Author Spotlight: Jennifer Crusie.

Posted May 1, 2008 by Rowena in Features | 5 Comments

Last month was our first Author Spotlight and I tell you now, it’s a total work in progress. We found out that some things worked and some things we needed to work on and so there will be glitches and what not but we ask that you guys bear with us through it all…we’re only human, after all.

This month we’re going to spotlight an author who is near and dear to our hearts. An author who has gifted us with hours upon hours of laugh out loud books and quickly became a favorite of ours. An author who we’d worship if it wasn’t a sin. An author who we’ll forever be grateful to for introducing us to the likes of Manhunting, I didn’t even care…I still loved Jake so because of all of these things and so much more, we chose to spotlight Jennifer Crusie, this month on Book Binge.

Here’s her bio that we totally got from her website, check it out here:

Jenny Crusie was born in Wapakoneta, a small Ohio town on the banks of the Auglaize River. She graduated from Wapakoneta High School and earned her bachelor’s degree from Bowling Green State University in Art Education. She married in 1971 and lived briefly in Wichita Falls, Texas, until her air force husband was transferred to Dayton, Ohio.

Mollie as a babyJenny taught pre-school until her daughter, Mollie, was born. When she returned to work, she taught in the Beavercreek public school system for ten years as an elementary and junior high art teacher while earning a master’s degree from Wright State University in Professional Writing and Women’s Literature; her master’s thesis was titled “A Spirit More Capable of Looking Up To Him: Women’s Roles in Mystery Fiction 1841-1920.”

She took a leave of absence from Beavercreek in 1986 to complete her Ph.D. coursework at Ohio State University in feminist criticism and nineteenth century British and American literature. She returned to teach high school English (American and British literature surveys, mythology, the Bible in literature, and college composition) for another five years, and during this time she also directed theater tech crews (sets and costumes) for the Beavercreek Drama Department.

In the summer of 1991, she began to research her dissertation on the impact of gender on narrative strategies, searching out the differences in the way men and women tell stories. As part of the research, she planned to read one hundred romance novels and one hundred men’s adventure novels. The romance novels turned out to be so feminist and so absorbing, that she never got to the men’s adventure fiction and decided to try writing fiction instead, quitting her job the following spring to devote herself full time to writing and to finishing the Ph.D., one of her riskier moves since she didn’t sell her first book until August of ’92.

The sale was to Silhouette, a novella titled Sizzle, that Jenny now refers to as “really lousy.” Silhouette delayed its publication so that it became the second book published under the Crusie pseudonym, Jenny’s maternal grandmother’s family name. Although Silhouette rejected Jenny’s next novel, Harlequin accepted it and published it in 1993 as Manhunting in their Temptation line. Five more Harlequins followed, including Getting Rid of Bradley which won the RWA Rita Award for Best Short Contemporary, Strange Bedpersons, What the Lady Wants, Charlie All Night, and Anyone But You. She also wrote two category novels for Bantam’s Loveswept line, The Cinderella Deal and Trust Me On This. During this time she put the PhD on hold to earn an MFA in fiction from OSU; her thesis was titled, Just Wanted You To Know, and consisted of several short stories and the proposal for a mainstream novel titled Crazy For You. During this time she also wrote a book of literary criticism on Anne Rice, published under the name Jennifer Smith.

Jenny todayIn the fall of 1995, Jenny began to write single title novels for St. Martin’s Press where she very happily remains to this day. She is especially delighted to be working with her editor, Jennifer Enderlin, her agent Meg Ruley, and her daughter/business partner, Mollie Smith.

Today, in many ways, Jenny has come full circle. She collaborates with Bob Mayer on romantic adventure novels, putting into practice everything she studied about the differences in the way men and women write fiction in that long ago PhD dissertation, and she is once again living on the banks of an Ohio river. Her solo novels continue to explore women’s journeys, especially issues dealing with relationships, friendships, community, and creativity, and her collaborations with Bob and others give her the opportunity to explore those same things in real life. She is a very fortunate woman, and she knows it.

