I got Susan Andersen’s newsletter yesterday and it looks like we’re getting our wish: She’s been given the go-ahead on Poppy’s story. For those of you who aren’t familiar (or don’t remember) I blogged about this a couple months ago when we did our SA Author Spotlight. Basically HQN decided to pull the plug on the trilogy one book short. As a reader I was outraged, and I’m sure many others were too. So I’m happy to report that we’ll be getting Poppy’s book after all.
From her newsletter:
This is just a quick note to let you know that Ava’s story has finally been given the green light. Yaaaaay! I am soooo pleased to have the opportunity to write her story. It won’t be out until 2011, but I hope you’ll hang in there with me. So don’t toss Cutting Loose and Bending The Rules just yet. You might want to brush up on Jane and Poppy’s stories before Ava’s hits the shelves.
I apologize to those of you who have written me these past several months inquiring whether there’d been a change of heart on Ava’s book. I swear I wasn’t ignoring you, simply waiting to have something to report. My apologies as well for letting this newsletter stand for individual replies, but I’ve got my nose to the grindstone, trying to write the best book I can to justify your support and patience. You guys rock!
~ Susan
I’m sorry we have to wait until 2011, but I’m glad we’re getting the book after all. Even if it does mean waiting.

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