Celebrity Authors.

Posted June 23, 2009 by Rowena in Reviews | 12 Comments

I am a big time fan of Lauren Conrad and have been since we first met Lauren on MTV’s Laguna Beach. I have followed her from Laguna Beach and then over to The Hills when she made the move and I have enjoyed every minute of watching her live her life through the MTV camera lens. I can’t explain why I’ve been addicted to every show that she’s been on because well, I don’t know why I’ve been addicted. I only know that I have been for years.

I still am, come to think about it and now Lauren’s taken the road that most celebrities have taken and she’s penned a book.

It’s a work of fiction about…well, her life and I was excited enough to want to read it because I’m dazzled by the life that Lauren shows us on The Hills. I’ve been reading and reading this book like my eyes are going to pop out of my head if I stop reading and I can’t help but wonder why I’m so dazzled by Lauren. The book is interesting enough but it’s nowhere near as great as some of the other books by my favorite authors and yet every single person that I’ve come across who has seen me with this book have been so frickin’ excited about the book that they can’t wait to buy it in hardcover and read it for themselves. Everyone wants this book and it surprises me because these are the same people that will not pick up a book by any other author and I know this because I’ve pimped out some of my favorite authors to these people and it’s months later and they’re still nowhere near close to finishing the books that I’ve given them to try out. It seriously puzzles me because they’re totally missing out on other great authors.

I’ve read a couple of books by celebrity authors and I know that I will continue to read books written by my favorite authors but my favorite authors continue to be the authors that don’t have their own TV Shows or record deal with the biggest record label. My favorite authors are still the ones that pen those romance novels that are touching, engaging and totally fantastic.

Why do you guys think celebrities turn to writing books? Should they? Have you read a book by a certain celebrity that you think is just oh so amazing and want to share with us?

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12 responses to “Celebrity Authors.

  1. Is it really written by her- or ghost written? I tend to be too much of a cynic and can’t truly believe someone from the hills has the skillz.

    No offense. 😉

  2. I tend to agree more with Zeek. Especially in the case of some D-list celebrity who got a 7 figure book deal.

    Not only do I question her ability to write, but..well, I kind of feel like it makes the publishing industry look bad. There are hundreds of truly talented authors trying to make their way in the industry who are being overlooked or not being promoted because wanna be celebrities are getting book deals when they shouldn’t.

    I guess it’s kind of like when a music artist decides to crossover and do movies (or vice verse – remember Jennifer Love-Hewitt’s EPIC FAIL record?) and we all kind of roll our eyes and think, “Give me a break”. Well, that’s how I feel about this.

    Then again, I’m not really a huge fan of t.v. or movies (I don’t keep up with the Hollywood gossip or obssess over shows or celebs) so that may be why I don’t care.

  3. I heard Stephen King was in a band of some sort. And Keanu Reeves. I guess the grass is always greener! Though I have to say, Marky Mark certainly crossed over nicely.

    Oh, also, Steve Martin! He’s a BRILLIANT writer. Cruel shoes, which he wrote in the 80’s was hilarious, and he also wrote Shopgirl, which was just a sweet, smart, lovely book. SO amazing, that guy!

  4. I totally buy that Steve Martin wrote his own books- especially because they’re fiction right?

    Celebrity books about themselves are usually ghost written and that seems to me to be a bit of a cheat.

    (btw, I don’t get the crossover thing with actors wanting to make it as singers. It never works.)

  5. I like Al Franken’s books, but he was a writer long before he was a celebrity. Same with Steve Martin — he wrote his own stand-up material for years. I like George Carlin’s books too. And yes, I’m noticing a trend.

    I enjoyed both of Barack Obama’s books, as I did John F. Kennedy’s Profiles In Courage many years ago.

  6. Tori Spelling!! I read her book sTORI Telling and I loved it. I haven’t gotten Mommywood yet, but I plan on getting it sometime in the future.

  7. Rowena


    I’m not sure. I’m thinking it could have been written by Lauren because the voice of her character Jane reminds me so much of Lauren but I don’t know. I’m a big enough fan of Lauren’s that I believe she wrote the story herself and if anyone would know about what happens behind the camera, it would be L.C.

    I just wish that all of my friends who are so super happy to give Lauren a shot would give other great authors a shot too. One of my friends who was so anxious for this book has had my Julie James book, Sexiest Man Alive for the longest time and it’s taking her far too long to read it but it’s sooo good, she needs to hurry up but she said that she’s going to read this book this weekend.


  8. Rowena


    What D List celebrity are you talking about?


    Stephen King was in a band? Wow, you learn something new everyday. I didn’t know that but more power to him! I like Steve Martin too, such a funny man!


    I agree because I heard Scarlet Johanssen sing and blah, she needs to stick to acting.


    My sister has the John F. Kennedy book on our bookshelves but I’ve never picked it up, maybe I should.

  9. Ghost writers work closely with the people they are ghost writing for- they know how to sound like the celebs.

    Of course Obama & Kennedy wrote their books- Kennedy wrote a thesis while at Harvard and Obama edited The Harvard Law Review.

    This chick?

    I will eat my hat if she actually penned the words. 😛

  10. mph

    Celebrity is a double edge sword. If their face/personality/life (for some it’s the same) attracts enough fanfare, suddenly the franchise is limitless – clothing line, singing, writing, perfume, however they can get the money out of you. And it works, thanks to the fans and the curious.

    But then, they have to prove it (more than any professionals, i think) because greed is never satisfied by the 1st million. Those who prove it are truly amazing. Somehow, I’m not sure LC is one of them.

    I am a poor cynic so i’ll save my money here.

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