…when the whole purpose of reviewing a book was because you loved it so much (or hated it so much) you wanted feedback from other lovers (haters). There was discussion and debate, but no wild forays into personal territory. I could say, “Seriously? You liked that?” and no one cared, because we were all meeting with the common goal in mind to just…talk about books.
I started reading romance years ago and I was very blessed to meet some wonderful people in online communities (including my two blogging sisters here at Book Binge) who loved the genre as much as I did. Their joy, like my own, at discovering a new-to-me author was contagious and before long, my reading horizon’s had expanded and grown so much my tiny collection of keepers soared into the thousands.
We argued about our favorite characters and plot devices. We SQUEEEED at the top of our lungs when we found a new book that was TO DIE FOR. We pimped new authors and books and whatever else came to mind.
But more than that, we connected with each other. Don’t misunderstand me, I’ve enjoyed getting to know a lot of you here in Blogland. I love that I’ve made new friends and found other readers who love the same things I do -or hate the things I love, or love the things I hate – but rather than discussing books, we seem to just add our thoughts about them and leave it at that.
Yes, some of the more popular sites, such as Dear Author and Smart Bitches, seem to have livelier discussions, but even they aren’t as appealing as the ones I used to involve myself in were.
So what happened? When did I go from reading 2-3 books a day to reading 2-3 a month. When did my focus shift from sharing the books I loved (and hated) with other women who would potentially love them too, to something…less?
I guess we can blame real life for having the audacity to barge in on our reading time but is that really the problem? I’m no busier now than I was before but I don’t have the same desire that I do to read as I did when the upcoming monthly discussions would begin on whatever BB we were posting at. I remember the days when I wanted to get the books read (no matter how many times I’ve read the book) so that I was prepared for any discussion topics that would arise.
I remember the games we would play day in and day out and the good times we had just by dissecting books and gushing like crazy over this plot and that ending and fighting over the heroes and just having fun with the stories and characters.
All of it was done in good fun and we don’t do that anymore…our question is why?
What happened to us?
I sometimes feel the same way Holly. I started my book club about 2 years ago. I had about 12 members who participated daily, and were very eager to talk about books. My group now consists of 25 members, or so, with about 5 who participate/post daily. Some of the main members when I first started the club, have just disappeared. I hardly ever hear from them.
I think it’s change. People get used to something, then they grow bord of it.
Personally I’ll never get tired of reading, or talking about books.
I wonder if it’s a question of quantity. There are so many sites and blogs out there that sometimes it feels like there’s no time to get muck deep in discussions … or I find that I’ve said everything I had to say in one blog and couldn’t be bothered repeating it somewhere else. Also, blogs are not really conducive to discussions–they’re more for quick comments, particularly if I have to keep coming back to check the comments thread. I just don’t have time for that anymore.
I’m going to blame blogging for my lack of reading
I now want to make sure I get my rounds in and then I want to post something. THEN I have the stuff that used to pull at me all the time anyways.
I know with myself, I have a harder time because of my anxiety – I can’t sit and read for 8 hrs like I used to because I’m thinking about the laundry or the floors or the pool or something else.
Funny I was going to do a post something like this about how my reading was so much a part of my life when I was younger but it’s now more intimidating. I think I look at a book now and wonder if I can get it read before *pick the activity*.
And third, (Please don’t kick me off your blog because I ramble!) I think if you have been reading romance for any length of time you have read many of the great books already. Then the authors we loved moved on to something else and auto buy authors started to drop from my list. I think it was only a year ago when I had Anne Stuart as my only Auto-buy. I now I have 3 autobuy authors and I’m looking to add to the list. This is why I’m trying to branch out and read more ‘new to me’ authors.
Okay, did I remotely stay on topic?
Yeah, blogging is a huge culprit. Sometimes I’m drawn to the livelier blogs and ignore all the books I have sitting around waiting to be read.
Btw, I want to give a shout out to Isabel for her review of Sleepless at Midnight by Jacquie D’Alessandro. I’ve enjoyed it way more than I’ve enjoyed a book in a long, long time. It’s just wonderful. Any others that are similar to this book?
I know what you mean Holly. For me its definitely a combination of life and the books. It seems like these days I only have enough time to read others blogs, without commenting. Or by the time I get to the conversation, it is long past, and plenty has been said already. I feel like I’m re-treading old ground and no one would be reading it only.
And I’m definitely experiencing the phenomenon CindyS describes. I used to always be so excited and thrilled with what I was reading. It was right at the beginning of the paranormal craze, and I was reading a lot of great historical authors. Lately, I’ve been having very lukewarm reactions to things, and picking stuff up and putting it down. I have started so many books in the past two weeks! Authors who used to make me run out to the store on the release date, have new releases that I haven’t even read yet. I feel like I need to take a break or switch gears to regain my excitement.
It seems like the blogs are quieter to me. Is it possible that all the whining about “mean girls” have caused people to water down their commentary?
I think there are some new blogs that I haven’t checked out yet. That might be refreshing.
I love to read. I read a little bit less than I used to, but only because I’ve got to pay some attention to my kids; oh yeah, I’ve gotta work too.
When it comes to bloggin’ about books I’m not big on discussing them. I say what I think and I’m done. On to the next book. I also don’t like to give spoilers so I try hard to avoid in depth explorations into the books I read.
Yeah, I feel the same way. If I read two books in a month, I did good. If I read three? Wow, I did awesome. LOL. I figured my lack of reading and lack of interest in reading, has a lot to do with my depression and stuff. I get into moods where I can’t read and if I try to, I either can’t focus or I can’t get into whatever it is I’m trying to read. So many books I pick up lately, I just can’t get into them. I find only one good book per month, it seems. I do miss how things use to be because I agree that the blogs seem quieter now. Maybe too much of a good thing can be bad? I don’t know. I find it interesting that it’s not just me who’s facing these problems when it comes to books and reading…
It seems like the blogs are quieter to me. Is it possible that all the whining about “mean girls” have caused people to water down their commentary?
Geez, I hope not. I’m still fairly harsh but I’m not one to target an author and personalize it. It’s usually about me and how *I* have a problem. There are just as many people who love the books I don’t so I figure it’s only my opinion and I’m open to discussing what someone else loved in a book that didn’t work for me.
Mean girl stuff rolls off of me and I wish others wouldn’t worry about those who cry it. You can’t be loved by everyone.
And I was thinking it’s less busy on the blogs because people are out more with the nice weather.
I know I’m busier with kids, life, fiance, etc, but even when I used to have to take kids to baseball and soccer and cheerleading and dance, I still read as much as possible (which was a lot), so I’m not sure if I can blame my busy schedule on my lack of reading.
I think Cindy makes an excellent point about having “read that, move on”. I mean, how many times can you read the virgin heroine or surprise baby or whatever before you go nuts, anyway? LOL
I also thing each of you makes an excellent point about the blogs. I do seem to spend more time reading them than I do books lately. That’s kind of sad, too.
I get that about moving on, but don’t you ever read something – something awesome that just sticks with you – and you can’t wait to talk to someone else about it? I guess that’s what I miss more than anything.
I understand, Holly. You said what I have been feeling.
The thing with me is that I just don’t feel like posting about what I have been reading. I think it started when I noticed that most of the hyped up books that everyone else loved, have not met the mark for me. I feel like I’m out of the loop or on a different planet or something.
Hey girls…
you know, I think that the fault is partly the format of blogging… It’s much easier to have discussion via email or a forum. Perhaps we should open a forum and discuss… however, time goes by and everyone’s rather busy, so it’s hard to keep it alive