Book Binge Welcomes Cathy Maxwell To the Blog.

Posted October 8, 2009 by Rowena in Promotions | 45 Comments

It’s not very hard to write a story that will catch my attention but it is very hard to get me to anxiously await reading a book where the hero has been unfaithful to his wife. It’s always been a hot button with me and when authors like Cathy Maxwell write heroes that bring out a whole lot of emotions out of me, it’s magic.

Cathy Maxwell is the author of the Scandals and Seduction series and here at Book Binge we are definite fans of Cathy Maxwell’s writing ability. While putting this author interview together, Cathy was great and we’re happy to have her here with us so please extend a warm welcome to Cathy Maxwell.

Now on with the interview…

On her Books:

Book Binge: You say the most important element in a romance novel are the characters, and I agree. What can you tell us about the characters in The Earl Claims His Wife?

Cathy Maxwell: All of my characters have one common characteristic–they are decent people. They may make mistakes, they may not react the way they should have, they may be in a heap of trouble . . . . but they are honorable.

Wright is trying to solve a problem. He turns to his wife because that’s what a man should do. She’s his helpmate, his partner. And there is more at stake here than Gillian’s outrage over being ignored. He turns to his wife because she is the only person in his circle he can trust to help him save Anthony.

Does he realize he has made a grave error of judgment. You betcha. He’s in the dog house, and he really is new and very unsteady about this “husband” stuff. That’s what the book is about–Brian coming to his senses.

By the way, Gillian is worthy of his trust. She won’t turn her back on those who can’t speak for themselves. She may be furious with Brian. She may not trust what he says or even like him . . . however, she is not the sort of woman to walk away when there are those who need her. She’s spent a good portion of her life being a caretaker . . . but she has yet to learn what it is like being a wife–and a lover.

Book Binge: Where did the idea behind the Scandals and Seductions series come from?

Cathy Maxwell: I realized scandal and seduction were the common elements in this thread of books I was plotting. These are people who are stepping off the beaten path . . . and let’s be honest, when do any of us truly begin to be interesting? Not when we are playing it safe.

Book Binge: You write a good balance between novels set in England and those set in Scotland (with many set in both). Of the two, do you have a favorite?

Cathy Maxwell: That’s like asking which of my children I favor. The truth is I’m after stories and I use whichever of the two countries provide the best setting. Scotland is more free wheeling. England more civilized–or is that a veneer?

Book Binge: Do you prefer to write standalone novels or ones that are connected? Why?

Cathy Maxwell: I prefer stand alone novels because those are the ones I most enjoy. However, readers like continuing characters. They write asking about so and so and why not? Sometimes these characters were very interesting. For my books, I’ve compromised. Each book can stand alone . . . although I pick up the threads of characters I’ve introduced in the series. (Did that make sense???)

Book Binge: The hero in The Earl Claims His Wife – and in many of your other novels for that matter – does something many readers would consider unforgivable. Can you give us some insight into the motivation behind his redemption??

Cathy Maxwell: I honestly don’t think his actions are unforgivable. After all, theirs was an arranged marriage. How well did they know each other? And what was the true thought and feeling behind their marriage vows? What would be unforgivable is for them to build a life together based upon trust and obligation, and then have him betray those vows.

Wasn’t it Faulkner who said all stories are about sin and redemption?

I think Brian earns his redemption once he and Gillian begin working together with all the cards on the table, so to speak.

But also, let’s look at Wright’s character. This is a man of deep passion. He has never lied to Gillian. She may not have liked what he had to say, but she could trust his honesty. When he says he loves–he means it. His mistress was a fool.

Whereas what does Gillian really know about love? She claimed to have loved Wright on their wedding day but how can you love someone you really don’t know?

I’m rambling here but I know in my own marriage, the love I felt for my husband grew over the years to the point where when I looked back to that wedding day, I realized, I didn’t have a clue to the true depth of character of the man I married. He became so much more than what he was, and my love and respect for him had grown accordingly.

As to my other books having characters in need of redemption–I love a “I saw the light” story. My favorite kind.

On her Writing:

Book Binge: Where is your favorite place to write?

Cathy Maxwell: In my office.

Book Binge:
About how long does it take you to write a first draft of a novel?

Cathy Maxwell: Forever! I wish I could pick up the pace. I don’t like generating new material. I’m a great editor. I can find the thread of a story anywhere. But filling a blank page is torturous.

Book Binge: How do your daughters feel about your writing? Do they read your books?

