Artemis and Nick?

Posted August 9, 2008 by Casee in Discussions | 7 Comments

So Holly and I have been talking…never a good thing.
She asked me if I thought that Artemis and Nick would end up together. Honestly, I thought that was possible before Acheron, but I didn’t really think about it b/c I hate Artemis. Though some (or maybe most) disagree w/ me, I don’t think she deserves a happily ever after. Anyway, after reading how Acheron ended, I think it’s highly likely that the two of them will end up together. I think their individual hatred of Ash will bring them together. What keeps them together is anyone’s guess. I can’t even say I care b/c I really didn’t like Nick in this book. His mom would be so disappointed in him.
My feelings aside, Holly brought up a great point. When Artemis turned Nick into a Dark-Hunter, she gave Ash Nick’s soul. That means that Artemis will have to ask Ash for Nick’s soul if they end up together. After reading all the hell Artemis has put Ash through, am I the only one that finds this fucking funny as hell? Talk about irony. (Holly: Priceless)
Oh and Holly? Just because you were wrong about Satara, doesn’t mean you’re wrong about this. Muah. (Holly: Thanks. I’m pretty sure I’m right about this one.)

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7 responses to “Artemis and Nick?

  1. That’s the vibe I got, too. What’s the deal with Nick and Stryker and the silver eyes? I haven’t read all the books, so I’m missing quite a bit of info. Anyway, I found Nick a bit try-hard bad-ass in Acheron. He never really does anything that bad and he’s not even very smart. So he was just annoying all around for me.

  2. I remember reading the book where Cherise dies. I don’t understand 100% why Nick hates Ach so much. I mean, there were bigger fish to fry (or save as the case may be).

    I hope Nick finds someone who can save him. I hope Artemis fries in hell. Talk about an annoying, wishy-washy character. I wanted to smack her so bad while reading Acheron that I could hardly contain myself.

    I don’t know how Sherrilyn could redeem her…at all.

    If they do end up together. *icky shiver*

  3. I hope Artemis fries in hell.

    I agree with Bridget.

    I don’t want to see Artemis get a HEA. She doesn’t deserve one. There were parts during Acheron where I felt sorry for her, but just as I was starting to soften my heart, she’d do something to piss me off again. I just wish Ash would let Simi eat her already.

  4. Artemis the bitch needs to burn! Seriously could she be more evil? “But I love you!” What a pile. I don’t want to see Artemis get her HEA either…

    I want Nick to be good again…will that happen?

  5. At the moment I can’t imagine anybody else ending up with Artemis. I’d love to see more stuff happen to her though before she gets her own HEA (like become human or stripped of her powers or something like that).

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