Jenna Petersen Returns to Book Binge…

Posted November 3, 2009 by Rowena in Promotions | 31 Comments

Publisher: Avon, Harper Collins

…to talk about her new series, The Billingham Bastards series.

Jenna Petersen is fast becoming one of my go to historical authors. She’s written a few books that I have really enjoyed and I am definitely excited about this new series of hers.

Without further adieu, let’s get on with finding out about this new reading adventure.

Book Binge: You’ve got a new series, The Billingham Bastards series in the works with the first book, WHAT THE DUKE DESIRES out in bookstores now. Can you tell us a little bit about what this series is about?

Jenna Petersen: Well, in WHAT THE DUKE DESIRE my hero, Simon Crathorne (the Duke of
Billingham) finds out that he has illegitimate brothers so the remainder of the series is about… tada… The Billingham Bastards! How they find each other, how they come together and of course, how they fall in love during the most tumultuous days of their lives, is the focus of each book.

Book Binge: How many books are you planning to release for this series?

Jenna Petersen: It’s going to be three books. WHAT THE DUKE DESIRES is the first (available now), THE UNCLAIMED DUCHESS follows in September 2010 and the third is untitled and I assume will be out in 2011.

Book Binge: Where did the idea behind this series come from?

Jenna Petersen: Originally I just had the idea for WHAT THE DUKE DESIRES, but as I started to do the character work and the plotting, I realized more and more that I wanted to write about more of the brothers.

Book Binge: Why should our readers pick this series up?

Jenna Petersen: Well, I hope that readers who expect sensual, dark and emotional romance from me will find it in these books! I’ve put so much of myself into them and I am so nervous about how readers will take to them.

Book Binge: Is Gabby going to get her own book?

Jenna Petersen: Unfortunately, no. The other two books are already written and there just wasn’t a place for Gabby in them. Perhaps in the future, but for now no plans.

Book Binge: You mentioned that Caleb, Justin’s brother from Lessons from a Courtesan, is in this series. Will there be any other recurring characters involved in the series?

Jenna Petersen: Well, characters in the first book WHAT THE DUKE DESIRES are in the second book, of course and Caleb makes a brief appearance there. But the third book (Caleb and Marah’s book) has lots of Justin and Victoria, as well as reappearances by the first two books’ main characters.

Book Binge: What is your favorite thing about this series?

Jenna Petersen: I just love the entire idea of these men finding out they aren’t who they think they are and how it changes them. Plus, my heroines are all really strong and I love taking them to their breaking point. I just loved writing every book.

Book Binge: Can you do a quick introduction to the heroes of the series? Who are they? What can we expect from them?

Jenna Petersen: Well, Simon (WHAT THE DUKE DESIRES) is very much a good man in a bad situation. Rhys (THE UNCLAIMED DUCHESS) has been a snob all his life and taken for granted what he has (including the heroine) so he has to entirely reinvent himself. And Caleb has been lost since he found out he’s a bastard and has to find a way to get found again. I love them all!

Book Binge: Now let’s talk about the heroines. Who are they and what can we can expect from them?

Jenna Petersen: Lillian is all about revenge… or so she thinks, but she’s torn between what she thinks she has to do and what she should do. Anne is my favorite, I think, of all three. She has loved Rhys forever, but she’s just determined not to lose the life she wants. Marah has also lost a lot, but she handles it so differently from any heroine I’ve ever written. I hope readers will like her.

Book Binge: What can we look forward to from Jenna Petersen in the near future?

Jenna Petersen: Billinghams through 2011 and then I have some plans up my sleeve. Can’t talk until they’re finalized, but there are plans…

Book Binge: Last question….do you read Lisa Kleypas? If so, Derek or Sebastian? =P

Jenna Petersen: –Of course I read Lisa! In one of my first reviews for SCANDALOUS I was compared to her and I wanted to frame it. LOL I’d say St. Vincent…(Ed Note: I knew I liked JP for a reason! – Holly)

Jenna has so kindly offered to give away a brand spankin’ new SIGNED copy of What the Duke Desires! So if you’re interested in throwing your name into the drawing, leave a comment here telling us why you’re looking forward to this new series. All entries must be in by next Tuesday, November 10th at midnight.

Thanks so much for stopping by Book Binge once again, Jenna. It’s always a pleasure having you!

What the Duke Desires is available from Avon. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

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31 responses to “Jenna Petersen Returns to Book Binge…

  1. Ooh I get to be first! Yay! I love Jenna’s books I have read them all so I am looking forward to this one as well and I have to agree
    St. Vincent.

  2. “Sensual, dark and emotional romance”? Yes please – that got my attention 🙂

    I love … family series- especially where each book can stand alone. Anyway, brothers are a lot of fun because they have the deep connections and loyalty – but can razz and harass each other.
    Congratulations on the new release, Jenna!

