What I’ve Been Reading This Week

Posted June 29, 2009 by Tracy in Features | 13 Comments

Hey all!

Not much happening this week. I was sick in bed for 4 days. I managed to get up during short intervals but otherwise it was bed, sweet bed. Yeah, I watched a couple of movies here and there but mostly, I just read. Trying to put a dent in that amazingly huge TBR pile dontchaknow. 🙂

I have to say that I took my TBR challenge to new limits this week. I think I was feeling guilty for not reading any last week so I read 4 this week! Yay me!

So what I read:

I started off with Bad Boys Online by Erin McCarthy (one of my TBR Challenge books), a book I’ve had in my pile for a while. I think I got this one from the very first So Cal Blogger get together which was last November. While the 3 short stories that revolved around computers were cute I found myself skimming ahead and then having to go back. I so rarely do this that it was freaking me out a little. lol This was an erotic read and when you start skimming the sex scenes, there’s a problem. Not that it was hot, but there was so much of it! lol The last story in the book, User Friendly, was by far my favorite. 3 out of 5

My Re-Read Challenge book for the month of June is Simon Says by Lori Foster. I’ll post my review on Tuesday.

Next was In Bed With A Stranger by Mary Wine. I started reading some of Mary Wine’s books when I was getting ready to go to Lora Leigh’s RAW and I enjoyed her books (and her, she’s a really nice lady!) so when I saw this was coming out I scooped it up. I have to say that the first approx. 100 pages I had to fight not to put the book down because I was bored. However, it got much better after that. It’s a Scottish Historical about the bastard born daughter of an Earl getting sent to marry a Scottish Laird because her legitimate bratty half sister doesn’t want to bear children. The evil Countess thinks that she can send Anne in place of Mary, have the Laird get her pregnant, and then after the baby is born send Mary back to the Laird and he’ll be none the wiser. Pretty funny when you think of it. I very much enjoyed the not-as-dumb-as they-thought-he-was Laird, Brodick, he was pretty cool. 3.5 out of 5

Next up was another TBR challenge book, No Words Alone by Autumn Dawn. Katiebabs sent this to me a million years ago and I’ve just now gotten around to reading it. I wanted something different and this sci-fi novel definitely provided it. Two starships collide and both land on a planet where you pretty much can’t be outside after dark. It’s uninhabited except for nasty creatures. The only female in the group is treated horribly by her crew but very nicely by the alien race (who strangely enough happen to look just like humans!) and she ends up becoming a war prize for the captain of the alien starship. They end up marrying and the story goes on to show them falling in love, etc. I’m not really a sci-fi romance lover but this was pretty good. 3.5 out of 5

Next was Josh Lanyon’s Collected Novellas Volume 1. I’ll be posting my thoughts on this one on Thursday.

For my 3rd TBR Challenge book I read Heaven Sent 2: Purgatory by Jet Mykles. I really liked this story. Reese has been in love with Luc for forever. He kissed him one day 6 years prior but Luc pushed him away saying he wasn’t gay. Now Luc and the band are back in town and since Luc has explored his sexuality and found he does like men he wants to hook up with Reese. But Reese now has a teaching job at a straight-laced school and says he’s not gay any longer. Luc sets out to prove him wrong. I thought that Luc and Reese were great together. Did Luc annoy me at some points? Sure. Reese did too. But despite those time the story was a quick, fun, sexy read. Hopefully it won’t be months before I read the next book in the series. 4.25 out of 5

Continuing my reading in the Drakon series I read Queen of Dragons by Shana Abe. As you can guess I’m really enjoying the series. This book was no different. This book centered around Maricara who we met in book 2 and Christoff and Rue’s oldest son, Kimber. Talk about a volatile pairing. Wow. The writing in this book is just as good as the previous two books. Worth the read if you started the series. 4.5 out of 5

Charming the Highlander by Janet Chapman was a book that borrowed from Holly when I went to see her. I did a review of it which will post over at The Book Binge. I’ll let you know when that goes up.