Cathy Maxwell: Yes, my daughters read my books. I’m very proud to say they are both avid readers. Now my son has read the dedication to THE EARL CLAIMS HIS WIFE since it was dedicated to him, but I don’t think he has cracked the spine, or read the dedications in any of my other books. He likes to bandy about his mom writes romance though. It can be a date magnet when used right. (This is an improvement over when he used to get in fights over his mom writing romance in middle school.)

Book Binge: Tell us about the first story you ever wrote. Did it get published? Do you still have it?

Cathy Maxwell: The first story I attempted to write was set in the Colonies during the Revolutionary War. I scribbled away in several spiral notebooks which I did keep but finally tossed. The book was the worst known to man. However, I had to put it on paper so I could move on to the first book I finished–ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL.

General Questions:

Book Binge: What is your favorite read so far for 2009?

Cathy Maxwell: Tough question. I just finished Heather Graham’s UNHALLOWED GROUND which I enjoyed. THE LIFE OF PI haunted me. Reminded me of keeping a story going to the sweet, sweet end. Anthony Bourdain’s KITCHEN CONFIDENTIAL made me think about a hero or heroine’s code of honor. And on my tbr pile is COUNTESS OF SCANDAL by Laurel McKee aka Amanda McCabe. I’ve read and enjoyed Amanda McCabe and am looking forward to COUNTESS OF SCANDAL which is set in Ireland. Irish history is tough . . . but I think Laurel/Amanda is brilliant enough to make it work.

Book Binge: If you had to eat the same food for lunch every day, what would it be?

Cathy Maxwell: I DO eat the same food every day. I’m so boring. Usually it is water-packed tuna on an english muffin.

Book Binge: Favorite color?

Cathy Maxwell: Blue and yellow. That’s two colors but I like them together. I’m a French provincial kinda gal.

Book Binge: Favorite movie?

Cathy Maxwell: Body Heat

It’s always great to get the inside scoop on our favorite authors and we’d like to thank Cathy Maxwell for taking time out of her busy schedule to come hang out with us today. Cathy will be around off and on all day to answer any questions you guys might have.

To celebrate Cathy’s visit we’re going to be giving away two copies of THE EARL CLAIMS HIS WIFE (which is your lucky day since we’re giving you guys another chance to win this great book!) and a readers choice book from her backlist or whatever book you want from Cathy. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post, letting us know why you want to read THE EARL CLAIMS HIS WIFE or tell us your favorite Cathy Maxwell book and your name will be entered to win a prize! Contest ends on Thursday, October 15th at 11:59pm PDT.

Good luck everyone and once again, thanks so much to Cathy for joining us today. If you want more Cathy Maxwell action, she’ll be on Authors on Air with author Heather Graham today at 1pm EST so be sure to stop by there as well and hang with Cathy some more. It sounds like all kinds of fun! You can also browse inside THE EARL CLAIMS HIS WIFE by clicking here.

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45 responses to “Book Binge Welcomes Cathy Maxwell To the Blog.

  1. Can I get my name put in for The Earl Claims His Wife? LOL

    I don’t generally like infidelity in books, but this one sounds really good.

    Thanks for being with us today, Cathy!

  2. Ing

    Oh…love your book Cathy. The Marriage Contract was my first book of yours and has remain one of my favorites til this day. Love Aiden and Anne.

    Great interview and love your take on the redemption of Brian. Never saw it from that point and have to agree.

  3. Hi Cathy! Not much into the “I’m a scumbag but I’ve gotten over it” theme but in your hands I’m sure it will be a favorite! I started reading your work with The Marriage Contract and have read that particular book over 3 times (I hardly EVER re-read).

    I know some of your titles have connecting characters and was wondering if you have a reading order to those, for us anal people that need to read in order – even though they all can stand alone. Maybe a chronological order?

    Looking forward to picking up your newest.

  4. I like a book in a series that can stand alone. I think that is what I like about J. Lindsy’s Malory novels. They each stand alone, but together they draw such a fantastic picture of the family and their lives! I have definitely added The Earl to my TBR list!

  5. I’m new to romance reads (less than a year) and I “discovered” Ms. Maxwell in the 4 Dukes and a Devil anthology – her story was my favorite. Since then I’ve read In the Highlander’s bed and already purchased but not read The Earl Claims his Wife.

    Great interview – I’m enjoying discovering Ms. Maxwell’s books!