    Also… 😛 Are we allowed to like St. Vincent and Derek equally? They’re so different, but so charming and sneaky too.

  3. PJ

    Great interview! I love Jenna’s books and have been looking forward to this new series. I’m all about series, especially a family series. Looking forward to “What the Duke Desires”!

    Oh, and St. Vincent for me, please.

  4. Really enjoy series mostly because I hate to see my favorite characters’ adventures end after one book. This will be no exception. I’m already the 6th person on the wait list at my library for this title!

  5. awesome interview! please count me in for the giveaway. i have thoroughly enjoyed lessons from a courtesan and would love to read more from this author. also, i love reading a series so this book would be perfect 🙂

  6. Hi everyone! First, a big thanks to Wena, who was willing to put up with my release crazy brain and did an interview instead of having me write a blog. 🙂

    It’s so nice to see so many lovely comments here. I hope you’ll all run out and find the book! 🙂

    And I’ll be here today, so please feel free to ask questions if you have any!

  7. Hi Jenna,
    Congrats on the new book and the new series. It looks like it’s going to be great. I love series that revolve around families (ie Cynsters, Bridgertons…) so this one looking interesting considering the brothers are bastards. Can’t wait!

  8. Hi again, everyone! Yes I loved writing the bastard brothers. 🙂 So fun to reunite them and then figure out how to detangle all the mess created by all the lies. 🙂

  9. I’m a series book junkie. Getting to see characters evolve over a number of books makes me very happy. So I’m very excited to see that this is the case with Jenna’s new release.

  10. Hi Jenna,

    This series sounds great! I haven’t read any of your books yet, but the cover on Facebook caught my attention.

    Would love to win a copy!

    Good luck with sales!

    Sue Mason
    sbmason (at) sympatico (dot) ca

  11. Hey Jenna,

    WTDD was fantastic and it helped me during my recovery period from knee surgery… What a great book to read while I had to stay in bed and rest… I’ve read it twice in one week… Can’t wait until the next one comes out… hope the will release it early…

    Hope to win a Signed Copy for my collection of your books… 🙂

  12. Oh my gosh, I keep trying to catch up on email and come back to all these nice comments!

    Joder, I feel the same way! I love reading about characters in other related books. 🙂

    Susan — I hope you’ll enjoy my books if you do pick one up. The Avon Art Dept has been very good to me!

    Heather — I love to hear that WTDD helped with your surgery! I can’t believe you’ve read it twice already. I am sorry about the long wait for THE UNCLAIMED DUCHESS. I highly recommend emailing or facebooking Avon about it. It might not change the date of release, but it can’t hurt for them to know readers are frustrated!

    Jane — It was really fun writing all the scenes with the various brothers! 🙂

    Rowena — See, I’m not alone with the St. Vincent love. Thanks again for having me, you guys are my home away from home.

  13. Jennifer M.

    I favor character driven stories and this new series seems right up my alley. WTDD has me intrigued!

    I’m a Derek Craven fan, I hope that won’t be held against me 😉

  14. Chelsea B.

    Loved reading the interview! 🙂

    And I’m looking foward to this series because “sensual, dark and emotional romance” books are exactly the kind I crave!

  15. Hello again!!

    I’m so glad the series sounds good to so many of you! I really loved writing it (actually all three books are written now, it’s just waiting for when they come out).

    If you can’t find it in a store (which you should, it should be just about everywhere with books) it is on Amazon/B&N online, etc.


  16. Lorraine

    Add me to the ranks of those who can’t wait to read this. I loved Her Notorious Viscount and am looking forward to another awesome read!

  17. Jane

    Congrats on the new release, Jenna. I’m very excited about The Billingham Bastards series because I can’t wait for the hero in book one to find out and meet the brothers he’s never known about.

  18. Rowena

    Meh, lots of St. Vincent lovers in here.


    Wasn’t it such a great read? I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to more with Rhys and Caleb’s books. I can’t wait to reunite with Victoria and Justin. That should be fun!

    Jenna Petersen,

    You are very welcome but thank YOU for being with us today! It’s always fun to have you on the blog!

  19. maered

    I haven’t read any books by this author, yet, but I am definitely interested! These books look fab. I love dark and emotional books – sometimes I just love reading a weepie.

  20. Luci

    I am still at the beginning of my Jenna Petersen glom but I loved the book I read and have others on my to-buy list.

    I am intrigued by the fact that the heroes are illegitimate brothers. I love any interaction between families, brothers especially.

  21. I’m interested in this series because bastards are so much fun. They are footloose and fancy free without all those restraints that the royals have to live by.


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