Whispering Rock by Robyn Carr
Series: Virgin River #3
Also in this series: Virgin River, Virgin River, A Virgin River Christmas, Second Chance Pass, Second Chance Pass, Second Chance Pass, Temptation Ridge, Paradise Valley, Forbidden Falls, Forbidden Falls, Angel's Peak, Forbidden Falls, Promise Canyon, Wild Man Creek, Promise Canyon, Harvest Moon, Bring Me Home for Christmas, Redwood Bend, Sunrise Point, Shelter Mountain, Moonlight Road, Moonlight Road
Publisher: Harlequin, MIRA
Publication Date: June 1st 2007
Point-of-View: Third Person
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Pages: 363
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A decorated U.S. Marine reservist, LAPD officer Mike Valenzuela was badly wounded in the line of duty, but has found hope and healing in Virgin River. When he agrees to become the town's first cop, he does so knowing it's time he settled down. Twice divorced and the lover of too many women, he secretly longs for the kind of commitment and happiness his marine buddies have found—a woman who can tie up his heart forever.
He finds that woman in Brie Sheridan, a Sacramento prosecutor who understands his drive to protect and serve. Virgin River becomes a safe haven for Brie after nearly losing her life at the hands of a crazed criminal. Though tough and courageous, she's got some fears she can't escape—but now she has someone who will show her just what it means to trust again. Mike will do anything to help Brie free herself from painful memories. Passionate, strong and gentle, he vows to give back to her what she's so selflessly given him—her heart, and with it, a new beginning.
I had to sit on this review for a few hours to think back on my reading experience with Whispering Rock. I enjoyed the book quite a bit, loving every page that was filled with Mike and Brie. This book started with a definite bang with the whole Brie’s in trouble and Mike turning around and going back to be with her in her time of need…even if she didn’t want him around, Mike was there anyway because he knew that he had some deep feelings for his best friend’s little sister.
The story starts out with Brie in the hospital having been brutally beaten and raped by the man that she tried to put behind bars for raping other women….the trial she fought and lost. In Shelter Mountain, we see that Brie has lost that trial and we see the devastation she went through because of it…she felt like such a failure because not only did she lose the case against the serial raper guy, but she also lost her husband to her best friend. So you can just imagine the kind of pain that Brie was going through. She was down on herself and her life and it was with the help of Mike Valenzuela that she slowly came back to the world of living.
It was through constant phone calls and lunches in Santa Rosa that Brie finally started to feel alive again. It was in Virgin River that she started to fall in love with Mike and Mike with her. The small town that brought together great couples such as Jack and Mel Sheridan then Preacher and Paige has done so again with Mike and Brie.
For me, I loved that we got to see the gradual pull of Mike to Brie. I loved that we got to literally see these two fall in love over the course of this book and I seriously loved how understanding and compassionate Mike was. He reminded me so much of Jack in Virgin River and I totally fell for him in this book. He was a great hero, one that captured a piece of my heart and will stay with me long after I have finished this book. The way he knew how to help Brie without pushing and prodding softened my heart toward him like nothing ever could.
There was still that small town feel to this book, with everything else going on in this book. The new characters that were introduced in this book added greatness to this story and I enjoyed getting to know Tom and Brenda, Vanessa and Paul and even the General.
I think what I liked most about this story was that in order for great things to happen, there also has to be some sadness as well…losing characters that were near and dear to my heart and then going through the loss that Vanessa, Paul, Tom and the others suffered through felt so …real. Their grief was felt by me throughout this story and I couldn’t keep the tears at bay while I read page after page of this story. That’s the one thing that I love most about reading Robyn Carr’s writing, is the passion that shows through her writing. Everything felt so real and apart of my life that I felt apart of their world in the backwoods and loved every minute of everything that surrounded this book.
I loved how everyone found a place for themselves in Virgin River…it was great to see Mike in action, trying to figure out and save the girls of his town, I loved when Mike was telling Brenda that she was apart of his town and he would do anything in his power to keep her and the other girls safe from whoever is doing this to them…I loved the conviction in which he went after the bad guys and I just loved him. I admired Brie for her courage in standing up to her demons and I enjoyed watching her progress coming back to life and I totally loved her Dad, for showing Brad up when he came groveling…goodness, I loved that part so much.
What I liked most about this series was how much the men love their women. So passionately and so fully, it made me totally jealous. It made me long for that kind of commitment from well, you know. Anyway, this series made me fall in love with being in love and I just love this series to pieces.
It’s a great series, this was a great story and I gave it a B, only because I wanted more of Mike and Brie’s story…the bits and pieces of everything else was great but for me, I just wanted more Mike and Brie and I finished the book wanting more. Aside from that, I enjoyed this book and am looking forward to more from Mrs. Carr, but seriously, I cannot wait….for Rick’s story.
Crossing fingers that the wait won’t be long…another job well done, Mrs. Carr.
Virgin River

Great review, Rowena!!
What I loved about this book was that Brie’s recovery wasn’t quick. It was believeable. I thought Robyn did a great job of writing her as a rape victim.
I agree about wanting more Mike and Brie. I love those two.
Thanks Casee!
This was a great book and I just loved me some Mike…when Brie shows up in Virgin River after having talked with Brad, I was like, HOLY HANNAH, TOOT THAT THANG MIKE!!!! hehe…this book was great, thanks so much for the pimp!
Me, I want more of Paul and Vanessa. seriously, what is tougher than being in love with your best friend’s wife. I just love this series to death 😛