Review: Into the Fire by Suzanne Brockmann.

Posted July 28, 2008 by Rowena in Reviews | 15 Comments

Hero: Murphy Vinh
Heroine: Hannah Whitfield
Grade: 4.75 out of 5

Suspense doesn’t burn any brighter and desire doesn’t run any deeper than when Suzanne Brockmann takes the helm, opens the throttle, and takes readers along for a breathless ride as she breaks the thrill barrier–again and again. With Into the Fire, Brockmann lights the fuse on her most explosive story yet.

Vinh Murphy–ex-Marine and onetime operative for the elite security firm Troubleshooters Incorporated–has been MIA ever since his wife, Angelina, was caught in a crossfire and killed during what should have been a routine bodyguard assignment. Overcome with grief, Murphy blames the neo-Nazi group known as the Freedom Network for her death. Now, years later, Freedom Network leader Tim Ebersole has been murdered–and the FBI suspects Murphy may have pulled the trigger. To prevent further bloodshed, Murphy’s friends at Troubleshooters scramble to find him and convince him to surrender peacefully.

Murphy himself can’t be sure what he did or didn’t do during the years he spent mourning and lost in an alcohol-induced fog. He does know he occasionally sought solace from Hannah Whitfield, a former police officer and the very friend who’d introduced him to his beloved late wife.

But Hannah, still grappling with the deafness that resulted from an injury sustained while on duty, was fighting her own battles. For years Hannah had feelings for Murphy, and one painful night their suffering brought them together in a way neither expected–and both regretted.

Murphy is ready to rejoin the living. As always, he finds himself knocking on Hannah’s door, and as always, his longtime friend welcomes him back into her home. Yet even as Murphy slowly rebuilds his splintered life, he continues to fight his growing feelings for Hannah.

Then he learns of Ebersole’s murder and comes to believe that the Freedom Network has targeted him–and Hannah–to avenge their leader’s death to violence. Now Murphy must face the terrifying prospect of losing another woman he loves.

As the Troubleshooters desperately search for him, Murphy races toward a deadly confrontation with the Freedom Network and ultimate choice: surrender his life in hopes that Hannah will be spared, or risk everything to salvage whatever future they may have together.

I loved it.

I really did, there wasn’t much about this book that I didn’t love. I loved it so much that I inhaled it after I started it, it was like I started reading and I couldn’t stop until I knew everything that happened and gosh, Suz did it again. She nailed a great storyline and made me fall even more in love with Izzy Zanella.


Such a good book.

This story is supposed to be about Murphy and Hannah but it’s about so much more than just them two. It’s about Izzy Zanella *sigh* and Dave Malkoff and Decker and Sophia and Tracy. Everyone from Troubleshooters is in this book and I enjoyed it all. There were times though when I was dying to read more about Izzy but I really enjoyed Murphy and Hannah’s story as well. I got choked up a few times through their storylines, especially when Murphy asked Hannah, “Why didn’t you fight for me?” I wasn’t expecting him to say it but when he did, my heart hurt for the both of them.

Suz does a great job with getting you involved in this story. It was one of those action packed books that you couldn’t stop reading because there was so much in it and so much to feel and read and know that after you close the book when you finish the book, you’re left feeling emotionally drained but happy for the ride anyway.

Murphy was a great hero, he’s one of those heroes that is broken and you see his road to recovery throughout this book and with each step he takes to make himself better, you fall just a little more in love with him. He was a good guy and his grief was so strong at times that I had to put the book down because I grieved with him but I still really enjoyed his book and his character.

Hannah was a great heroine, she was deaf but she was still an awesome heroine. She was funny and in your face tough and I really liked her for Murphy. She was exactly what Murphy needed by his side and I’m so glad that he had her because she was perfect for him. She never gave up on him and she wouldn’t let him give up on him either. She was just great.

This story opens up a bunch of storylines that we’ll see more of in future books and I’m really excited about all of that, I’m mighty curious to know who’s book is next…does anyone know? It was good to see everyone back in action together, Izzy, Jenkins, Lopez, Gilligan, Sophia, Tess and Nash (awww), Decker and everyone else…I love seeing characters from other books coming back, it’s just good stuff.

Should you guys read this book? Heck to the yes, it was a good addition to an already awesome series and the Suz fans out there will be delighted with it, so yes, go ahead and read it and drool over Izzy with me! =)

This book is available from Ballantine . You can buy it here.

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15 responses to “Review: Into the Fire by Suzanne Brockmann.

  1. I loved this book as well. Though I think if I had not followed this series, i would have had a very hard time following characters and who was who. She bounced around a lot. Not that I am complaining because I loved seeing them all. And the Tess and Nash thing, OMG, i was so frustrated.

  2. C2

    It was ever so excellent, wasn’t it? 😀

    Oh Izzy…I was not expecting his story to go the way it apparently is headed. *sigh* And I am glad Sophia and Decker might not end up together – I have never been able to see them as a couple (yup, I’m in the minority, I know).

    With Suz’s books I’m almost always more interested in the secondary storylines and this one wasn’t an exception.

    Suz hasn’t said who Dark of Night is about – she did say she thought it was obvious but her early readers did not. Also, it picks up, like, the very next day after the end of ITF.

