Best Reads of July

Posted August 1, 2007 by Rowena in Features | 5 Comments

Alright, so it’s been a hella slow month for me on the reading tip but I know for a fact that Izzy and maybe Holly have gotten a lot of reading done so this month is solely for them. I don’t even want to list how many books I’ve read this month because it’s pretty pathetic, so moving things right along….

…my favorite read of the month is actually my only read this month and it’s by one of my favorite authors, Meg Cabot. I read Teen Idol last month and it was the bomb diggity, I haven’t checked yet to see if it’s part of another series she’s got going but dude, this book was the bomb and though I loved me some Luke Striker for me, it was ALL ABOUT SCOTT! He was my hottie for sure in this book and I just loved reading about Jen and her little world, I totally recommend this book to any of those that love reading light hearted, high school drama stories told in the first person, great great stuff!


Is Me! Izzy.

Damn, I was on a role this month! I read 7 books. That is a lot for me. I’m the slowest reader of the bunch. So to knock out 7, yeah, I’m awesome. My 7 books for the month were:

Bridge to Terebitha by Katherine Patterson
Sins of A Duke by Suzanne Enoch
Sleepless at Midnight by Jacquie D’Alessandro
The Secret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever by Julia Quinn
Broken by Megan Hart
How to Abduct a Highland Lord by Karen Hawkins
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7) by J. K. Rowling

I’d have to say top 3 reads were: Sleepless at Midnight, Broken and Harry Potter. I recommend reading them all. Broken, is a roller coaster of emotions though. (At least for me). So be prepared. Also, it’s erotica for those who don’t care to read erotica.

Holly’s Turn:

July was a fairly slow month for me, too. I miss the days when I used to read 30-40 books a month. I really need my reading mojo back. *Sigh*

I think I read 14 books this month.

Raintree: Sanctuary by Beverly Barton
The entire Mediator series by Meg Cabot (a total of 6 books)
Tempting by Susan Mallery
A Third Party by Chris Tanglen (erotica)
A Third (and Fourth) Party by Chris Tanglen (erotica)
Up Close and Dangerous by Linda Howard
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
Chance McCall by Sharon Sala
Letters from Pemberley by Jane Dawkins

Although I enjoyed them all, I think I’d have to go with Harry Potter and Up Close and Dangerous for my favorites. It was bittersweet reading HP and seeing the end of an era, but over the book was very well done.

While Up Close and Dangerous wasn’t LH’s finest novel, it was much more gripping and entertaining than some of her previous hardback releases and left me hopeful that future novels will be more in tune with her older works. I’d highly recommend both.

I’m going to give an honorable mention to Tempting by Susan Mallery. I had some issues with the book, but overall it was a good read and a great wrap up to the series.

What about the rest of you?

Until next month…

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5 responses to “Best Reads of July

  1. Holly, did the Tanglen books make you laugh?

    I’m in a review slump. I have to force myself to post for ya’ll. I start them, but I don’t finish though.

  2. This summer in general seems to be a slow reading time for me. I’m re-reading Erin McCarthy’s “My Immortal”. I need to get back in the groove cuz the books are piling up.

  3. Chantal,
    Yep, they sure did. Some of their antics were hilarious! Thanks for the pimp.

    I haven’t read that EM book, but I have read several others and enjoyed them.

    What’s wrong with all of us?

  4. Wait, did you mean how did I find it as in How was it? Or where exactly did I get a copy?

    If the first: It was alright. It was kind of slow moving at times, but not horrible.

    If the second: I found it at Fictionwise in eBook format. I lurrrve eBooks. LOL

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