Thursday Thirteen: 13 Heroines That Need To Die

Posted May 22, 2008 by Holly in Features | 8 Comments

Today’s Thursday Thirteen comes to you courtesy of Casee and Holly and their frustration with TSTL romance novel heroines.

13 Heroines That Need To Die

Holly: 1. Jenny from Judith McNaught’s A Kingdom of Dreams.

Casee: 2. Gabriella Harrison from A Long Road Home by Danielle Steel

Holly: 3. Anna Rosewood from Scandal of the Black Rose by Debra Mullins

Casee: 4. Jessica Stanton from All That Glitters by Linda Howard

Holly: Good call on that one *headesk*

5. Mary (what’s her last name) from Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward

Casee: No way. But thanks for reminding me.

6. Marissa from Lover Revealed by JRW

Hate that bitch.

7. Catherine Enderly from Stormfire by Christine Monson

8. Joan DaCosta from Into the Night by Suz Brockmann

She was so annoying.

Holly: Oh, that reminds me:

9. Pretty much every heroine in Suz Brockmann’s Team 16 series.

Casee: Dude, you can’t do that. What about Teri? And Gina? They were good heroines.

Holly: They were? I wouldn’t know, cause I didn’t read their books. LOL But I did say “pretty much”.

Casee: Thanks for clarifying that.

10. Catherine Aldley from Island Flame by Karen Robards

I didn’t hate the book though.

Holly: 11. Bella from the Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyers.

Casee: 12. Paxton Andrews from Message From Nam by Danielle Steel.

Holly: 13. Hope Malory from Raintree: Haunted by Linda Winstead-Jones

Can you believe Casee came up with more heroines to hate than I did? Crazy, isn’t it? I’m going to give an honorable mention to Julie from Perfect by Judith McNaught, but don’t tell Casee and Rowena, ok? Shhh, it’ll be our little secret.

So, do you have a favorite heroine you love to hate? Leave us a comment and let us know.

Want to join in on the fun? Check out the Thursday Thirteen website for details.

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8 responses to “Thursday Thirteen: 13 Heroines That Need To Die

  1. I liked Jenny from Kingdom of Dreams! Was she dumb for falling for her family’s BS? Yes. But it was her own character flaw of loyalty that made her fall for that. For a book set in those days, I thought she was pretty courageous.

    But I agree with Marissa from the BDB series. Actually, almost all of the BDB heroines have been TSTL.

  2. Well I liked Mary from LE. Its my favorite BDB book. But, I’ve got to say I totally agree with you on killing Marissa off she’s useless.
    Then after she’s dead Butch will turn to V in his time of need and they will make sweet, sweet love. V’s woman is a ghost so technically she’s already dead. So it’s not really cheating.( Can you tell I’ve really given this some thought.) 😛

    As for some of the others on your list, I can see why you’d want to kill Bella from the Twilight series, but I still like her. I also liked Joan DaCosta and most of the other heroines of Suz Brockman’s Team 16 series. Marylou is the one who needed to die and what’s her face that’s married to Wildcard. Those two really annoyed me.

  3. Ana

    Awww: I quite like Jenny and Bella!

    I don’t think I ever despised a heroine as much as I despised Cathy from Wuthering Heights – I have read the book for the first time when I was 15 and countless times ever since and I can never ever forgive her.

  4. I think this list started out as “13 heroines whose lives you’d never want to live” or something like that. Then it waffled back between that and 13 heroines that need to die. So I just want to point out that Paxton Andrews didn’t deserve to die. LOL

  5. C2

    I just want to say to Casee – Dude! You’ve managed to read at least two Danielle Steel books and you can’t make yourself read Bet Me?? What’s up with that?! 😉

    Otherwise, you didn’t specifically mention Meg from Suz’s The Defiant Hero. Someone needed to push her off a cliff or into the swamp or something. I love me some Suz but yikes.

  6. Sayuri

    Awww why all the hate for Marissa? LOL I think I may be the only person who likes her. I don’t know why.

    (I think it may have something to do with wishing I was her….and if I was Butch’s shellan, I would have noo problem with a little V time… long as I could watch! LMAO!!)

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