What I’ve Been Reading This Week

Posted October 27, 2008 by Tracy in Features | 9 Comments

Welcome to another version of This is Your Life Charlie Brown:

I’ve learned my lesson. No, really, I have. Never, ever post that things are quiet at your house because sure as shit life will take a turn for the worse. Since I posted how quiet it was on Wednesday, one thing after another has happened. It’s actually kind of funny…in a distorted sort of way!

Anyway so I had the stomach flu for the first few days of the week. It wasn’t fun but other than that life was good. Then on Friday I get a call from the school that my youngest isn’t feeling well. She’s never gone to the office sick (unlike my oldest who I’m pretty sure lives for harrassing the office staff at the school) with some odd symptoms so this worried me. I picked her up, took her to the doctor (and let me tell you that urgent care doctor was fine, fine, fine!!! Tall, mocha skin, nice voice – what a hottie) and sure enough she had a pretty bad bladder infection. Since this isn’t her first one and she’s only 6 they’re gonna do some extra tests to make sure that it’s not a congenital problem, etc. which of course we’re not looking forward to but I’d rather know than not.

My husband left for a business trip on Saturday morning (I had completely forgotten about it until he reminded me on Thursday – oops). A business meeting…in friggin Puerto Vallarta!!!! Yeah, life’s rough! He’ll be gone for a week or so, so that’s a bummer. I did discover Skype out of the whole deal (since his phone doesn’t work there) which is very, very cool. Just install it and add a microphone to your computer for about $10.00 and viola – talk on the computer for free! If any of you are skype-ers lemme know!

Then this morning my oldest, who has had a cold for 3 weeks now (which of course is not normal) started complaining about headaches. I just lightly touched her face and thought she was gonna jump out of her skin it was so painful. So it’s back to the urgent care and sure enough – she’s got a sinus infection (wasn’t lucky enough to get the hot doctor twice in a row – oh well). Holy infection batman!!! Now I’ve got 2 kids on meds and no husband to beat up on! What’s a body to do?

Ok – so now that I’ve told you everything that’s going on in my life let’s get on to what I read this week since that is the name of the post (keep in mind I was sick for 3 days so I read more than usual).

First up: a fabulous, wonderfully amazing book. King of Sword and Sky by C. L. Wilson. This is the 3rd book in a 4 book series. If you haven’t read any of them I highly recommend that you do. These books are fascinating and I’m just bowled over every time I finish another book because the world that she has built is mesmerizing. I start reading Wilson’s story and I want to put everything else on hold. (Luckily I was sick and could actually do that) This is definitely a 5 star read – actually more like 6 or 7 star!

Next up was Stray by Rachel Vincent. This is book 1 in the werecats series. I actually had Rogue (book 2) on my shelf and it’s been there for a few months. I finally decided to dig in to Rogue foolishly thinking that it was book 1. Uh, no. When I found this out I was home and I had my wonderful computer nearby so I just downloaded Stray and went to town. – I love ebooks! Anyway…this was an interesting book. Not my typical read that’s for sure. I prefer books that have the old HEA – even if it’s a series. This has continuing characters and is told in 1st person POV – again, not my fav. But despite that I liked the book well enough. The second part of the book was much more appealing to me because there was more dialogue and many more exciting things going on. I love dialogue. It’s hard to have dialogue when you’ve got a very introspective character and the book is 1 p pov let me tell you. I want to see what happens next so I’ll keep you posted on how I like the series.

Someday Soon by Debbie Macomber was next. I read this to do a review on The Book Binge. I was still fuzzy from being sick when I wrote it and you can totally tell. Just sayin.

Mr Cavendish, I Presume by Julia Quinn. I was sooooo looking forward to this book. I, for some reason, thought that the book would be a recap of what happened in The Lost Duke of Wyndham and then move on from there. I was disappointed cuz that’s not what happened. Don’t get me wrong MCIP was a good book, but I just wish there had been more of Thomas and Amelia and what happened after. I did enjoy getting to know Amelia – I liked her a lot. I’d give the book 4 stars.

I read Lady Be Good by Susan Elizabeth Phillips after reading this post on The Book Binge where Rowena made Kenny (say it properly now…Kinny) Traveler the hero of the month. I just had to read more about Kenny! I loved this book. Kenny was a kick and a half and yes, I wanted to hate him but I just loved him. With stuff like this how could I not???…

” Now, this is where I draw the line! It’s bad enough everybody in town’s going to be thinkin’ I’m sleeping with a depressed, lice-ridden, hemorrhoidal foreigner who likes to be tied up and might be pregnant, although – since she’s just about cornered the market on condoms – I don’t know how that could have happened. But I will not – you listen to me, Emma! – I absolutely will not have anybody thinkin’ a woman of mine needs a vaginal moisturizer, do you hear me?”

I really liked Emma as well and for all their differences loved her and Kenny together. The secondary characters in this book were fab and rounded out the book quite nicely.

I ended my reading week with Plum Lucky by Janet Evanovich. I’ve only read a few of her books but I absolutely love them! I really should start at the beginning and work my way through….maybe someday. This was a fun book with lots of colorful characters and more than a few amusing, outlandish and bizarre things going on. It was a nice way to end the reading week.

Happy Reading!

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9 responses to “What I’ve Been Reading This Week

  1. ag

    hmm … just finished MCIP. Liked it more than The Lost Duke. But also wished there’d been a lot more of the couple, after.

    ooh, the new Tairen soul book’s on my list …but the local stores are a lil’ slow stocking it. 🙁


  2. you’ve had a rough week ((hugs)) I hope your girls are feeling better and you’re feeling better.

    Isn’t Tairen Soul books more than a 5 Star? I love them. It’d be nice if there were more fantasy romances!

  3. Hi Tracy!
    So sorry to hear about your rough week–all of you being quite sick like that is awful. I hope everyone is feels better this week.

    I’m so happy to hear how much you loved the latest Tairen Soul book. I’ve got it on my nightstand right now, but am reading some more light hearted stuff right now because I can’t concentrate and know I want to get that 6 star experience from reading King of Sword and Sky like you did!

    Hang in there!

  4. I hope you and your girls feel better soon! Oh, so rough to be sick. You sure got lots of reading done, though!

    Confession: I could never get into those Tairen Soul books, IDK. But hey, you should start at the beginning with Janet Evanovich!! Delicious.

  5. Feel better soon. Hope the two little ones feel better as well. Two infections. Gah.
    Don’t overstress yourself, k? You can always beat up someone later. ^_^

  6. Ag – Did you read the first 2 Tairen Soul books? So good!

    Amy – I LOVED KOSAS – so good but very sad that we have to wait until next year to get the last book!

    Christine – yes, you really need to give the Tairen Soul books your undivided attention. Hopefully the construction’s going well. 🙂

    CJ – I really do need to read the Evanovich books. I really, really like the ones I’ve read so far and of course I love Morelli, Stephanie and Ranger. Oh, not to mention Diesel!

    Alys – LOL – Yes, my husband will get inundated with beatings by the time he gets home! 🙂 Not really!

    KB – Absolutely!!!

  7. I really enjoyed MCIP. ANd I agree with everyone else. It needed just a tad more h/h at the end.

    I have the Tairen Soul book there but haven’t started them yet.

    After that quote Lady Be Good is going straight of the top of my purchase list. So freakin funny.

    Hope you and yours feel better.

  8. OH! I love the new look. Tres cool.

    Wasn’t Lady Be Good awesome? I so thought I’d hate Kenny, but I just couldn’t help but love him. I might need to re-read it.

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