  6. Just finished my interview with Heather Graham. It was the first of what I hope is many programs where I interview authors, editors, agents, booksellers, reviewers, and, yes, bloggers. Heather was wonderful. But she emailed me that at the very end, a bee flew out her and she dropped the phone which caused the battery to fly out. Fun image. I was saying thank you and good-bye. Heather is fabulous. If you would like to listen to the interview, you can find it at
    We had some rough moments but, for the first time out, I’m happy

  7. Welcome to the dark side, Patti–your reading life will never be the same. There are so many stories in romance. I’m amazed at how the genre has evolved and grown.

  8. It was mentioned that some readers might consider unforgivable something that the hero does in the book. I think I know what is meant by this. I just have to say that is exactly the kind of thing that would draw me to read this book. I love to read about things that you don’t bump into in every book and see how the situation is solved. Please count me in!

  9. Yay, another chance to win this book!! After Rowena’s review of THE EARL CLAIMS HIS WIFE, my interest is piqued. I am looking forward to reading this book.

  10. i am already reading earl claims his wife! i’m only on chapter 4 but i love it so far 🙂

    i picked this book up after i read that first post about it here on book binge because it had my favorite romantic plot of all time: an already married but estranged hero & heroine get a second chance at love. i’m always curious how an author makes that possible in a believable but romantic sort of way.

    this is my first cathy maxwell book so i’d love to read one of her backlist or another copy of ECHW is good too so i can pass it on to my mom so please count me in for your giveaway!

  11. Jane

    Hi Cathy,
    Congrats on the new release. “Because of You” is my favorite. I’m looking forward to reading Brian and Gillian’s story.

  12. I’m back! I took off for a few hours to go riding and then go to a water aerobics course. I was hoping for some great insight on the work in progress . No go. Maybe I’ll dream about it

  13. Arani

    Hi Cathy!

    Congratulations on your latest book.

    Can’t remember if I’ve read your books before,
    and I’m also one of those who doesn’t like
    infidelity by heroes but I’m willing to try and read
    your book, if I win ; )

    So, please count me in too.

  14. I understand, Seneca, I understand. It’s hard to keep up sometimes and then I’ll discover an author and happily realize I already own several of her books. Happy reading!

  15. It’s time for me to call it a day. I’ve had a wonderful time chatting with you all. I’ll check in tomorrow in case there are any last comments.

    Thank you for hosting me. This is a fabulous site!

  16. Jennifer M.

    Great interview.

    Wright sounds like a hero I could root for, redemption and reunited lovers are my favorite theme in romance. Infidelity (in any form) is hard to take but if done right it is a great foil and catalyst for two people to unite and “see” one another. Highly intrigued by “The Earl Claims His Wife” – I would like to see how Cathy handled this…Hope I win! =)

  17. Chelsea B.

    Great interview! The only book I’ve read by Cathy Maxwell was in ‘Four Dukes and a Devil’ and I loved it! ‘The Earl Claims His Wife’ sounds like a great book!

  18. Seneca

    (no need to enter me in the contest 🙂

    I have several of this authors books, but I have not yet read any of them. I plan too soon!

  19. After all the great reviews of this book, I really want it. I think it’s very unique in the way it presents a strong heroine taking control of her marriage.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

  20. I am a new reader to Cathy Maxwell’s books. I just picked up In the Highlander’s Bed as I love historical romances involving highlanders and saw that she had a new book out.

    I love that your characters are flawed and makes mistakes. I love that Wright has to win back his wife…arranged marriage or not. The book sounds fabulous and can’t wait to read it! I would love to win a copy so that I can read it right after I finish In a Highlander’s Bed!

    Congrats on the new book…it looks positively yummy!!!!


  21. I have read the excerpt from THE EARL CLAIMS HIS WIFE, and I am totally hooked! Thanks for the chance to win a copy, but I will be getting it soon one way or the other!

  22. I rally want to read this new book because I’m curious as to how the hero redeem himself after what he did the heroine.

    kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com

  23. I’m trying to broaden my horizons by reading different genres; I’ve been stuck in a rut for several years.

    Cathy is a “new” author for me and I think by reading The Earl Claims His Wife will help me to broaden my horizons.

    I have read the excerpt and am ready to read The Earl Claims His Wife and more of Cathy’s works.

    Tracey D

  24. I haven’t read any of the books but ‘The Earl Claims His Wife’ really sounds like a great book and one I would love to read. I love historicals, well really any genre of romance is a good read. I would love to win a book.

  25. Anonymous

    I haven’t read any books by Ms Maxwell (yet!!). I would welcome the opportunity to read this one. Sounds facinating…A wonderful post.

    karen k

  26. I read Seduction at Christmas and fell in love with Cathy Maxwell. Now I am working my way through her other books. I can’t wait to read her new one.

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