Guest Author: Julie James Visits Book Binge!

Posted November 5, 2008 by Rowena in Giveaways, Promotions | 45 Comments

HAPPY HUMP DAY Book Binge Readers!

It’s that part of the week where we’re anxious for the weekend and to help us get over the hump of our work week, we invited Julie James to stop by and hang with us.

A couple of weeks ago, I read and reviewed Just the Sexiest Man Alive. I loved the book, thought it was a fantastically fun read and wanted everyone to read it.

I still do, so we’re featuring Julie James today on our blog to show you just how awesomely awesome she is as a writer and how awesomely awesome her book is. So please, help us extend a warm welcome to Julie James.

We’ve picked her brain about her life as a writer, her career change from lawyer to screenwriter to contemporary romance novelist and without further babbling from us, we’ll let you dig right in and enjoy our interview with Julie frickin’ James. =)


Book Binge: When did you decide that you were done with the world of law and wanted to write full time?

Julie James: It was a decision I wrestled with for a long time. But after practicing law for six years, I felt that I just needed to take a leap of faith with the writing. At that point I’d had some modest successes with screenplays so that gave me at least a little comfort that I sort of knew what I was doing—or at least was doing a decent job at fooling others into thinking that. : ) That being said, it was a very surreal moment when I told my firm that I was leaving. There was definitely a part of me that was still in shock thinking, “Holy —-, I can’t believe I just quit my job.”

Book Binge: Do you miss the law world at all? What do you miss most about the world you left behind?

Julie James: Sometimes I do miss the practice of law. I really loved certain aspects of being a trial attorney, being in court, taking depositions, etc., but the lifestyle that comes with working at a large law firm… well, that’s a different story. What surprised me most was— despite how much I enjoyed practicing law— that I enjoy writing so much more.

Book Binge: Are you writing any screenplays right now?

Julie James: I’m not currently writing any new screenplays because I’m under contract with Berkley for two more books and that will keep me busy for awhile! That being said, JUST THE SEXIEST MAN ALIVE was originally written as a screenplay, and now that the book is out my film agent is hoping there will be some renewed interest in making it into a movie. (Fingers crossed…)

Book Binge: What are you working on right now?

Julie James: Right now I’m writing a third romantic comedy, although this one has a suspense subplot, about a female Assistant U.S. Attorney who inadvertently becomes an eyewitness to a murder that takes place in the hotel room next to hers. The FBI places her under protective custody and the agent in charge of protecting her is a man from her past that she doesn’t get along with, to say the least. Of course, high jinks ensue.

Book Binge: Why should new to you readers check you out (besides the ol’ Rowena says so)?

Julie James: I think if people are looking for a funny, modern contemporary romance, with lots of sexual tension and build-up and back and forth banter between the heroine and hero, then this is the book for them. I also like to think that I write strong heroines: smart, funny women who try to hide their vulnerabilities, particularly when meeting their match in a man. And I tend to like those cocky alpha-heroes who, when they do finally fall for a woman, fall hard.

Book Binge: What was your favorite part of writing JUST THE SEXIEST MAN ALIVE?

Julie James: The characters. Both Taylor and Jason seriously cracked me up—the two of them just kept bantering back and forth in my head with their little one-liners, to the point where there were times I felt less like a writer and more like a court reporter, just taking down everything they said.

Book Binge: If you could cast the characters of JTSMA, who would play Jason? Taylor?

Julie James: Tough question, because this is pretty much like asking me who I think is the sexiest man alive. Hmm… a few contenders there… Seriously, I know when I read a book, I like to picture the characters the way I want. So I’d hate to say too much about who I could imagine playing the lead roles and just let readers decide that for themselves. Perhaps if I sell the book to a movie studio I can have a poll on my website to let readers suggest who should be cast…

Book Binge: Do you have any plans on writing a story for Jeremy? Or any of Taylor’s friends from Chicago?

Julie James: It’s funny, because I’ve been getting several requests for Jeremy’s story! I do think he’s a great character, and I’d love to explore him further someday. Although I’d have to figure out a way to keep Jason from dominating the story, which he of course would want to do. : ) Taylor’s friends I haven’t thought too much about, although I never say never.

Book Binge: Can you tell us anything about your next release, PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT?

Julie James: PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT is another contemporary romance. The heroine and hero are lawyers who can’t stand each other and have to fight it out for the one partnership spot at their firm. It’s a battle-of-the-sexes story with a lot of humor and shenanigans and a hero and heroine who think they’re totally wrong for each other. For readers who want to check it out, there’s an excerpt of the book on my website,

Book Binge: Our readers here at Book Binge love steamy romances and even though I thoroughly enjoyed JTSMA, it didn’t have any steamy scenes at all…do you see yourself writing steamier scenes into your future books or are you going to keep it tame and all about the story? (either is fine with me but we have a lot of naughty wenches reading our blog, LOL.)

