Born in Sin by Kinley MacGregor
Series: Brotherhood of the Sword #3, The MacAllisters #3
Also in this series: Claiming the Highlander (Brotherhood of the Sword #2/MacAllister, #1), Taming the Scotsman
Publisher: Harper Collins, Avon
Publication Date: January 1, 2003
Format: Print
Source: Purchased
Point-of-View: Alternating Third
Cliffhanger: View Spoiler »
Genres: Historical Romance
Pages: 372
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Stunning Caledonia MacNeely fights an unfamiliar shiver when she is offered in marriage to the infamous ′Lord Sin′. Though Callie fears this mysterious knight - less for the dark whispers that damn him than for the burning desire he invokes - she is under order of the English King. And with the fate of her troubled clan hanging in the balance, she has little recourse.
This is the second MacAllister brother book by Kinley MacGregor. There are other books in the Brotherhood of the Swords series, which is a series that intermingles with this one and I’ll get to reviewing those books soon but for right now, I’m reviewing the MacAllister books because I loved these guys.
Kinley MacGregor/Sherrilyn Kenyon has some serious tortured hero love. Most all of her heroes have been through the ringer and most of them have had shitty lives and don’t trust anyone and on and on and on and I’m thinking okay I think I’ve had enough because there comes a time in a reader’s life when it just gets old.
I’m glad that I read Sin’s book back when I first started reading SK/KM because back then I was eating the tortured hero thing up. So even though now, I’m not too wild about SK anymore (but of course, I still read her because that’s my crack)…I still loved me some Sin MacAllister.
Sin MacAllister captivated me from the first time we meet him in Braden’s book. There was something so mysterious and so interesting about him that it had this bizarre way of stealing the hero’s story.
Poor Braden.
While reading Claiming the Highlander, I wanted to know all there was about this quiet and lethal man. I wanted to know what happened to him after all that time after being banished from his home and having his father turn his back on him. My heart went out to him and I wanted him to find the happiness that would show his step mother up. Even after the scene where they meet again after all those years and it went down between her and Sin, it wasn’t enough for me. I wanted more groveling, I wanted more apologies, I wanted more for Sin.
I loved Callie though, I thought she was a fantastic hero and the perfect heroine for Sin. She was loving, caring and she loved her some Sin. I loved the fierce way she depended on him and the way that she brought laughter into Sin’s life, it was just the cutest thing to see her try to teach Sin how to love and try to thaw the coldness around Sin’s heart.
Watching these two fall in love made for great hours of entertainment and it was just so much fun to be apart of. I loved that Sin was a virgin, you don’t meet too many of those kind of heroes in our romance novels and seriously with Sin, it was hot. It was hot at how much he wanted it to be good for Callie and sigh I just seriously love this book.
You guys should definitely read this book because it’s a good book with the best of the Scots world and the English world back in the day and because Sin is a fantastic hero and Callie was a great heroine, the storyline was wonderful and the characters (especially Sin’s family) were off the charts good!
I remember looking forward to finding out more about Keiran and Ewan and this was the story that made me fall a little more in love with Lochlan.
Seriously, these MacAllister men are fantastically handsome and just wickedly hot, why have you not read these books if you haven’t?
This book is available from Avon. You can buy ithere or here in e-format.
I haven’t read this yet, but I have it in my tbr pile. 😛 Maybe it’ll be my next tbr day read? LOL
Another book I loved. I finished re-reading all of Kinley Macgregor’s MacAllisters/Brotherhood of the Sword not four days ago. This one if my favorite of the bunch. I love tortured heroes and Sin’s back story was fascinating.
Dammit. Now I am going to have to buy me this….
I loved this book! I think Sin was my first really dark tortured hero. I bought The Warrior late last year and still haven’t read it. I really should!
If you want the full impact of the MacAllister brothers, you should start at the beginning..or actually you should read Master of Desire first and then Claiming the Highlander and then this one…you should! =)
Mary M.
I’m glad you loved the book, it’s such a favorite amongst me and my friends, the book sure is great and Sin? TO DIE FOR!
Yes you do sweets! =)
You know, I bought The Warrior last year too and I still haven’t read it, we should read it together! =)
Sure…that would be fun!
I have taken you advice and purchased the lot. I am now about to embark on ‘Master Of Desire’. Wish me luck!