What I Read Last Week and Other Stuff

Posted October 12, 2009 by Tracy in Features | 19 Comments

Hey guys!

I just got back from spending a wonderful 2 days in beautiful Costa Mesa, CA with the So. Cal Bloggers. Can I just say, cuz I know I just don’t say it enough, I just love them! All intelligent, friendly, funny women that I just dig. We always have a great time and I just love when we can make time to get together. This particular get together was a little different since we had Nath joining us from Canada!! She was down for a wedding and we couldn’t pass up an oppotunity to party, now can we? lol Nope. Yesterday we met at Borders then had lunch (and then Renee and I went off and talked for 3 hours!) and then today Wendy, Nath, Renee and I went to New and Recycled Romance used book store. Omg that was incredible. The whole bookstore – Romance. It was heaven, sheer heaven. Here are a couple of pictures. I know Nath took more but these are the ones I have:

The guy who thinks that if he doesn’t look at the camera it won’t catch him on film is Holly’s MM. 🙂

From left to right: Renee, Lori, Nath, Wendy, Holly, Daphne, Rosie and me
Other than that not much happened this past week. So….this is what I read:

Still trying to get caught up with the Warriors of Poseidon series by Alyssa Day. I read book 3 which was Atlantis Awakening. This is Vengeance’s book and he’s right in the middle of the rebellion to stop the vampire take over. He meets Erin who is a witch and is supposed to help with it all. This gives us more insight into what’s happening with the entire rebellion…catches us up on what’s happening with characters from previous books and sets things up for the next book (without it feeling like it’s a set up). 3.5 out of 5

Next I read Meljean Brook’s story in the Must Love Hellhounds anthology. If I had actually paid attention I would have realized that this story came after Demon Forged but, yeah, didn’t realize that. I was a tad lost thinking, “I don’t remember all of this” but it’s cuz I hadn’t read Demon Forged yet – duh! lol Oh well – it was still great. 4.25 out of 5

I read Demon Forged by Meljean Brook after that and what can I say? It was a amazing and I savored every stinking word of it. lol I loved Alejandro and Irena and all the other wonderful characters that Meljean has put into her books. Just wonderful. 5 out of 5

My first book by Jordan Castillo Price, Hemovore, was one that was

reviewed by Jenre and I got interested in. This is the story of a world where there is the Human Hemovore Virus. If you are V-Positive you are a vampire and need to drink blood. If you are V-Negative you are still human but living in a world where the smallest fluid transfer could make you a vamp. Mark (V-neg) works for an artist, Jonathan (V-pos) as his assistant. Mark’s life is all about taking care of Jonathan’s blood supply, selling his paintings to galleries, etc. Things are fine until one day Jonathan and Mark are attacked – they can’t go home, they can’t get any money from their accounts and they’re on the run. I loved Mark’s sense of humor in this book. If the humor shown in this book is a norm for Ms. Price then I will definitely be reading more from her. The story started off a little slowly but then just took off. While I had some unanswered questions at the end of the story I really liked it a lot. 4.25 out of 5

My Tracy’s TBR Challenge read for this week was Just One of the Guys by Kristan Higgins. The story of Chastity who is the youngest of 5 children and the only girl. Her father is fire chief and all of her brothers are either fire fighters or a bomb diffuser. She’s a big tall girl and she’s always been thought of as just one of the guys. She’s been in love with a man, Trevor since she was 10. They had a brief affair when she was 18 but it didn’t continue. She’s trying to do what she thinks is right when it comes to men but it’s hard when she’s comparing everyone to Trevor. This story covered Chastity, her brothers, her parents and her work. I just really liked the humor in the story but I also was quite effected by the emotional aspect of the book.The longing for Trevor that Chastity had just tore me apart at times. 4 out of 5

So that was it for me for the week. I hope you all had great reading weeks as well.

Don’t forget I’m still running the Demon Forged Book Giveaway until 11:59 tonight (Monday, Oct. 12)

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19 responses to “What I Read Last Week and Other Stuff

  1. Ohhh, lots of interesting books. You were reading up a storm Tracy 🙂 I'm rather interested in Jordan Castillo Price's book…although once I finish To Ride Hell's Chasm I have The Back Passage to read!

