Demon Forged by Meljean Brook
Series: The Guardians #5
Also in this series: Demon Night, Demon Bound, Guardian Demon, Demon Angel, Demon Moon
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: October 6th 2009
Genres: Fiction
Pages: 432
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Acclaimed author Meljean Brook returns to the darkly sensual world of the Guardians with the tale of a prophecy, a devilish bargain, and a doomed love...
Four centuries ago, Guardians Irena and Alejandro would have succumbed to the need burning between them -- if a demon and a monstrous bargain hadn't shattered the possibility of love. Torn apart by her shame, Irena avoided Alejandro for centuries -- until a vampire's call for help threw her into his arms again.
Alejandro can control fire, but he's never been able to control -- or quench -- the flames between him and Irena. And he knows that Irena, hardened by her hatred for demonkind, will never accept that he now works at a demon's behest. But even as he fights for a second chance, a shocking betrayal and a deadly prophecy shake the foundations of the Guardian universe, and all Hell threatens to break loose...
Demon Forged is the 8th book (the 5th full length) in Meljean Brook‘s Guardians series. I have to say, she was really blessed by the cover gods. This one is absolutely amazing, but so were all of her others.
Normally when I read these novels the romance is at the forefront and the overall story-arc takes a backseat. That wasn’t the case for me here. Though I enjoyed the romance between Irena and Alejandro, I was more caught up in what was going on in the Guardian world. Brook’s world is complex and imaginative, and trying to discover all the twists and turns makes for fascinating reading.
Irena and Alejandro had serious chemistry. That’s something that carried over from previous novels. I was intrigued especially by Irena, who was shown in the past to be hard, strong and seriously kickass. My opinion of her didn’t change in this novel. I might want to be her when I grow up.
Alejandro wasn’t as compelling as Irena, but he did compliment her perfectly. He didn’t exactly standout in comparison to her, but neither did he fade into the background. His quiet strength and iron control were the perfect balance to her flashy temper and bold outspokenness. In the beginning especially I thought Irena outshone Alejandro, but at the novel progresses and he opens up more, it’s obvious he chooses his battles wisely. Although at first he seems passive, it isn’t long before we realize there’s more there than we were led to believe.
As always there’s a lot going on. Storylines from previous novels are expanded on here, and more information is brought to light. As I said above, I was more drawn to the overall story arc than I was the romance. But don’t misunderstand, I enjoyed both. I was just more caught up in the overall events and what they’ll mean in the future.
I wasn’t totally surprised by certain things that happened at the end of the novel. But I was well and truly shocked at the final result. I never would have expected the way certain characters ended up. I know many people (myself included) often read the end of a novel before the beginning, but I would warn you not to do so in the case. I hesitate to say more as I don’t want to spoil it.
Another winner from Meljean Brook. It dragged a bit in the middle, but the end took me totally by surprise. The characters were everything I expected of them, especially Irena. A more kickass heroine I’ve yet to meet. Overall, it was amazing.
4.5 out of 5
This book is available from Berkley. You can buy it here or here in e-format.
Giveaway Alert: I have a shiny, brand new copy of Demon Forged to giveaway. Leave a comment on this post before 11:59 p.m. Wednesday, October 7th and you’ll be entered to win. Giveaway Alert
Hi! Love the review! Count me in the giveaway
Sounds like a great book! Sign me up!
Another positive review so yes I would like to read and own a copy of Meljean’s latest book.
I just recently discovered Ms. Brook’s books. I’d love to win this one! Thanks!
This one is in my TBR list! Look’s like a good read.
Well, since it’s a shiny copy, I’m in!
I’ve read one book in this series and would like to read more!
This series sounds amazing. Count me in!
Sara M
sara_UFblog [at] yahoo [dot] com
I’m enjoying the series, count me in! tWarner419@aol.com
For once, I’m going to skip over the review and try not to read the end first!!
I’m just so glad you enjoyed it, Holly!! and OMG, the acknowledgments page!! I squeeeee!! LOL I have my copy at work today, showing it off to everyone!!
by the way, do we get to see Lilith and Hugh? I’m curious to see Lilith and Irena interact, LOL
I love Meljean Brook! Count me in, please!
I’m so glad to see Demon Forged is finally here!!! I love this series. Count me in!
Been reading a lot of great reviews for this. So I definitely want to throw my name in the hat.
I would love a copy! Meljean’s Demon Angel was my very first paranormal read that hooked me into the genre. I love her books and have read all of them.
Oh I am in
I have one of her books but I sure want to read more by her
I’m totally in for this one!!
Thanks so much for the giveaway =)
second chance love… kick ass heroine… a paranormal read… please sign me in for your giveaway!
Sounds good, count me in!
battyaboutbats at gmail.com
Count me in plz! Sounds like a great read.
Great review. Please count me in
Nath, yes we see quite a bit of Lilith and Hugh. The interaction between Irena and Lilith is pretty funny.
Count me in…I have only heard wonderful things about this book!
I enjoyed the review – I look forward to reading what’s inside the spectacular cover of Demon Forged.
I’d love to win this book! I originally found Ms. Brooks’ books at the library. Since then, I’ve been working my way through her backlist trying to pick up the ones my local B&N have in stock.
Wow, I can’t believe the Guardians series has already made it to book 8.
Great review. Please include me.
I was just reading about this book a little while ago! Sounds amazing!
Do I have to hide behind the couch when I tell you I haven’t read any of this series? I must have been living under a rock, because I really hadn’t heard anything about them before.
But, this sounds really good. I’m about to go to Ms. Brooks’ website to learn more.
Do you have to read the series from the beginning or can you pick it up anywhere?
I love this series, and am so excited for this book! Count me in on the contest!
Definitely count me in for the latest in the series, love the cover. Seeing great reviews like this one all around.
I’m only 1.5 books into the series (never mind I own all but Demon Forged) but I really want this one. If for no other reason than to stare at the cover.
Great review! Count me in.
I’m ready for my copy!!
I would love a copy!
count me in please
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I look forward in reading this book.
Tracey D
I just bought this so don’t enter me! I can’t wait to read it!
Wow great review, this just went to top of my new release wishlist! Hope I win it here!!
Thanks for the reveiw. can’t wait to read this. I hope I win!
Maritza M.
Fantastic review! I am really looking forward to this book! Thanks for the giveaway!