I finished Demon Forged by Meljean Brook last night and it was just so utterly fabulous! The romance, the friendship, the fighting – everything is just wonderful. The plot is just amazing and Meljean has done an incredible job taking us from book to book in this series and making the story grow. Yes, each book has it’s own thing going for it but as a whole the series just rocks.
I’d love to give you a review but I have a problem with writing reviews when I like books this much cuz I just tend to say: I loved it, I loved it, I loved it. That doesn’t really tell you much about the book does it? lol Well, lucky for you I knew where to go to get great reviews for this book so I’ll share a few with you:
Dear Author – with Jill Myles guest reviewing
Babbling About Books, and More
OMG and how could I have forgotten to add VampFanGirl’s blog Lovin Me Some Romance and its 8 fabulous days of the entire Guardian series? I’m such a dork! Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8 (Day 8 is the Demon Forged review) . This was wonderful, you need to check it out.
Being that I loved the book so very much I’ve decided to share the lurrrrve and give away not 1 but 2 copies of Demon Forged so that you all can read it and love it as much as I did.
So….leave a comment on this post between now and Monday, October 12 at 11:59pm. I will announce the 2 winners on Tuesday, October 13. Good luck to you all! (Intl. entrants ok)
I've been enjoying this series and looking forward to this one, count me in! tWarner419@aol.com
I have heard many about this series the last two weeks and have got the whole series, save this one, on my shelves…waiting *hides behind desk* As I read VFG's review I just knew this series and I will be acquainted very soon, now reading your post makes me even more determined *grin*
If this is open to international readers, please count me in. I'd like to get to know this series a little bit better…
The ending was such shock. This whole book was a shock. And I loved it!!
Michael… *sniff*
Hot statue kinky love *YAY*
Leontine get on that NOW! lol
Maija – yes, Intl. ok.
KB – It was so damned good! Just everything about it was fab.
Okay… if I win this… this will give me a new reason to start buying the whole series… VFG's reviews freaking rocked! And this "I love it, I love it, I love it" review… sold me too!!!
I hope you have a great weekend!
Demon Forged sounds so good and I would love to be entered. I have not been able to pick this one up yet, but it is on my to be bought list.
quote Tracy: Leontine get on that NOW! lol
Yes ma'am LOL I still have a few required reads but after that I am making my way to Hot Spell and Demon Angel
I'm about to start.
Can't wait.
Count me in, too! My bookstore didn't have this yet when I was in yesterday.
Leontine – Yes, definitely start with Falling for Anthony in the Hotspell anthology – good stuff.
LB – SO GOOD!!! I know Meljean said that she'd let Holly have her babies but I think I'll have to fight for the position. lol
I've heard wonders about this book. Please count me in.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
Tracy, What do you mean you can't write a review for this book? You write good reviews and I think you would do a fine job, LOL!
One of the things that I really love about Meljean's work is that all her characters are truly unique. No cardboard cutouts or similar characters, just different names for her. Each character in the series is completely individual. I can't wait to get started on this one! Count me in!
You write great reviews Tracy! But I guess a review of 'I loved it, I loved it, I loved it' might not work *grin*
Please don't count me in for the giveaway (although if it's not open to international readers that makes it easy
as I'm a few books behind. The third is next on my list…
My God I have to catch up with this series *drops head on desk* So many good books no time UGH!
Lets hope this one is open for international readers – if so please count me in.
Please enter me, would love to read it.
Ooooo! I'd love to win a copy of DEMON FORGED. I still haven't picked up my copy and I just lurve Meljean's books!
Count me in on this one!! I haven't read any of her books! I sure would like to though.
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com