Julie James: Ahh… the sex question. The decision not to have a sex scene earlier in the book was a literary one—I just didn’t think, given Taylor’s issues with being cheated on in the past, that she’d sleep with Jason until she knew she could trust him not to break her heart. My second book, however, does have steamier scenes because I felt those scenes fit with the story—in that case, I actually felt it would have been contrary to the story to not include the sexual part of their relationship. Same thing with the book I’m currently writing. For me, it’s all about what is true to the characters.

Now, on to some fun and personal questions about Julie James, the author. =)

Book Binge: What are you watching on TV these days?

Julie James: The Office and Heroes. And I’m desperately awaiting the return of Jack Bauer on 24.

Book Binge: What are you listening to on your Ipod?

Julie James: “Disturbia” by Rihanna. I pick music that goes with the theme of whatever I’m writing at the time, and that song seems to fit with the whole suspense subplot of the book I’m currently working on. Then for the romantic/funny parts of the book, I’ve been listening to a lot of Billie Holiday.

Book Binge: What is your biggest weakness? (shoes, purses, chocolate, etc..)

Julie James: Shoes AND chocolate.

Book Binge: What are you reading right now?

Julie James: When You Are Engulfed In Flames by David Sedaris.

Book Binge: Who is your favorite author?

Julie James: Jane Austen. I could re-read Pride & Prejudice a hundred times and never get tired of that scene in the middle where Elizabeth tells Mr. Darcy just where he can stick his proposal. : )

HA! I just read Pride and Prejudice for the first time not too long ago and I thought that book was pretty amazing myself! I heart Mr. Darcy sooooooo much and Elizabeth was great too!

Alright, have at it ladies…if you have any questions or comments for Julie, she’ll be around to answer them (isn’t she great?) and if you want to be entered into a drawing to win 1 of 3 signed copies of JUST THE SEXIEST MAN ALIVE, leave a comment on this post and your name will be thrown into the drawing. We look forward to hearing from you guys!

You guys should really check out Julie’s website too for the latest and greatest news on everything Julie. Great stuff,

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45 responses to “Guest Author: Julie James Visits Book Binge!

  1. That was a great interview. I haven’t heard of this author but her book sounds good. Maybe she’ll do a whole series of lawyers finding love.

  2. Maered

    Great interview! There are so few good funny contemporary romances out there. *sigh* 🙁 JTSMA sounds like its a lot of fun!

    Was it hard switching from screenplays to novels? And which do you prefer writing?

  3. Welcome, Ms James!

    Personally, as much as I enjoy steamy well written sex scenes, I love the idea of a book where I don’t need the bolts and nuts to feel engaged by the characters.

    So yay for not terribly explicit sex!

    Here’s wishing you great luck with the next release… and the next… and the next 😀

  4. Tabitha C

    Julie — please please please think more about writing a story on Kate, Taylor’s friend? I like her and would love for her to have her own book! And, um, could you write and release more books per year? Say, maybe one every quarter? 😛 After finishing JTSMA, I am anxious to read Practice Makes Perfect.

  5. Hey everyone!

    Maureen: while I didn’t consciously think about writing a series on lawyers, my first two books and the third one I’m writing now all have lawyer heroines. I guess it’s true when they say write what you know. : )

    Maered: fortunately, switching from screenwriting to writing a novel wasn’t as hard as I’d first feared it would be. Although I originally wrote the first 40 pages of the novel in present tense (like a screenplay) and I kept thinking “why doesn’t this look right?” Oops.

    azteclady: Thanks! Much appreciated.

    katiebabs: Sylar is definitely an intriguing guy. But he’s no Jack Bauer. : )

    Tabitha: that’s an interesting thought that I write Kate’s story, and it goes along with Maureen’s comment about writing a series about lawyers. And Kate does have a flirtation with Jeremy in the book, so maybe there’s something there… Hmm… But if you like the strong lawyer heroine angle, then I think you’ll enjoy Payton in Practice Makes Perfect.

  6. Oh– I forgot! I also wanted to thank Rowena and the girls for having me here today. Rowena, yes– I’ll admit to having a crush on Mr. Darcy myself, so much that I couldn’t resist throwing in something about that in my second book, he, he.

  7. Tabitha C

    Yes! I thought there was an attraction between Kate and Jeremy, and now with Taylor staying permanently in the West Coast Kate and Jeremy will run into each other more often. ^_^

    More lawyer heroines is great. Let’s see, we have Kate from JTSMA to read about and then there’s Laney as Payton’s friend in the upcoming book. Nice..

  8. Great interview!

    Julie – so you’ve said that going from screenwriting to novels wasn’t as hard as you thought. How hard was it to go from lawyer to writer in general? I know you said you love to write. Did you always want to be a writer? What made you decide to be a lawyer before you became an author?

    Too many questions? lol

  9. Great interview! Julie, Jane Austen is my favorite author as well. But, as much as I love Pride & Prejudice and Mr. Darcy, my favorite is definitely Persuasion. Anne and Captain Wentworth are great characters and they absolutely shine.

  10. Hi Julie,
    That was a wonderful interview. You are a new author to me. Now that I’ve gone to your website and read the excerpts I have added the books to my wish list.

    I love 24! Can’t wait for the prequel movie on the Nov. 23 to hold me until January.