So in keeping with our Author Spotlight kick off post, here’s a little poll for all you lovely readers:

1. What was your first read by Jennifer Crusie? Did you like it? Did you not care for it?
2. What is your favorite book by Jennifer Crusie?
3. Who is your favorite hero by Jennifer Crusie?
4. Who is your favorite heroine by Jennifer Crusie?
5. What secondary character do you want Jennifer Crusie to write a story for?
6. What is your least favorite book by Jennifer Crusie? Why?
7. What did you think of Jake Templeton’s mustache?
8. If Jennifer Crusie were to write a historical, would you read it?
9. Have you read all of Jennifer Crusie’s books?
10. If you haven’t, which books haven’t you read?

And this month for our Battle of the Heroes, I’m going to do it a little differently…it’s really going to be a last man standing kind of battle so I’m going to list all of JC’s heroes for you guys to vote for and each day, the hero with the least amount of votes will get booted off the list and we’ll keep going down until we’re down to the last JC hero standing. Sound good? Well, it better cause that’s how we’re doing it this time around….haha.

And just an FYI, here’s a listing of all of the Jennifer Crusie heroes and their books:

1. Cal Morrissey from Bet Me.
2. Nick Zeigler from Crazy For You.
3. Phin Tucker from Welcome to Temptation.
4. Dave Dempsey from Faking It.
5. Gabe McKenna from Fast Women.
6. C.L Sturgis from Tell Me Lies.
7. Alex Moore from Anybody but You.
8. Mitch Peatwick from What the Lady Wants.
9. Zack Warren from Getting Rid of Bradley.
10. Nick Jamieson from Strange Bedpersons.
11. Nolan Mitchell from Hot Toy in the Dear Santa Anthology.
12. Jake Templeton from Manhunting.
13. Charlie Tenniel from Charlie All Night.
14. Alec Prentice from Trust Me On This.
15. Lincoln Blaise from The Cinderella Deal.
16. Shane the Hitman from Agnes and the Hitman.
17. Richard from Sizzle.
18. J.T. Wilder from Don’t Look Down.
19. Danny, Jude, Crash and Elric are all from The Unfortunate Miss Fortunes.

Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you guys around! =)

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5 responses to “Author Spotlight: Jennifer Crusie.

  1. Hi Rowena 😀

    I think that doing the Battle of the Heroes this way is better 😀

    To answer your questions:

    1. Strange Bedpersons, I loved it 😀 Maybe that’s why I’m a bit biased when it comes to that book 😛

    2. Getting Rid of Bradley! It was hilarious 😀 I loved Lucy and Zack and the dogs LOL 🙂

    3. Hmmm, that’s a tough one… I say it’s a toss up btw Zack Warren, Phin Tucker, Nick Zeigler and Nick Jamieson 😛 LOL ^_^;

    4. Favorite heroine… has to be Lucy from Getting Rid of Bradley… and closely followed by Tess from Strange Bedperson, Sophie from Welcome to temptation and Quinn from Crazy for you! LOL 🙂

    5. Hmmmm, secondary characters… I think Sophie and Dempsey’s sister, Amy. I know she got together with Wes, but still… it’d be interesting 😀

    6. Least favorite? That’s definitively Don’t Look Down. It wasn’t funny enough and it was such a let-down after a long anticipation.

    7. Didn’t bother me.

    8. Probably, yes… but I’d rather she sticks with contemporary 😛

    9. Actually, you know what? I did! LOL 🙂

    10. Tell Me Lies is one I should re-read though. My memory about that one is a bit fuzzy… it annoyed me the heroine had a teenager. I don’t usually care, but in this one…

  2. Thanks for this fabulous interview. I was fascinated by the long and sort of academic route Jennifer Crusie took to publishing. Good for you, Jennifer!

  3. I’m in the minority everywhere in blogland but…

    I only have read a few of Ms Crusie’s books, and only kept two (Getting rid of Bradley and another one, the title of which I can’t remember right now).

  4. I lurve Nick from Crazy For You!! He has a way of putting bandages on a woman. HEH HEH.
    And because of your rec, I am reading Manhunting and that Jake is beyond yummy.

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