Review: Magic in the Wind by Christine Feehan

Posted June 4, 2009 by Casee in Reviews | 6 Comments

Genres: Paranormal Romance

Casee‘s review of Magic in the Wind (Drake Sister Series, Book 1) by Christine Feehan.

“Sarah’s coming home.” Ever since Damon Wilder sought refuge in Sea Haven, he’s heard the same breathless rumor pass the lips of nearly every local in the sleepy coastal town. Even the wind seems to whisper her name – a reverie so powerfully suggestive that it carries the curious Damon to Sarah’s clifftop home, and seeks to shelter him there.

But Damon has not arrived alone. Two men have tracked him to Sea Haven, and into the shadows of Drake House, where Sarah hides her own secrets. And danger- as well as a desire more urgent than either has ever known- is just a whisper away…

I love this series. ::sigh:: I got lucky enough to read Hidden Currents (Book 7) last week. After I was finished, I had the urge to go re-read the whole series. I just love everything about it. From the family dynamic to the domineering, sexy men to the magic. I just love it all.

Sarah Drake has finally come home to Sea Haven. Though she’s technically there on a “job”, Sarah is glad to be back in her family home. When she meets Damon Wilder, she is instantly drawn to him. When she realizes that the house let him in, she’s scared spitless. See, Sarah doesn’t want the Drake family prophecy to come true. It states that the first daughter will fall in love first (totally paraphrasing) and the others will fall like dominoes. So while she is drawn to him, she’s also leery.

Damon has heard the whispers about Sarah, but he thinks they’re all a bunch of bunk. That changes when he meets her. There is something about Sarah that he can’t put his finger on, but he’s sure that she’s the one for him. Then he finds out that she didn’t come home just to come home. No, she’s there to protect him.

Sarah is determined than no man (or Death) will get their hands on Damon. Even if that means following his every step.

This book is the catalyst and begins the saga that is the Drake sisters. If you don’t fall in love with this series after this first book, well, I would like to know why.

4.5 out of 5.

This book is available from Berkley. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

Other books in the series:

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6 responses to “Review: Magic in the Wind by Christine Feehan

  1. I may have to dig my copies out! I like this series. It’s held up better than CF’s Carpathian story line has. The family dynamic has remained strong and each sister’s character has stayed consistent in each book.

  2. I love everything about the series except the sex scenes. In one, CF uses the word “channel” five times in three pages. It’s just not a word that can be overused without becoming kind of silly. 🙁

  3. Tabitha

    I have been researching Christine Feehan’s books but haven’t decided on which books to check out. I think I’ll start with this series instead of the Carpatians’.

  4. I remember I liked this series, I’ll have to reread the books (and get Turbulent Sea) while waiting for the next book…

  5. I still need to work on book 6! yikes, I’m behind.

    The first book in this series was great. I may have to re-read as well.

  6. Chris, you are so right. CF is rather infamous for her 10 page sex scenes. LOL

    Tabitha, this is my favorite of all of CF’s series. I just love the family dynamic.

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