  11. Tracy: I never thought about being a writer, never studied it or anything– I just had an idea for a screenplay so I bought a book on writing scripts and just sat down one day to do it. The transition from lawyer to writer has been good, although I do sometimes miss being in court. Luckily my husband is a lawyer too, so I can live vicariously through him. : )

    Karin: Interesting, that you like Captain Wenworth the best. If I HAD to pick, after Darcy I’d chose Colonel Brandon from Sense & Sensibility.

    Susan: a 24 prequel movie on Nov. 23??!!! Why don’t I know about this? I must consult my TiVo immediately.

    Rowena: thanks so much– it’s been great being here!

  12. Hi Julie and Book Binge. What an interesting interview! And lots of exciting things happening for Julie (book releases, screenplay, movie?!?). I love clever/sexy bantering between strong women and alpha guys. Thanks Book Binge (Rowena!) for alerting us to a new author to look out for.

  13. Wow – that’s incredible that you just bought a book and then sat down and wrote a screenplay. I thought they only did that stuff in books! 🙂 Well, congrats on your success!

  14. Thanks, everyone! And good luck with the contest!

    Jane: I don’t really have any favorite lawyer TV shows b/c sometimes I find myself critiquing the show too much. But my favorite lawyer movie–in fact one of my favorite movies, period– is My Cousin Vinny.

  15. I love discovering new authors and their books. This book sounds like one I would really like because I love witty banter between the hero and heroine. A good laugh-out-loud book is a treasure, especially in today’s world.

  16. Irresistible title!

    Wonderful interview! I’ve been seeing more women lawyers on television shows and finally more women lawyers in fictions.

    Is there a high profile woman lawyer that you admire? Any favorite TV or movie lawyers male or female?

  17. Anonymous

    I just won a free book, so I hate to be greedy, but dang, can’t resist having a shot at this one. Thanks for dropping in and telling us about it. — willaful

  18. I’ve seen this book mentioned elsewhere, so thanks for the interview – it makes me want to read it more. I’m putting my name in the hat!

  19. Amy S.: It’s hard for me to say who I’d want to see cast if there’s a movie… Hey– how ’bout the guy on the cover? Whoever he is, he looks pretty darn smokin’ hot. : )

    Sue A: I agree, it is nice to see more female lawyer writers these days. Move over, Grisham. : )

  20. Hi Julie! Hi Rowena!

    Love the cover. Very eye catching. I would love a chance to read it!

    Have a great day,
    sbussey AT

  21. Thanks for that nice interview!!! I remember reading a review of Sexiest Man Alive not long ago – I’m actually pretty sur eit was here but I can,t seem to find it 😀 I do know I found it interesting enough to write it down on my Wish Lists and since it’s so long already, I’ve become much more picky about what I put in there 😉 Good luck on it making it to the big screen Ms James! I think,s it,s got the right ingredients to make a great romantic comedy :).

  22. Rowena

    Thanks everyone for commenting and if you haven’t already, READ THIS BOOK! It’s fun and cute and everything we love in our books, so GO FORTH AND READ IT!

    Or wait until you find out if you’ve won a copy for yourself here, =).

    Also, HUGE THANKS to Julie for coming around and hanging with us today and for everything! You’ve been so much fun getting to know through emails and we here at Book Binge wish you nothing but the best in your writing career, we are total fans of yours!

  23. Sounds like a great book, and I love the title – although People magazine has let me down with that for making Patrick Dempsey come in second for three years. Someday – SOMEDAY! – he will be first!

  24. Great interview!

    Your books sound great Julie! Thanks for including the link to your site too. I recently read about Just The Sexiest Man Alive at another blog and I was very intrigued. I tried to find if you had a site, even with google, but couldn’t find it and thought that you didn’t had one yet. I love discovering new authors. I already subscribed to your mailing list. 🙂

    Glad to find another fan of Jane Austen. I love that scene between Darcy and Elizabeth too, and I love the BBC miniseries with Colin Firth.

  25. Oh this sounds so good! It feels like its been forever since I read a contemporary romance, one that too is there with all the fun and romance in it too! These kind of reads just are great ‘pick me up mood’ reads!

    I got more Jane Austen to read and so can’t wait to read more! I have a big place in my heart with historical romances. Just something about going back in time and just escaping within that time. Jane did that wonderful, it was like being there! I have to read more so I can catch up and chat about more of her books! I love chatting about what I read! Again, great to meet you Julie! Would love to be in the contest. Thanks

  26. Hi Julie!

    Wonderful interview. Thanks so much for coming to play with us.

    I haven’t read you (yet), but I have to say it was really refreshing to hear you say you didn’t include any steamy scenes because it didn’t work within the context of the story.

    I love a good down-and-dirty scene as much as (or maybe more than?) the next romance reader, but too often I think authors just throw scenes in there for the fun of it and sometimes I find myself thinking..really? That didn’t work at all!

    Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and thanks for coming by. =)

  27. Dev

    You don’t need to enter me in the contest because I have this one, but just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the interview! I’m really looking forward to reading this.

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