks ? about 50/50

    3b. What kind of e-reading device do you use to read your ebooks? My laptop… but yesterday DH came back home with a sony reader prs-600… isn’t he a sweetheart ??

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on?
    I always leave it on and take GOOD care of it.

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Or do you just grab and go
    Nope, definitely try to get the best copy 😉

  31. Lori

    I love being vicariously nosy, errr… curious through you!

    1. On average, about how many books do you read a month?
    About 18-20.

    2. Where is your favorite place to read?
    On the couch in the living room or on my bed.

    3. Do you read ebooks?
    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks (i.e., how many ebooks vs print books do you read)? If you don’t, why not?
    Probably about 15%
    3b. What kind of e-reading device do you use to read your ebooks?
    I have an ebookwise and an iPhone. I’m reading more and more on my phone.

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on?
    Leave it on. It makes a great bookmark *g*

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Or do you just grab and go?
    I don’t inspect them all, but I do double check to be sure my “grab and go” is in great condition.

  32. Fun survey!

    1. On average, about how many books do you read a month?

    2. Where is your favorite place to read?
    Sitting on the sofa.

    3. Do you read ebooks?
    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks (i.e., how many ebooks vs print books do you read)? If you don’t, why not?
    No, mostly because I don’t have an e-reader and it’s just not comfortable to read on a laptop.

    3b. What kind of e-reading device do you use to read your ebooks? n/a

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on?
    If I care about the jacket getting ripped up, then I take it off. Otherwise I will leave it on to keep my page.

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Or do you just grab and go?
    Oh, I definitely look for the best copy. I have been at the checkout at Borders and noticed a bend on a cover of a pb and asked if I could go get another copy. LOL

  33. Anonymous

    1. 20-30/mo
    2. Love to curl up in my recliner
    3. Yes
    3a. 100% ebooks. I refuse to buy it if I can’t get it in eformat. Haven’t read a dead tree book in months.
    3b. Lurve my Kindle!
    4. It’s been a long time since I’ve read one, but I’m pretty sure I usually leave the cover on unless it gets hopelessly torn.
    5. If I were buying new, I’d grab and go. In a used bookstore, I’d sort through for the best copy.

  34. Lory P

    1. On average, about how many books do you read a month?

    About 20 or so

    2. Where is your favorite place to read?

    In my bed

    3. Do you read ebooks?
    3a. If you do, what percentage of your reading is dedicated to ebooks (i.e., how many ebooks vs print books do you read)? If you don’t, why not?
    3b. What kind of e-reading device do you use to read your ebooks?

    No not really. I don’t have an ereader or anything like that. I guess I haven’t caught up with the times! 🙂

    4. When you’re reading hardbacks, do you take the dust jacket off or leave it on?

    I leave the dust jacket on….it makes a handy bookmark.

    5. When you go to the bookstore (new or used) and there are multiple copies of the book you’re planning to buy, do you pick up each one and choose the best copy? Or do you just grab and go?

    I know I should probably look for the best copy but usually I’m just so excited to get my hands on any copy!

  35. 1. Between 10 and 20.

    2. On the couch, or in my overstuffed leather chair in the living room.

    3. Yep. About 90% of all reads are in e-format. I do go in stages, though. Sometimes I binge on eBooks and want nothing to do with print. Then I seem to get burnt out on them and can read nothing but print.

    For years I used my eBookwise to read e-books, but I recently got a nook and a Kindle, so now I’m using those.

    4. I always leave it on. Like many others I use it as a bookmark. As a matter of fact, it annoys me when others take it off. Rowena and I have had many arguments about this in the past. *g*

    5. If I’m buying a new book I just grab and go. If I’m at the used bookstore and there are multiple copies I try to find the best one. But that’s something I just started doing. It hadn’t occurred to me to search for the best one until I went shopping with Super Wendy and the other So Cal Bloggers. They corrupted me.

    Thanks so much to all of you for answering our questions. I loved reading all the answers. 😀

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