Tag: Young Adult

Daughter of Smoke and Bone To Become a Movie?

Posted March 24, 2013 by Rowena in Reviews | Tagged: , , , | 0 Comments
Daughter of Smoke and Bone To Become a Movie?

Yes, yes it will.  Another YA book has been picked up for a movie. Check it out for yourself: On behalf of Universal Pictures, we’re excited to share the latest news supporting the film adaptation of DAUGHTER OF SMOKE & BONE! DAUGHTER OF SMOKE & BONE Universal Pictures • Stuart Beattie will adapt the screenplay […]

Review: Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality by Elizabeth Eulberg.

Review: Revenge of the Girl with the Great Personality by Elizabeth Eulberg.

A hilarious new novel from Elizabeth Eulberg about taking the wall out of the wallflower so she can bloom. Don’t mess with a girl with a Great Personality. Everybody loves Lexi. She’s popular, smart, funny…but she’s never been one of those girls, the pretty ones who get all the attention from guys. And on top […]

Review: Also Known As by Robin Benway

Review: Also Known As by Robin Benway

Rowena’s review of Also Known As by Robin Benway. Main Character: Maggie Silver Love Interest: Jesse Oliver Series: ?? Author: Facebook|Twitter|Goodreads Being a 16-year-old safecracker and active-duty daughter of international spies has its moments, good and bad. Pros: Seeing the world one crime-solving adventure at a time. Having parents with super cool jobs. Cons: Never […]

YA’s Delirium Headed to the Small Screen?

Posted March 12, 2013 by Rowena in Reviews | Tagged: , , , , | 0 Comments
YA’s Delirium Headed to the Small Screen?

YA fans have come to love the heck out of Lauren Oliver’s Delirium trilogy.  I’ve been seeing it all over YA blogs, Twitter and Instagram.  The last book in the trilogy, Requiem has been released and if you think that’s where the party stops…then you might want to keep your party shoes out for a […]

Guest Review: The Girl in the Steel Corest by Kady Cross

Guest Review: The Girl in the Steel Corest by Kady Cross

TG’s review of The Girl in the Steel Corset (Steampunk Chronicles, book 1) by Kady Cross. In 1897 England, sixteen-year-old Finley Jayne has no one…except the “thing” inside her.When a young lord tries to take advantage of Finley, she fights back. And wins. But no “normal” Victorian girl has a darker side that makes her capable […]