  2. Great book line up… but even better is that line up of lovely ladies.

    I confess that the first thing I did was see if there was a pic that showed Holly's belly. I love pregnant mommas. 😀

  3. Tam

    Oh you definitely have to read more of Jordan's work. Lots of humour thrown in. Usually smoking smexin' too although Hemovore was light on that. LOL Still made for a great story. Either the Psycop series or Wild Bill/Michael series will suck you right in. A bit of horror combined with romance and humour.

    Glad you had a fun weekend.

  4. Hey Tracy! What a good looking group of women! You guys look like you were having a fabulous time! I am so jealous, I wish I could have been there to meet with everyone.

    I have been wanting to read Just One of the Guys. I have it on my list, but just haven't gotten around to it. Thanks for reminding me.

  5. Awww you guys look great! I'm sorry I missed out, thanks for posting the pics!

    And I loaded Just One of the Guy's on my ebook reader just last night, I was looking at that and thinking I should read that since it's the last of KH's books that I haven't read. I can't wait to read your thoughts on it!

  6. I had such a good time! It was great as always to see y'all 🙂

    LB – when are you coming out again?

    I've heard mixed reviews on Kristin Higgins, but this one sounds really cute.

  7. Orannia – I've heard great things about The Back Passage – let me know. 🙂

    LB – Yes you need to get your hiney out here again! 🙂

    Christine – They are a great group of women! 🙂 And Holly has a cute little belly!

    Tam- I will definitely be reading more JMP – I really liked her story.
    Thanks for the tips.

    Jill – You too can be an honorary member of the So Cal Bloggers! lol Just visit! 🙂
    Just One of the Guys was very funny. I was sitting in the car wash lobby waiting for my car to be done and I was cracking up. Yep, people were staring. lol But it's also a little heart wrenching so be prepared.

    Wendy – We are cute aren't we? haha

    Katie – Seriously I bout fainted when I walked in. And SO organized! I loved it.

    CJ – Yep – Demon Forged definitely gets a 5 from me. SO.GOOD.
    You've read Jordan Castillo Price? What did you read?

    Rowena – We understood but I wish you could have been there too.
    JOotG is good. As much as I liked it I didn't like it quite as much as Too Good To Be True – which I hear is opposite of most people so take that for what it's worth.

    Lori – it was so good to see you again! Sorry you had to work on Monday!
    As I said to Rowena I heard that most people liked it more that TGTBT but I was the opposite.

    KB – You too can join…just getchyer ass out here!!!

  8. Christine,

    I spilled food on my shirt during lunch (like the first bite I took!) so I made sure my tummy was hidden in the pictures. In one Nath has I have my hand covering the spot. LOL

    I had fun w/ everyone. Glad we got to meet up. MM had a good time, too. well, ok, not really, but he didn't hate it. LOL


    Wasn't Demon Forged amazing?

  9. I had a great time with you ladies!! I'm so happy you came!! it was great meeting you – although, it sure didn't feel that way, right Tracy? 🙂 Seems like we've known each other for a long time 😀

    and oh, I didn't know either that the short story in Must Love Hellhounds came after Demon Forged ^_^; No wonder I couldn't remember Maggie! LOL 🙂

    I'm planning to read Demon Forged this week-end ;D

  10. Holly – the bump was adorable – even with the food stain. 🙂
    I friggin LOVED Demon Forged! I thought it was one of the best in the series. Amazing.

    Nath – it's true – it felt that we'd known each other forever. I guess that's how it is when you're constantly talking to each other via blogs. 🙂
    Yep – Blind Spot comes after Demon Forged – who knew? Ok, some people did, but not me. 🙂

  11. Great photos, and as always, great reviews. Just one of the guys has definitely hooked my attention based on your comments. Thanks.

    (and I bow to the hottie, whooboy)

  12. Chrissy – isn't he a cutie? lol
    Just One of the Guys was pretty cute. When the grown children were talking about their mom's cooking – which is horrible – I just cracked up since I'm sure that's what MY kids will be saying when they get older. 🙂
    Too Good to Be True by Kristan Higgins is very good too. *sigh* Callahan O'Shea *sigh*

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