Twilight movie

Posted November 12, 2008 by Casee in Discussions | 16 Comments

It’s no secret that I haven’t read Twilight. Holly tried to get me to read it after it first came out. I didn’t do it for several reasons. 1) I don’t like 1st person. 2) I like sex and/or sexual tension between characters which seemed unlikely considering that it’s a YA book. 3) I really didn’t want to get hooked on another series. The fact that Holly tried to convince me, knowing my aversion to first person really speaks to how much she loved this book.

I’m glad I didn’t considering how the series went downhill for so many readers. Putting that aside, I was thinking about going to see the movie. Even though books are usually better than the movies, I wouldn’t have that problem. Then I got to thinking…for those who’ve read the book, do the movie characters look like what you’d imagine them to look like?

I’ve watched a lot of made for TV movies. Okay, I’ve watched a lot of Danielle Steel made for TV movies. The characters were never how I imagined them to be, which kind of messed with my head. I haven’t yet watched any of the Nora Roberts made for TV movies. The only actress I could actually see in the book was Heather Locklear in Angels Fall.

So tell me Twilight readers, are you going to go see the movie? What do you think about the actors that were chose to play your beloved Twilight characters?

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16 responses to “Twilight movie

  1. I am a total Twilight fan girl, so I will be seeing the movie, As for Robert P who plays Edward, he is not the actor I would want for Edward. He needs a haircut! But I will wait to make my final decision after the movie 😀

  2. I just finished reading the second book.(HOLLY if you would EVER call me back this is what we would have discused last night. lol) Love them both and will continue on with the series. That being said. I know this is going to sound awful but… I don’t think he is good looking enough to be Edward. (same with the rest of the cullens) don’t get me wrong and all hes hot but the book talks about how amazing he is and on an on about it and his smile. I think this happens alot with books that are made into movies. How you have an image in your head and it never turns out like the image in the movie. I wonder if the characters resemble what the writer had in mind? reguardless of all this I WILL see the movie (and am excited about it)and ABOSLUTELY LOVE the books (so far).

  3. Erm..My bad? LOL I’m not doing anything now, babe, so you could call me if you want. 😛

    Like Devon, I wasn’t sure at first, but after seeing the clips I’m intrigued.

    I still say he isn’t hot enough to be Edward, and a couple of the movie posters I saw were totally off – showing Bella to be gorgeous and Edward to be washed out and ugly. I guess time will tell.

    I am going to see the movie, though. My book club recently read and discussed Twilight and they want to see it together. I can’t say for certain if I’d have gone to it otherwise, but that at least gives me an excuse, right? 😛

  4. I’m a latecomer to the Twilight series. I bought Twilight last week. Read it in one day. I bought New Moon and Eclipse already. Yes, I read them both.

    I know. Sad, huh?

    Tomorrow I’m off to buy Breaking Dawn.

    I loved (love, loved) Twilight. Wasn’t happy with New Moon. Took me some time to get into Eclipse. Liked the ending.

    I love the characters. Love Edward. Loved Bella in Twilight. She grew slightly annoying during the other books. I’m hoping Breaking Dawn just floors me.

    Oh, and yes. Frankie already knows he WILL be taking me on a date to see this, even if we have to brave a crow of teens to do so.

  5. I haven’t read TWILIGHT yet.. I only got the first book to try first cuz its been so long since I read a young adult book that I wanted to see yet. I don’t see much with movies because I have to wait until they come out in DVD so I can have them closed captioned. I only like some historical movies, I think more so because I can ‘see’ more than having to watch the captions. I so wished the Pride & Prejudice movie with Colin Firth was closed captioned (I’m so disappointed they won’t close caption it). But one of my favorites based on Penelope Williamson’s OUTSIDER that was on Showtime and too is out in DVD was wonderful! Very like the book! They did wonders for it!

    I had used to watch Danielle Steele TV movies but that was long ago. I saw one or two of the Nora Roberts and heard they have them on DVD so I’d like to get. I don’t read Nora’s books now except for the Robb books, but I loved her earlier books like MONTANA SKY, a favorite!

    By the way, I have an old P&P version of a movie that I saw that was good! I didn’t get to see the remake of it that was out a couple of years ago. I got the DVD but my player is broken so waiting on that. I’d love to chat some time on some historical movie recommendations. I want to find some to watch since I don’t otherwise watch movies! (or TV)!

