Mine to Possess by Nalini Singh
Series: Psy/Changeling #4
Also in this series: Hostage to Pleasure, The Magical Christmas Cat , Kiss of Snow, Tangle of Need, Slave to Sensation , Wild Invitation, Heart of Obsidian, Shield of Winter, Shield of Winter, Visions of Heat, Mine to Possess, Caressed By Ice, Branded by Fire, Blaze of Memory, Mine to Possess, Hostage to Pleasure, Hostage to Pleasure, Shards of Hope, Shards of Hope, Heart of Obsidian, Caressed By Ice, Branded by Fire, Blaze of Memory, Play of Passion, Allegiance of Honor, Kiss of Snow, Tangle of Need, Shield of Winter, Shards of Hope, Allegiance of Honor, Allegiance of Honor, Wild Embrace, Wild Embrace, Wild Embrace, Silver Silence, Silver Silence, Tangle of Need, Ocean Light, Ocean Light , Caressed By Ice, Wolf Rain
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: 2008
Genres: Fiction
Pages: 341
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Series Rating:

A Psy/Changeling novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Shards of Hope, Shield of Winter, and Heart of Obsidian..."the alpha author of paranormal romance" (Booklist).
A ghost returns from a leopard changeling’s past, making him question everything—even his base animal instincts…
Clay Bennett is a powerful DarkRiver sentinel, but he grew up in the slums with his human mother, never knowing his changeling father. As a young boy without the bonds of Pack, he tried to stifle his animal nature. He failed…and committed the most extreme act of violence, killing a man and losing his best friend, Talin, in the bloody aftermath. Everything good in him died the day he was told that she, too, was dead.
Talin McKade barely survived a childhood drenched in bloodshed and terror. Now a new nightmare is stalking her life—the street children she works to protect are disappearing and turning up dead. Determined to keep them safe, she unlocks the darkest secret in her heart and returns to ask the help of the strongest man she knows...
Clay lost Talin once. He will not let her go again, his hunger to possess her, a clawing need born of the leopard within. As they race to save the innocent, Clay and Talin must face the violent truths of their past…or lose everything that ever mattered.
Ask yourself if it is possible for Nalini Singh to get even better. Then believe me when I say that the answer is a resounding yes.
Talin McKade never thought she’d see Clay Bennett again. Though he saved her life when she was a child, Tally has never been able to forget how he did it or what he turned into. After that night, all Tally associated Clay with was fear. Death. Blood. So it was with some trepidation that she hunted him down after 20 years to ask for his help. It didn’t help that Clay thought she was dead.
Clay has never forgotten Tally. The fact that he wasn’t with her when she “died” has haunted him and shaped him into the person he is. When he learns Tally is alive, he first feels joy then anger is at the forefront when he learns that it was her idea to tell him she was dead. Even with the mix of feelings he has for Tally, he is almost compelled to help her.
Desperate to find a missing child, Tally can’t help but think the worse. After three missing children recently turned up dead, Tally knows that she needs help. Believing that Clay is the only one that can help her, Tally tries to put her fears aside. Teaming up with Clay and some of the Dark River and Snow Dancer packs, they soon learn that what his happening to these children is more sinister than anyone first thought.
I devoured this book. While I always had faith in Nalini Singh’s ability to draw me into the story, I was unsure of her ability to make me love a human heroine. The Changeling and Psy heroes are just so alpha. Sascha, Faith, Brenna…they were the strong counterpart that their mates needed. So it was with some trepidation that I started Mine to Possess. I should never have doubted Nalini’s ability to make me love this heroine. Tally was exactly the type of woman that Clay needed.
The relationship between Tally and Clay was by no means an easy one. Good memories and bad, they have to find a way to meet halfway. Tally has to believe that Clay would never hurt her. Clay has to come to terms with Tally’s sexual past. The hard road that the two have had make the ending that much sweeter.
This is another great installment in the Psy/Changeling series.
5 out of 5.
This book will be released on February 5th. You can pre-order it here.
I don’t like spoilers so I just read the opening where you say she just keeps getting better. Squeeeeee! I’ve been checking the stock at my local bookstores for the past week. I so badly want this book!!
I’m also excited about the week long guest blog.
Ugh, I can’t wait to read this one 😛 I skip your review, I just needed the see your grade 😛 I have pre-ordered it and I hope it’ll come soon!!!
Skipped too.
Lucky jerk.
Can’t wait to read this one!! I’m so impatient. LOL
Another spoiler free zone over here… but man, I’m antsy!
I can’t wait to hear what everyone thinks about it. 🙂
I also skipped your review (I don’t like spoilers)
But I pre orderd mine already, and I got an email this am that its been mailed out to me. Yay. I love it when Chapters does that.
i so love your series!
What Chantal!! they mailed it to you already?!?!?!?! When? Soooo not fair!!!!
Nath, it arrived this morning!!!
My girlfriend in Toronto also pre ordered and she got hers this morning, too.
Argh Chantal!! This is sooo unfair!! Apparently, mine was shipped on the 29th… I’m crossing my fingers for it to arrive today or tomorrow… if not, I’m heading to the bookstore 😛