Best of 2009: The Books.

Posted January 4, 2010 by Rowena in Features | 9 Comments

It’s about that time again everyone…to pull out those Best of Lists. We’re going to start this year’s off with our favorite books.

Let’s get on with it:


I read a whole lot of books this year and some of them were great, some of them were pretty good and some of them were not so great. Here’s a list of the books that I absolutely loved, in no particular order:

1. Practice Makes Perfect by Julie James
2. What Happens in London by Julia Quinn
3. Smooth Talking Stranger by Lisa Kleypas
4. Bed of Roses by Nora Roberts
5. Dark of Night by Suzanne Brockmann

With some honorable mentions going out to Kiss An Angel by Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Twisted Creek by Jodi Thomas, Marked by P.C. and Kristin Cast and Instant Gratification by Jill Shalvis.

It was a pretty hot dang good reading year for me (minus the entire month of November) and I’m pretty happy with the selection of books that I read this year.


I vowed to be more discerning in my reading this year, and I definitely was. The only 5 star reviews I wrote this year were for books I was re-reading. There are only 2 books I gave 4.75 stars to, Dirty Sexy Knitting by Christie Ridgway and Must Love Mistletoe by Christie Ridgway, that weren’t re-reads.

Even so, I managed to read some really great books this year.

1. Dirty Sexy Knitting by Christie Ridgway
2. Must Love Mistletoe by Christie Ridgway
3. Demon Forged by Meljean Brook
4. Angels’ Blood by Nalini Singh
5. Just the Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James

Honorable mentions go to A Mother’s Wish by Karen Templeton, The Conqueror by Kris Kennedy, Hidden Currents by Christine Feehan, Kill for Me by Karen Rose.

My most re-read booka in 2009 were Just the Sexist Man Alive by Julie James and Fall Into Me by Linda Winfree. I read them, on average, at least 3 time a month (or skimmed my favorite parts anyway).


I was planning on being less happy-happy with my reviews last year, but it doesn’t look like that really happened. I have a lot of 4 and 4.25 books. Looking back, those books shouldn’t have been graded as high.

1. Untamed by Pamela Clare
2. Angels’ Blood by Nalini Singh
3. Blood Magic by Jennifer Lyon
4. Hidden Currents by Christine Feehan
5. Scandal by Carolyn Jewel

Honorable mentions mostly go to re-reads. Breathing Room by SEP, Cry No More by Linda Howard, and The Lion’s Lady by Julie Garwood. Wicked Burn by Beth Kery and Dark Slayer by Christine Feehan also get honorable mentions.

Now it’s your turn, readers: Tell us what your top 5 favorite books of the year are.

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9 responses to “Best of 2009: The Books.

  1. As my two year-old son would say, quoting the Little Einsteins, “I cannot believe it!!”

    Wow. I’m just beyond thrilled that both Practice Makes Perfect and Just the Sexiest Man Alive made your lists. Really, it’s wonderful how supportive you guys have been of my books–I’m so appreciative of that. And I love your blog; I pretty much lurk here every day. 😉

    Off to go brag about this to the husband–

  2. Great choices on your lists. I find this so hard to do because I have so many faves, especially if I like all the books one author has written.Besides Julie James above:
    everything written by:
    Beth Kery
    Jaci Burton
    Lisa Marie Rice
    Elisabeth Naughton
    Christy Reece
    Dream a Little Dream & everything else SEP wrote.
    I left out too many faves.

  3. These are my favorites of the books that came out in 2009.

    TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE – Kristan Higgins

    SIMPLE WISHES – Lisa Dale


    TO BEGUILE A BEAST – Elizabeth Hoyt



    VISION IN WHITE and BED OF ROSES – Nora Roberts

  4. – Bed of Roses by NR
    – Gone Too Far by Jennifer Echols
    – Seduced by His Touch by Tracy Anne Warren
    – Gotcha by Christie Craig
    – Love at First Flight by Marie Force

  5. Willa

    Passion Unleashed – Larissa Ione

    Branded By Fire – Nalini Singh

    Midnight Master – Cynthia Eden

    The Madness of Lord Ian Mackenzie – Jennifer Ashley. Wonderful. Just wonderful.

    Butterfly Tattoo – Deidre Knight

  6. maered

    1.Bed of Roses by Nora Roberts – I love the friends to lovers plot, and can’t wait for the next in the series.

    2. Angels’s Blood by Nalini Singh

    3.Blue Eyed Devil by Lisa Kleypas – actually all her contemparies are good. She’s one author who has excelled at the transition from historicals to contemps.

    4.Branded by Fire by Nalini Singh – She wrote a great kick ass heroine, who was completely relatable.

    5.I Can See You by Karen Rose – Writes the best romantic suspense.

    2009 was a great year – book-wise – and I hope that 2010 is just as good!

  7. My favorite books this year where

    1.The Prize By Julie Garwoood

    2. Just the sexiest man alive By Julie James (recommened by Holly thanks!)

    3.Death to the world by Charlene Harris

    4.The Pegan stone by Nora Roberts

    5.Heart of fire by Linda Howard (also a Holly recomindation )

    Those are my faves of the reads this year!
    AM OPEN to ANY and all suggestions for 2010!
    Thanks ladies

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