  6. I have major issues with actors not looking the way I pictured the characters. I’ve basically decided that I’ll see the movie and try very hard to not compare it to the books. We’ll see how that works out.

  7. I will definitely be going to see it. I didn’t think Robert was a good fit for Edward at first but seeing some of the clips…he’s really growing on me. I didn’t care for the guy they cast as Jacob but I’ll have to wait to see the movie to make the final call. I didn’t really care who they cast as Bella…she annoyed me anyway. 😉

  8. KarLyn

    I read Twilight years ago when it very first came out, and long before it was so popular. I enjoyed it but I never continued with the series because it is written for the teen croud. The lack of sex plus the teen-level dialog and issues isn’t what I look for in a good romance read. For example, a good part of this book is set in a highschool cafeteria and deals issues like clicks, bullies, popular kids…etc.(I haven’t been a teen in over two decades! And I wouldn’t go back if my life depended on it!) But that is only part of the story, and Stephanie Meyer is without a doubt a very talented author. The relationship between Edward and heroine (name?) was well done. I can see why this book is popular among the younger set. I would like to see the movie, but I’m sure I’ll wait til its on DVD.

  9. lorraine

    I’ve already bought tickets to see
    Twilight next Friday. I’ve not read the series, because like Casee, I like sex in my books. But the movie looks pretty good, and who can resist the scene of the vamp whiffing the air and saying, “You brought a snack”. ROTFL

    However, I did let my son read the series, (not my daughter…I don’t want her to be disappointed in real life men, who can’t possibly compare.) Said son LOVES the series. He’s okay with the actors, but said Bella’s voice was too deep.

  10. I haven’t read any of the books in that series; I bought the first one last January but never really felt in the mood for a teen book, so I lend it to a friend several months ago. She told me she really enjoyed it, so I guess I’m probably going to read it when she gives it back to me. Sometime. I have a 200+ TBR pile at this point 😀 Too bad I went to check the reviews for book 4 when it came out, out of curiosity. Most people appeared to be disappointed. How sad for a popular series to end that way.

    I don’t think I’ll see the movie. The actors just look too damn young.

  11. I’m definitely gonna go an see it just not on opening day. I’m gonna go the day after Thanksgiving.

    I think they picked a good Edward. But Bella/Kristin Stewert not so much. Her deep voice throws me off. I dunno, I just picture Bella with a softer voice. But I guess we’ll see.


  12. OMG! I thought I was the only female in America who not only did not read the books, but had no intention or desire to do so!

    I feel like we should form a support group or something:

    Hi, I’m Bev and I’ve never read Twilight because 1) I don’t read YA… EVER. I’ve got a houseful of teenagers and I read to ESCAPE them, not read about MORE of them! And 2), I like more SIZZLE in books and by sizzle, I mean between ADULTS.

    Oh, and while I’m confessing I might as well add:
    I’ve never read any of the Harry Potters either, and I don’t watch Supernatural because, to me, those boys look like teenagers too.

  13. LMAO! Bev, I haven’t read Harry Potter either. I knew there were ppl that hadn’t read the Twilight series, but I thought I was the only one left that hadn’t read the Harry Potter books.

  14. Wendy

    My 30-year-old sister loves this series, and at her urging I tried to listen to Twilight on audio. I got to about Chapter 7 and gave up. It was a slog for me to get that far. It also didn’t help matters that I knew exactly where it was going and that it was full of emo. I didn’t care for emo angst when I was a teen, and I like it even less now. Hence, rendering this one a DNF for me.

    Will I see the movie? Extremely doubtful. Maybe when it hits HBO and there’s absolutely nothing else to watch. Maybe. Although my sister who loves this series? Yeah, she agrees the actor is nowhere near hot enough to play Edward.

  15. Seneca

    Hmm, I’m not sure. I’ll have to wait and see what some of my peeps say about the movie first.

    For whats it’s worth, I didn’t like Twilight. I thought it was boring, boring, boring, Zzzzzzz.

    I go to a board where some of girls are in love with Edward. It’s pretty weird. It’s almost as bad as those people at the JR Ward board.

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