Tag: Young Adult

Review: The Truth about Faking by Leigh T. Moore

Review: The Truth about Faking by Leigh T. Moore

This was a pretty fast read and while I ended up really liking it, there were times that I wanted to smack some hot dang sense into Harley.  I wasn’t a fan of the back and forth between Trent and Jason, especially when Jason was so good to her and so obviously infatuated with her.  […]

Review: Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

Review: Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares by Rachel Cohn and David Levithan

What a short read this book turned out to be and an enjoyable short read, too. I really enjoyed this book because the concept behind the whole book of dares thing was just too cute for words.  This book made it onto my radar because Ames read and liked it.  I can almost always tell […]

Review: The Perks for being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Review: The Perks for being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

I got this book in the mail for review and was looking forward to reading it because I like that Logan kid from Percy Jackson.  I also like Harmoine from Harry Potter.  I’ve been slogged down in review books for the past couple of months and so this book fell off my radar for a […]

Review: Butter by Erin Jade Lange

Review: Butter by Erin Jade Lange

What a disturbing premise for a book but as disturbing as it was, I was curious to see how this story would be told so I had to read it. So this book follows a young man in high school, who is obese (423 pounds) and nicknamed Butter by these douche-bags from his school. He’s […]

Review: Supernaturally by Kiersten White

Review: Supernaturally by Kiersten White

This was another good addition to this series. It was a little slow to start but the story definitely picked up and took off after a few chapters in. This book takes place not too long after the first book ends. Lend has graduated from high school and is attending Georgetown University and Evie is […]