Tag: Tracy’s Reviews

Guest Review: Reckless by Priscilla West

Guest Review: Reckless by Priscilla West

Tracy’s review of Reckless (The Forever Series – Jax & Riley #1) by Priscilla West Riley is at a bar with her friend when they announce an impromptu show by “The ‘Cocks.” Riley is mesmerized by the voice she hears and makes her way closer to the stage so that she can see the singer. […]

Guest Review: Midnight’s Kiss by Thea Harrison

Guest Review: Midnight’s Kiss by Thea Harrison

Tracy’s review of Midnight’s Kiss (Elder Races #8) by Thea Harrison Taking up right where the last book left off we have Julian, the Nightkind King, extremely pissed off that Nightkind Council member, Justine, tried to kill one of his progeny. He tries to find her and finds a massacre of epic proportions instead. He’s […]

Guest Review: Last Light by M. Pierce

Guest Review: Last Light by M. Pierce

Tracy’s review of Last Light (Night Owl Trilogy #2) by M. Pierce When we closed the cover on book one in the Night Owl Trilogy we left Matt and Hannah together and doing well…until the epilogue. That lovely short epilogue led us to believe that Matt had died. Not true. Matt had taken enough of […]

Guest Review: Signal Boost by Alyssa Cole

Guest Review: Signal Boost by Alyssa Cole

Tracy’s review of Signal Boost (Off the Grid #2) by Alyssa Cole In book one of the Off the Grid series we met John Seong. He’s a computer nerd who comes from a loud and loving Korean family. John and his best friend Arden had made their way to his parents house from New York […]

Guest Review: Dearest Rogue by Elizabeth Hoyt

Guest Review: Dearest Rogue by Elizabeth Hoyt

Phoebe Batten is twenty one years old but feels like a small child at times. She has to ask permission to go places and she always has to have a companion – in this case her bodyguard, Captain James Trevillion. She hates having to live as she does but she’s blind and her brother, the […]