And my last TBR Challenge read, and my last book of the week, was The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever by Julia Quinn. I was looking on my shelves for a historical that I knew was going to be a great story and I picke a good one. This book, as much as it broke my heart for most of it, was wonderful. I think I’m giving it such a high score not only for the story but for the writing as well. I know Julia Quinn is a fabulous author but when I was reading this book today I was blown over by the sheer emotion I was experiencing. I was feeling for Miranda so many times in so many different ways I was literally holding my chest because it hurt. 4.5 out of 5

Happy Reading!

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13 responses to “What I’ve Been Reading This Week

  1. Hey Tracy! I hope you liked Charming the Highlander :). I really like Janet Chapman, I think she has really great stories. Not much action, some real life happenings, and magic!

    I almost bought Autumn Dawn's two sci/fi books a few weeks ago, but decided not, since I'm not too into sci/fi. Probably a good thing I didn't get them. I did get a Linnea Sinclair book. She writes sci/fi but her books seem to get great reviews.

    You read, what 9 books? In a week? Ha! I'm still reading the same book I started Thursday! But it's fantasy and pretty long. Not a book to breeze through, but still…

    I think I've read 7 books when I finish this one. I did start two, made it about half through both and put them down. Oh well!

  2. Wow, that's quite a positive rating for the JQ book, which I've seen as not being one of her best. I haven't read it yet, but I intend to since her next book is coming out with the best friend. Can't wait – I hear it's wonderful 🙂

  3. Wow, I am impressed by the sheer volume of books you are capable of reading. Good for you! I love Julia Quinn, but haven't read this one. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on the Chapmann.

  4. Amy – I had tried to read one of Chapman's books once before and couldn't get through 2 chapters so I was pretty darn glad this one was good enough to finish. 🙂 It was better than that!
    I'm just not a huge sci-fi fan either. I read 1 Linnea Sinclair book before and really liked it. I just don't know if I'm a good judge of what's good.
    Yeah, 9 books. I'm telling ya, 4 days in bed makes for A LOT of reading time! lol

    KB – yes, I loved Simon…both times I read it! I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers, that's for sure. 🙂
    Yeah, I read the blurb for the next Autumn Dawn book and I'm not sure that I'm too interested. This one was ok but really didn't make me want to run out and buy another.

    Stacy – As I said the JQ book really brought out some strong emotions in me. Maybe this one didn't get such great ratings because it really isn't a "sweetness and light" book. It's pretty heartbreaking through most of the story with the unrequited love and everything else.

    Mandi – I'm really enjoying this series as well. I think I have the next book…I have to check my ebooks (isn't that sad?).

    Jill – Again…4 days in bed! lol I just put a pile by the bed. 🙂

  5. I just finished reading that Julia Quinn book myself. As a matter of fact my review will be going up this afternoon. Reading your impressions about the book made me laugh out loud, though, because I absolutely hated the book. My final grade was a 2.5 out of 5. Just goes to show how two people can look at the same book from two different places, huh?

    Are you feeling better now? I know being sick sucks, but isn't it great having uninterrupted reading time?

  6. Holly you hated it? Really? Wow – can't wait to see what you have to say. 🙂
    Yes, much better now. I'm still stuffy but my body doesn't feel like it's been run over by a truck. All good. 🙂 Thanks.

  7. I tried reading the Erin McCarthy book but couldn't get into it so I was disappointed but I have yet to pick it up again. Oh well.

  8. Wena – no offense to Erin McCarthy because I usually really like her stuff…but I wouldn't bother picking it up again. Really.

  9. Wow, you did really good on your personal TBR challenge!! 🙂 Many good books, it seems.

    Kristie picked up In Bed with a Stranger when I was over at her place and now, I wished I had read the end LOL 🙂 I just want to read it when the evil countess's plans get all thwarted! LOL 🙂

    Purgatory sounds cute as well 🙂 I think I need to read some M/M books.

    Queen of Dragons, hmmm. I read the first two books and although I enjoyed them, I didn't LOVE them…. now I wonder if I should give this one a try…

  10. Nath – you really need to get past the first 100 pages of In Bed. I almost put it down several times but was reluctant to give up since, like I said, I normally like her books.
    Yes, you should read some m/m! lol If the whole man lovin doesn't squick you out like it does some I think you'll really enjoy some of the books.

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