What I’ve Been Reading This Week

Posted December 1, 2008 by Tracy in Features | 17 Comments

Hey there, hi there, ho there,

It has been a crazy week. I know I said it before, but thank you all so much for your support at the beginning of the week with the death of that little boy. You all are amazing people and I’m so happy to have you “met” you all! 🙂 The family is still pretty hysterical. We did find out from the coroner that it wasn’t suffocation as previously believed but they haven’t said what it actually was. Still waiting.

Thanksgiving was wonderful. We went to my in-laws for an early meal (they live about an hour and a half away) and then went to eat with my family (who were about an hour and a half away from the first place but only a 1/2 hour from my house). It was great being with the whole family for the day, but very tiring. That was the first time we’d tried to do 2 fams in 1 day for Thanksgiving and it’s probably our last! lol I hope you all had a wonderful day!

I just went and saw Bolt with my kids. They loved it – so glad. It was ok but not fabulous for the parents, IMO. Could have been the pounding headache I have but I can’t be sure. 🙂

Ok – so on to what I read.

First off was The Demon King and I by Candace Havens. It was ok – not great. Just an eh for me. If you didn’t see my previous post and want to read my review go here.

Next up was The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn. Yes, I’m totally into the Bridgerton’s and am reading them all. I probably will be reading a lot of them in the next few weeks since a local friend got them all from the library and is passing them on before they’re due. Unfortunately she reads like friggin lightening so they’re starting to back up on me! lol Anyway, loved Anthony’s story. The man was just killing my heart there for a while but Kate brought him through! Loved the book.

Next I read a couple of short stories for review on The Book Binge. A Pirates Hellion by Jaden Sinclair and Elfing Around by J Morgan. The reviews should be up sometime soon. The first one – horrid. The second a cute Christmas tale.

Then I read Slippery When Wet by Kimberly Raye. I will be doing a review on this soon – keep your eyes peeled!

Get A Clue by Jill Shalvis. Jill Shalvis has been recommended to me and I just had to see what all the fuss was about. I have to say when I started the book I was wondering if I was gonna like it but after about 10 pages I was completely hooked. Cute story about a woman jilted at the altar and the funny/bizarre happenings when she goes on her honeymoon alone. Oh and it has a hunky cop too – you gotta love it.

Nikki had given me the Virgin River series by Robyn Carr with the instruction that I HAD to read them! They’ve sat there for a couple of weeks so I decided to dive it. I started with Virgin River and let me tell you it was great. I truly enjoyed delving into the different lives and loves of the people of this small moutain town. Great story telling and a pretty darn good romance – 2 things I don’t like to pass by.

I honestly can say that as much as I loved Virgin River I had absolutely no intention of immediately starting Shelter Mountain which is book 2 in the Virgin River series. But, I made the mistake of reading the excerpt in the back of VR, which was chapter 1 of SM, and I was once again hooked. SM was just as good as book 1. I really like this series a lot. To save myself I did not read the excerpt for the next book when I finished SM even though I really wanted to. Book 3 is stting on my shelf I’ll try to stay away for a few days!

Oh and I didn’t blog hop all week and I’m almost going through withdrawal so hopefully I’ll be catching up this week with everyone!
Happy Reading!

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17 responses to “What I’ve Been Reading This Week

  1. You were busy~~~^__^ Movies, food, and so many books. 😀 The Viscount Who Loved Me is a good one. I really liked this one, too. Will wait for your reviews. 😀

  2. And I thought I read a lot in a week. 🙂 This looks like a great list… Get a Clue and the Virgin River series are going on my ever-growing list for sure. I’ve been into The Silent Note by Patrick Davis. It’s a really cool romantic mystery that tells the story of a Victorian romance locked away inside an old piano.

  3. I loved The Viscount Who Loved Me. It and When He Was Wicked are my two favorite of the Bridgertons, although, really I love the first five.

    As you know, I adore the Virgin River series. They can give you a tooth ache if you read them all together, just because they are really sweet. But I love them and they are total comfort reads for me.

    Sounds like you had a busy week! I’ve missed seeing you around the internets.

  4. I’m sorry to hear about your friend I will continue to keep them in my thoughts and prayers.

    OHHH Great reads this week. I am going to have to check out a few LOL! Gawd like my pile isn’t already big enough?

  5. I loved Get a Clue! Seeing it mentioned on all these blogs lately makes me want to read it again.

    I’m glad you’ve read some good books lately. 🙂

  6. Alys – Yes the Viscount Who Loved Me is fab.

    Anna – I think you’ll really like it.

    Ruth – LOL – sometimes it’s a lot of reading, other times, not so much. 🙂 I’ll have to look into that Patric Davis one – sounds good. Thanks.

    KB – Pumpkin anything….yummmmm!

    Kati – Thanks! I’ve missed being around. 🙂
    Yes, the VR series is pretty sweet, but sooooo good. Since I borrowed the books from Nikki I will have to go out and buy them for myself since they will definitely be keepers!

    Sarai – yes, crazy week, but there were many good times along with the bad.
    Isn’t it amazing how quickly our TBR grows? I came out of the movie theatre last night with the kids and it’s right there in a courtyard with Borders and I just had to look the other way. I have so many books to read now I sometimes feel like I’m drowning! lol

    Jen – I really liked Get A Clue as well. I have a couple of other Shalvis’ books – I look forward to reading them!

  7. I think I said last week how much I loved the first few Bridgertons. Oh, and that was a good one, too 🙂

    And weren’t the Virgin River books good? I loved that first one to death.

    And glad you liked Get a Clue. And so glad I was able to dig it up, LOL!

    So glad you had a lovely Thanksgiving! My kids saw Bolt over the weekend, too.

  8. Oh I’m sad to hear about this little boy. I missed the first mention of it. My heart goes out to that poor family.

    Quinn’s TVWLM was my first by her, and I adored it. Kate is a great heroine, and the sparks fly. Can’t wait to hear what you think of it.

  9. Gosh, I haven’t been to your blog in a while and you up and changed the look. It looks great! I love the new layout.

    Get a Clue was a funny light read. I am glad you enjoyed it. I have been meaning to read the River series. I need to get on that 🙂

  10. Lori – I’m very glad you found Get A Clue as well! Now I just have to read the others you gave me! 🙂

    Stacy – Thank you. I saw the mom yesterday and she’s doing much better. Dealing as best she can.
    TVWLM was great. So good.

    Nikki – you were so right about the VR series. It’s really good – thank you!!

    Jill – thanks – it’s a fun layout. Doesn’t always do what I want it to but I like it anyway. 🙂

  11. I opened my Google Reader tonight and it says, (1000+). I don’t know what the (+) stands for and to be honest..I don’t want to know. *sigh* I need to stop neglecting my blog hopping!

    You read a lot of books this week. I’m still in a slump. I think I’ve only been reading a couple books a week. It’s sad. You should send cookies.

    Aren’t the Virgin River books great? I have A Virgin River Christmas TBR. I’m hoping to get to it next week.

  12. Holly – 1000+? Damn. That would have scared me right off! lol

    Rosie – yes, I’ve been sucked into VR. It wasn’t too difficult either. At least it’s not too far off (time wise) until the next few books come out!

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