  3. C2

    Are you sure you’re not mad? 😉 I’m not mad either. :o) I knew she was going to torture poor Izzy and it’s started. And if she really doesn’t put Sophia and Decker together, I am so okay with that! I think she would have moved their story along faster, if that were the direction she’s going. But who am I to say?? Nobody. LOL

  4. Loved this book! I’m doing everything I can not to pick it up and read it again because I have so many other books lined up (Acheron and Breaking Dawn next week! Eeek! So many books, not enough time!)

    I’m hoping DON will be Decker’s story, and I’m hoping he and Sophia still end up together. They have to.

    I’ll drool over Izzy with you, Rowena. Loooved him! I cannot wait to see how his story ends up.

  5. I reviewed it over on my review blog. I enjoyed it too, but I gotta tell you…the Izzy/Eden thing kind of made me uncomfortable. Maybe it was because she was underage? Not sure, but it just didn’t sit right with me. Here’s hoping she grows up a bit before their story.

    I loved Decker/Sophia/Dave and the bit with the psychiatrist. That actually had some moments that had my jaw dropping. Here’s hoping that gets resolved soon. 🙂

    Loved it! Here’s the link to my other blog:


  6. Rowena


    I feel you about the whole Tess/Nash thing, it drove me batty sometime too! I also know what you’re talking about with the jumping around of the characters and storylines, it didn’t bother me but I could see how those new to Suz would get confused…but still, I love this series!


    You know, I wasn’t expecting Izzy to end up with the storyline that he ended up with but I’m not mad about it…I’m also not mad at all about the Decker and Sophia thing being a bust because though I enjoyed their storyline and was hoping to read their book soon, I’m not mad that things shifted because it HAS been a long time and it just seems more realistic this way…but mad? Me? Not at all.

  7. Excited does not even begin to describe the way I feel about getting and reading this book. I’ve always been intrigued by Izzy since Gone Too Far…so am definitely looking out for this.

    And I vote Decker/Sophia, too! 🙂

  8. Totally loved it, but not for the main romance. Suz totally ripped me to shreds with this one, but then that’s what she does.

    I’m on the fence about what’s going on w/ Sophia now. I was in the Decker camp, but…

    And Izzy’s story? If that’s it, I’m not sure I care much for it. I think if the heroine would have been older it woulda been different.

  9. Tabitha

    The review here is making me so antsy to get my copy now…but noo, I need to start back at the beginning since I’m still like 10 books behind in the series. *grit teeth*

  10. Ok, just finished it. LOVE IZZY. That’s all I have to say. I’m not sure how I like the Izzy/Eden pairing but we all know that may not be who he ultimately ends up with. I’m still praying it won’t be Tracy.

    I was also more interested in the secondary stories. Than Vinh/Hannah’s although I liked their story as well.

    Not at all disappointed in the Decker/Sophia thing. Whatev.

    I am curious who the next book is going to be about. I mean we KNOW it can’t be Izzy he hasn’t had enough torture yet.

    Dave? Meh. I don’t know, you guys think she’ll give him an entire book? I”m thinking no….

    Decker…this is my guess. It’s about time I would say……

    Other’s thoughts???

    So glad we don’t have to wait an entire year for the next book!!!!! Spring ’09 ladies!! Woo-hoo!

  11. Rowena


    I don’t think she’s done torturing Izzy so I’m really looking forward to seeing what she’s got in store for him. And really, I’m not mad..haha.
    The only thing that would make me mad is if she paired Decker up with the shrink doctor, I don’t like her.

    I was swooning over Nash all over again in this book even as I wanted to hit him upside his head for not going to Decker for help.

    Bridget Locke,

    I’ll run over to your blog in a little bit to check out your thoughts on this book, I really enjoyed it but there was one thing that totally pissed me off and that was…Danny Gillman. Giligan got on my hot damn nerves, I kept wanting to muzzle his ass!

    I’m not a fan of the shrink and Decker getting together but I really do like the pairing of Dave and Sophia, they fit together.

  12. Rowena


    Ooh I really like Decker’s character for some reason and I, too hope that DoN is his book…I won’t be mad if his heroine ends up being Sophia but I won’t be mad if it’s not either so I’m good either way.

    As for Izzy, I really really love him,I’m getting flashbacks of my love of Sam with Izzy and I was really crazy for Sam back in the beginning of the series…gosh I still think about that chocolate scene with Alyssa back in The Defiant Hero, *sigh* Man, I miss those guys and that Team 16. Oh well, life goes on.

  13. Rowena

    Kookie love,

    You’ve got to get your hands on this book pronto and read it, it’s good!


    I was totally not expecting that kind of storyline for Izzy but I’m not really mad about it. I kinda like Eden but well, I won’t be mad if he doesn’t end up with her.

  14. Rowena


    Yes totally get it soon, this book is so worth losing sleep over, haha.


    I’m glad you enjoyed the story because it was such a good story and I’m so with you on the more interested in the secondary characters as well, haha.

  15. I have so much that I can say, but I don’t want to spoil anything. But, I would love to say that I’m a big fan of Dave. He’s number 2 on my list, after Sam of course!

    I love how Suzanne has brought Dave out of the shadows. I have fallen in love with him even the more in this book. He was truly a hero in this book.

    Will there be a spoiler thread soon?

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