What I’ve Been Reading This Week

Posted August 31, 2009 by Tracy in Features | 14 Comments

She’s baaaaack! Yes, I’m back from my weekend in the mountains. It’s just so incredibly beautiful and peaceful up there. We had so much fun. I just love getting together with some of the women I know and having a weekend away. We laughed and drank wine and shopped (got some gorgeous Bass boots that were normally $109.00 for $49.00 and some Bass dress shoes that are stinking adorable for $43.00 marked down from $89.00…oh and got some stuff for hubby and kids too. lol) and read and played games. It was just relaxing and fun! I came back refreshed and feeling like I could conquer the world my office. lol

(Here’s a picture of the playful racoons that were on the deck of the house last night.)

And I did conquer the office! Well, at least part of it. The important book part. Here are before pictures of the shelves/messy office. Yes, the box and the bag on the floor have books in them, of course. (and I had the camera on the wrong setting which means the pictures were under-exposed and makes them look worse! lol)

And here’s the new bookcase. Technically it’s for cd/media storage but it was just so adorable and the perfect size for my office I just had to get it. I got to move my hubby’s cd’s (a friggin miracle) and then move some books around. I got an extra shelf out of it in the built-in bookcase and filled the new shelves with cd’s (he got 1 shelf) and my books. It’s beeeeeautiful! Here are photos of the finished product. Later I’ll be working on total office domination (which means that the trashy fish tank that is a total eyesore but my hubby refuses to move will be gone!) but for now I’m happy with the way it is. :0)

I even grouped the books that I’d already read by author. I know, don’t fall off your chairs, I was just on a roll. 🙂 And I have a big bag of books to take to the next So Cal Blogger Get-Together!

Reading: I really didn’t read that much this week but I got everything done that I needed to so that was good.
Book for The Book Binge read – check
Book for Tracy’s TBR Challenge Read read – check (well almost since it was a DNF)
Book for Nath’s Re-Read Challeng read – check
and a couple other stories in between.

So up first was Saving Midnight by Emma Holly. As I said in my last post, the review is up at The Book Binge if you’d like to read it.
Next up was my Tracy’s TBR Challenge Read for the week: All About Men by Shannon McKenna. Sorry to say this was a DNF for me. My thoughts are in my previous post here.
Next was Out of Her Dreams by Fran Lee. This is a story about a romance author who has dreamed about a man since she was 14. She has based a series of books on him and has used the likeness from her dream for the cover of the books. One day at a book signing a man shows up and he looks exactly like her dream man! It’s a cute story that has lots of sex and some sweet moments. 4 out of 5
Last were the books I read for my Re-Read Challenge. I re-read the novella Alpha and Omega and the book Cry Wolf both by Patricia Briggs. I’ll post my reviews on Tuesday.

And that’s it! Can you believe it? I know I was shocked too. lol Ah well, another day…another book! lol
Happy Reading!
(Sorry for the book covers going all wonky. I can’t seem to fix it. I think it might be time for a new blog template – this one’s driving me batty! lol)

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14 responses to “What I’ve Been Reading This Week

  1. I am in love with that phone booth! Very cool.

    A weekend away like that just sounds sublime. Glad you got recharged. Can't wait to see you in September!

  2. The raccoons are so cute!!

    I want your phone booth. That is so cool! 🙂 Look forward to your Cry Wolf review, is one of my favs of hers. Trying to read the latest in the Mercedes series and not having much luck. Must be tired!

  3. That is the cutest bookshelf/phonebooth ever! Sounds like you had a wonderful time away. We all need that 🙂

    Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks.

  4. So glad you had a fun and restful weekend getaway. And that it recharged you enough to tackle re-organizing your bookshelves! Good for you! 🙂

    I love Briggs' "Alpha & Omega" short so much. It's such a memorable story for me. One of those that just sticks with you forever. I just read Hunting Ground last week. It was great, of course.

  5. Rosie – Thanks I love it too! Yep – re-charged and ready to go. 🙂

    Sarah – aren't the little guys adorable. They actually look smaller in that picture than they actually were. Quite large to be truthful. One of them was sitting on the railing of the deck scooping bird seed with his paw while he looked over his shoulder at us through the window. Too cute.
    I haven't started the Mercy Thompson series yet but hope to someday. 🙂

    Amy & Ms. M. – Thanks! It was hard work trying to get that office in shape. I hate that I let it get that bad but it's all good now. 🙂

    Katie – Thanks. And I loved those Briggs too so it was no hardship re-reading them.

    Lori – I'm looking forward to our get together as well. It's not been all that long since the last one but it feels like a long time! lol

    Christine – Yep, the weekend was just what I needed. R & R that's good for the soul.
    I'm reading Hunting Ground right now and all I can say is that it sucks that I'm at work because all I want to do is read it! lol

  6. Ahhh, forgot to comment on this post yesterday ^_^; LOL 🙂

    Love the phone booth!! LOL, looks like real one (only shorter :P) It's a nice shelving unit 🙂

    Glad that you had a good time and good deals!

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