Things Are Looking Different Around Here…

Posted February 14, 2008 by Holly in Discussions | 17 Comments

Many thanks to Lara from Designed by Lara for the wonderful template she created for us. And for putting up with us and our constant demands. I’m thinking the woman is a Saint. 🙂

Also, thanks to Rowena for setting it all up.

So, what do you think? Like the new template? See anything you don’t like, or something you liked before that’s no longer here?

Feedback would be much appreciated.

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17 responses to “Things Are Looking Different Around Here…

  1. It’s perfect! Being an ‘oldie’ (is 37 old?) I had trouble reading on the dark background of the last template but now it’s easy on the eyes!

    Thanks Lara and Book Binge Ladies!


  2. No Cindy, 37 isn’t even close to old. Oh, and i’m mad at you. I haven’t received ONE SINGLE EMAIL telling me what you think of your Reader! Don’t keep a girl in suspense now!

  3. The new template looks great!
    … did you ladies have those menu buttons up top before? i.e. Home, About Us, etc. ? Well, I don’t remember if you had them or not, but I like ’em! 🙂

  4. Rowena


    I can’t say enough good things about Lara, she’s not only great to work with but she’s very patient, kind and quick…not to mention she’s easy on the budget too. She’s perfect!!! I am definitely going to work with her again.

    Woo hoo!

  5. This is a great look, and it’s very readable, a nice hangout-able design. I love the picture at the top, too. The organization is really intuitive, too. I can tell a ton of thought went into this.

    This feels nice and spacious .

  6. I really like your new look. The colors are very soothing to the eyes. The layout is nice as well. I just now noticed the menu bar at the top, very snazzy. I like the upcoming releases list. Where did you get the information on Linda Howard? I hate that she doesn’t have her own website. What is that all about? LOL!

  7. azteclady

    Each time I look in on you guys, I like the new look better. And I liked it plenty to begin with! As Jill D just said, the colors are soothing and attractive.

    On Linda Howard: I’ve read in several different places online that she had some problems with *ahem* number one fans *ahem* so she’s keeping a lower profile these days–hence the lack of a website. However, she’s usually published by Ballantine, so you can check for new releases by searching there. And amazon usually has some information pretty well in advance–though it can be inaccurate on occasion.

    But since we are talking new releases… Allow me to pimp Ann Aguirre’s Grimspace (released on Feb 26th). I have a review *blushing* here:

  8. Thanks so much for the wonderful feedback. Like Azteclady, I like the site more each time I visit..and I liked it to begin with. I hope the rest of you feel the same.

    Someone asked if the tabs at the top “About us, Contact Us, etc” were there, they weren’t. I really like them, though. Rowena and Lara did a great job of designing the site and I just wanted to thank them for it..again. 🙂

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