Books are dangerous

Posted July 15, 2008 by Casee in Discussions | 7 Comments

We already know that books are dangerous to our checking accounts/wallets. Did you also know that they are physically dangerous? No? Well, I’m performing a public service this afternoon by letting you know. Below is an email exchange between Holly and myself.

From: Casee []
To: Holly []

Date: Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 12:14 PM
Subject Re: question

I just slapped myself in the face with my book and my contact came halfway out.

From: Holly []
To: Casee []

Date: Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 12:22 PM
Subject Re: question

LMAO!LMAO! OMG! I effing love you. hahahaha

From: Casee []
To: Holly []

Date: Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 5:10 PM
Subject Re: question

I’m glad I’m amusing you. Actually, I even had to laugh at that one. Should I email Jo Goodman and tell her that Wild Sweet Ecstasy knocked my contact out? LOL

Holly ETA: I thought maybe I should share the rest of the conversation with you, so you get the full scope here. Below is the chat we had after this was posted.

Casee: dude, reading that email still makes me chuckle

Holly: me too
freaking Casee
how, exactly, did you hit yourself w/ the book, anyway?
i forgot to ask
Casee: well, i’d have to demonstrate
i just demonstrated to Jack after he read the post
only I could do it.
lets leave it at that.
Holly: that doesn’t surprise me, honestly
it’s a Casee thing

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7 responses to “Books are dangerous

  1. LOL! Oh, that’s bad. I smacked myself on the head once with a book (it was frustrating me and it seemed the thing to do). The only problem was I had it turned wrong and gave myself a papercut. So Casee…you’re not the only one. ๐Ÿ˜€

  2. OMG that’s too funny. Although I have poked myself in the eye with the corner of the book before so I’m happy I’m not the only one around that has book/eye issues! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. As long as you didn’t blind yourself, knock yourself unconscious, or otherwise suffer brain damage, I’m hoping it’s a good reading experience! I’m imagining you lying on your back on the beach, holding the book up to shield your eyes from the sun, but the tanning oil made the book slippery in your fingers, and it came crashing down on your face, corner first. Don’t you know you could put your eye out?! Jo Goodman

  4. I’m imagining you lying on your back on the beach, holding the book up to shield your eyes from the sun, but the tanning oil made the book slippery in your fingers, and it came crashing down on your face, corner first.

    Don’t I wish. *sigh*

    At least it was a good reading experience. That’s a positive thing, right?


    What are you thinking, girl? Don’t say something like that or I’ll start getting peer pressured. LOL

    Glad to know I’m not the only one. Thanks for the support everyone.

    So there, Holly. *g*

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