Ah My Daughter, The Romantic

Posted September 9, 2008 by Tracy in Miscellaneous | 21 Comments

My oldest daughter apparently takes after me in the fact that she’s a romantic. I have had some clues lately in comments she’s been making after watching some movies but what she said this weekend really clinched it for me.

My youngest decided that she wanted to watch The Swan Princess which is basically another version of Swan Lake. Anyway so about half way through the movie the youngest bows out but the oldest goes in and starts watching the movie. They’ve seen it a thousand times but…

So the movie ends and my oldest comes out and says, “when I find a man I love I’m gonna ask him the same question that Odette asked Prince Derek and if he doesn’t say the same thing that Derek did then I’ll know he doesn’t love me.” (Oh Lordy!) So I ask her, “what did Odette ask Prince Derek?” She said, “she asked him…Derek will you love me til I die? And Derek answered…I will love you much longer than that.” (I’m thinking Odette asked if Derek would love her forever, but that’s what my 10 year old said so I’m going with it).

So I say to my oldest. That is very sweet honey, but that’s a movie and things that happen in movies don’t always happen in real life. Men in movies and books don’t necessarily say things like that in real life. (I’m trying to let her down easy and not burst her bubble too much). She said no, men really do talk like that. (Um, what to do, what to do?) So I say to her, “let’s go ask Daddy that question and we’ll see what he says”. She says, having the utmost faith in her father, “he’ll definitely say that he’ll love you much longer.” Ok….

So we march into the office where my hubby is and I say, “I need to ask you a question.” He nods and just looks at me, waiting. I say, “Honey, will you love me til I die?” Without a second to spare my hubby says, “Possibly. Why do you ask?” I, of course start cracking up because that’s soooo him. But my poor daughter was just standing there with her mouth hanging open in shock. She couldn’t believe that her father didn’t say the “right” thing.

As my oldest and I were walking back to the family room and I had my arm around her comforting her she just stopped and looked at me and said, “well, when I fall in love I’ll fall in love with someone who will say the right thing” and then she marched off to her bedroom. Stubborn!
Oh well, what’s a mother to do…besides laugh?


21 responses to “Ah My Daughter, The Romantic

  1. LA – I think he figured out he’s burst her bubble, but that’s just him so what are ya gonna do? lol

    KB – If you find him definitely let me know…I need to see/meet that guy!

    Kristie – I thought it was cute too! 🙂 It would be nice if they said those types of things but alas, most don’t.

  2. Awww. I would have said the same thing as your daughter. In fact, I probably did. LOL I’m much more romantic than I am practical. She should set her standards high. Forever is a long time. 😉

  3. p.s. I’m going to ask my husband that question later tonight and report back what he says. I know I’m setting myself up for major disappointment here .. but what the heck. I want to know. I’ve got forever with this dude.

  4. I can’t even believe what a cute story that is! That is so funny that your husband said that. But great. Because, dad is always the perfect man. Also, that really is a great line. Now I want to ask my husband. He’ll think it’s a trick question.

  5. Sometimes all you can do is laugh. I remember when I was about 10ish I was at a family gathering. We were talking about something and I said that I couldn’t wait to find my beau. I pronounced it bee-u, because that’s how I thought it was pronounced. I’m almost 32 and have NOT LIVED THAT DOWN! *sigh*

    Sweet story though. 🙂

  6. hahaha! How freaking cute is she? Good for her, I say. Tell her to hold out for the “right” answer. That way she’ll be boyfriendless until middle age. 😛

    Your hubby is too darn cute.

  7. Ok now I need to know what all the husbands said! lol

    Christine & Holly – Yes, she should aim high, I think we all do. I just need to get through her head that they can still be wonderful even if they don't say that particular “right thing!

    Holly – good call – boyfriendless til middle age…I like it.

    CJ – I think my hubby thought it was a trick question too! 🙂

    BL – that’s hilarious. I wouldn’t have lived that down in my family either. I misspelled something on a Christmas wish list once when I was 11 and my family still brings it up! lol

    Amy – thanks!

    Katie – yep I was such a romantic when I was 10! I’m still a romantic just with a huge dose of reality in there!

  8. HAHAHAAH Tracy!!!
    That was great!
    What a lil sweetheart tho!
    At least she know what she wants! And if she gets it at least you know that her man will be awesome!
    My hubby’s about as romantic as a rock, lmao! I dont even know what my hubby would have said, hahaha!!!

  9. Ok, I asked MM. He said, “sure, but I’ll probably end up killing you soon so I won’t have to wait long.”.

    Aww. Now that’s love.

  10. I asked my husband, too. Except I kind of messed up the question.

    Me: Will you love me forever?
    Him: Sure.
    Him: If you play your cards right. ::wink::
    Me: Wait. That’s not what I wanted to ask.
    Me: Will you love me even after I die?
    Him: Of course.
    Him: If I’m conscious, that is.


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