Tag: The MacAllisters Series

Author Spotlight Review: The Warrior by Kinley MacGregor.

Posted February 25, 2010 by Rowena in Features, Reviews | 2 Comments

Genres: Paranormal Romance

Rowena’s review of The Warrior by Kinley MacGregor.

Hero: Lochlan MacAllister
Heroine: Princess Catarina

On a quest to discover the truth about the brother he believed dead, Lochlan MacAllister is stunned when he crosses paths with his beautiful adversary as she is being kidnapped! Unwilling to see even the shrewish Catarina suffer, he frees her only to learn that she has her own demons to fight. When their fates intertwine, two people who know nothing of trust must rely on each other, and two enemies who have vowed their eternal hatred must find common ground, or see their very lives shattered.

So in this book, we’re finally getting Lochlan’s book. It’s been years since I’ve been waiting for this book to come out because I loved me some Lochlan in the other books and I wanted him to get his happy ending. I’ve had this book since the day it came out and I opened it once to read it and then lost it and didn’t find it until like a year later and then…I forgot about it and just barely got around to reading it again now for the author spotlight.

Sherrilyn Kenyon has a bunch of great Dark Hunter novels and while I enjoy those books, I also enjoy her Kinley MacGregor books as well. I loved the MacAllister series and was so stoked to finally get Lochlan’s story since it took her forever and a day to get it done (don’t look at how long it took me to finally read it, I really was excited for this book!).

It was good to see everyone again, from the MacAllister brothers to the Brotherhood of the Sword guys. We finally get to see who The Scot is and man it was too crazy. I had forgotten what a beast the MacAllister’s father was and just meeting the Scot and then seeing what happened to Keiran it was all to me, a let down. SK is all about gloom and doom and while I can appreciate that, she still writes romance novels. I didn’t see the way she left Keiran’s storyline as anything but a cop out. So he’s a DH? Are we going to get his story? I doubt it since both of these series are written for completely different publishers.

Overall, I enjoyed the story. I enjoyed getting to know the characters from this story. Cat was a great heroine, one with enough feistiness to keep her interesting and then I enjoyed seeing Rowena and Stryder again and even Simon. I really enjoyed Stryder and Rowena’s story and to see them back in action this time around was a definite treat. We only got a brief looksee at the MacAllister brothers and that was pure cheese but I didn’t mind it so much. I just wanted more from the whole Keiran storyline.

Lochlan ended up being a really stand up hero. He had issues growing up with his father and he was tired of paying for his father’s sins. The way that Cat grew on him was sweet but the story just didn’t have that certain umph that I read in the other books. I can’t even explain properly what it was, there was just something missing from this book. But it wasn’t a bad book, I guess my standards for KM/SK’s writing was pretty high and this just didn’t live up to it but I did enjoy the book enough to give it a 3.75, it was good just not as good as the other books that I’ve come to love from MacGregor.

This book is available from Avon. You can buy it here or here in e-format.

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Author Spotlight: Kinley MacGregor’s The MacAllisters…

Posted February 18, 2010 by Rowena in Features | 6 Comments

…what are your thoughts on where SK took Kieran’s character?

It’s been a while since I’ve read these books but one of the running factors that kept me reading these books was I had to find out for myself if Kieran, the brother who is reported to have ended his life after a dispute with his brother Ewan over a woman, really did die. Kieran hasn’t been around since the day that him and Ewan got into it and his plaid was found ripped and bloodied with no Kieran anywhere to be found.

Over the course of the books, we find out little snippets of information about the “Scot” who we thought could maybe be Kieran but we were never sure. Then there was the addition of Kieran’s son who came into the picture and the whereabouts of Kieran only got worst.

I’m not quite done with my read of The Warrior yet but I just had to spoil myself a little bit. I found this on SK’s site concerning Kieran:

Q: Is Kieran MacAllister a Dark-Hunter? And will you put him in a Dark-Hunter book? (Spoiler contained in the answer)

A: Not as easy to answer. I knew when I started the series that Kieran wasn’t alive. But when I wrote the Warrior, I couldn’t bring myself to end the book with him dead. So I cheated a bit and yes, he’s technically a Dark-Hunter.

Will he make an appearance in that series? Depends on my publishers. Since there are two different houses who publish the series, I have to get their permission to blur those lines.

So…what do you guys think? He’s a Dark Hunter. Do you think we’ll ever get his book? Do you guys want his book? What did you guys think of SK making Kieran a Dark Hunter? Were you guys disappointed? Elated? What?

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