More Than You Know by Jo Goodman

Posted February 15, 2008 by Casee in Reviews | 12 Comments

Book description:

Rand Hamilton vows to rebuild his Charleston plantation with the only means left to him: a long-lost treasure that has lured and cursed two families for centuries. But to finance his expedition, he must agree to the terms of his wealthy London benefactor and allow his goddaughter to accompany him. Although wary, Rand agrees to take the woman with him, unaware that she is the one who holds the key to a haunting riddle that will lead him to a glorious treasure – and to a passion he has never known.

London heiress Claire Bancroft is desperate to seek hidden meaning to the terrible fate that has shattered her life. Determined to find her missing brother and unlock the haunting secrets of her past, she must place her trust in Rand, only to discover that she is becoming completely enraptured by him…and the promise of a shining future together…

I know I’m becoming somewhat of a broken record when it comes to Jo Goodman, but if you’ve never read her, you are seriously missing out. Of course if you enjoy your historicals light and fluffy, Jo Goodman probably isn’t for you.

After the war forced his mother to marry to keep their family plantation, Rand vowed to himself that he would find the means to get it back. The legend of the Hamilton-Waterstone treasure has been told from generation to generation. Believing that finding the treasure will turn his family’s luck around, Rand goes to England to meet the Duke who has agreed to become Rand’s financial benefactor…with one condition. Claire Bancroft, the god-daughter of the Duke of Strickland, must accompany Rand on his journey.

Predictably enough, Rand refuses. It’s not that he has any feelings for Claire, he just has no desire to have a woman on board for what could be months and months. After refusing the Duke’s offer, Rand now must figure out how he will even return home to Virginia. It’s only when Claire arrives at his home to confront him that Rand finally realizes that his first impression of Claire was far from accurate. Rand also is able to finally figure out what it was about Claire that disturbed him at their first meeting. Claire Bancroft is blind.

I really debated on revealing Claire’s blindness in my review. At first I thought that everyone should be as surprised as I was when I found out. Then I realized that it was highly possible, likely even, that I would be the only one surprised. I also think it just proves my point about how freaking amazing Jo Goodman is. The woman has a gift.

Moving on, Claire is determined to find out what happened on that horrible day she lost her sight. After traveling with her father and doing scientific research on various islands in the Caribbean, Claire has no recollection of what happened to her father or her brother. Believing that all she has to do to remember is return to the place where it happened, Claire thinks her sight will return.

Rand and Claire’s love story is not one I’ll soon forget. Rand learns quickly how to be Claire’s eyes. He appreciates her ability to see beauty even in the dark and it makes him fall in love with her more quickly than even he could imagine. As for Claire, her outlook on life is far from bleak. Though she is more than hoping for her sight to return, she doesn’t let that stop her from living. I really think that Claire is on my top 3 list of favorite heroines. Her strength, her will, and her love for Rand is still with me.

5 out of 5.

A small note to those who might be wondering if I’ll give Goodman anything other than a 5. The answer to that is yes, I just haven’t reviewed them yet.

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12 responses to “More Than You Know by Jo Goodman

  1. Well, I for one am glad you spoiled that for me. I’ve been meaning to try Goodman again because so many people adore her, but the heroine who lost her sight storyline sends me into apopleptic rages, so perhaps that’s not a good one to start with. LOL.

  2. Woohoo, I have a few Jo Goodman’s in my TBR pile so I should read them for the TBR challenge. And since I do like for the H/H to go through some sort of torment, Goodman may be just the perfect kind of author for me!


  3. azteclady

    I haven’t ever read any of her books… and it’s been a while since I’ve ‘discovered’ a new writer of historicals, so I’m due. Thanks, Casee.

  4. Ladies,

    Sometime in the near future we’re going to start a “Goodman Crusade” because we here at BB, along with many, many others in blogland (Dear Author, Sybil, etc) feel she’s underappreciated. I have no idea wh I just heard about her for the first time last year.. She’s an amazing author, and she should be even more wildly popular than Julie Garwood, Judith McNaught and others of their ilk. I promise you won’t be disappointed if you read her.

    Start with If His Kiss is Wicked. I did, and it was amazing. 🙂


    I’ve commented on your last 4 posts and not one of them has shown up. Did you spam me? Where’s the love?? *sniffle* LOL

  5. Rats! Blogger ate my comment.
    Anyways – as a long time reader of Goodman, it’s nice to see she is finally being ‘discovered’.
    I have this one but I don’t think I’ve read it. Whoo hoo! A Goodman book to read. I have read the sequel to this one and I loved it!

  6. I didn’t read the review too carefully (scared of spoilers, lol) but I will give Goodman a try. I’ve never heard of her… but there are many authors I haven’t heard of.

    Thanks for the review!

  7. Another Goodman book to add to my wish list. After I read If His Kiss is Wicked I fell in love with Goodman’s writing. Now I’m anxious to read any book by her I can get my fingers on.

    Be sure to let me know of the Crusade when you begin. I would love to be a part of it!

  8. Ana

    I loved her If HIs Kiss is Wicked and have been trying to figure out which one to read next since her back list is so extensive. Maybe this is the one!

  9. I had never read a Jo Goodman novel until I came here and heard all the positive things you had to say. I’m VERY glad that I took your advice and checked her out. I love her books. I guess I’ll have to get my hands on this one too!! 🙂

  10. I am sooo glad that you guys are going to give Goodman a try. She really is spectacular.

    As Holly said, keep an eye out of our Goodman Crusade. 🙂

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