Tag: Rowena Says

Throwback Thursday: The Quotes (2)

Throwback Thursday: The Quotes (2)

Today’s quote comes from an old favorite of ours,Paradise by Judith McNaught. Who didn’t love them some Matt Farrell? Who didn’t want to jump right in and risk everything for MATT freaking FARRELL??? Makes me want to go back and re-read this book. I loved it so back in the day. Who read and loved […]

Throwback Thursday: The Quotes (1)

Throwback Thursday: The Quotes (1)

Holly and I thought it would be cool to start sharing some of our favorite stories through this new to our blog feature, Throwback Thursday: The Quotes.  Now, you won’t be finding any throwback pictures of Holly and I with no teeth, naked in the bathtub as babies.  We will be featuring quotes or scenes […]

Welcome to Book Binge…(+ Giveaway)

Welcome to Book Binge…(+ Giveaway)

…or the new Book Binge, anyway. Holly and I have worked for the last few months on transferring our blog from Blogger to WordPress.  We’re happy to announce that the transfer is complete! We’ve got loads of things in the works and lots of plans for the coming months and we hope that you’ll join […]

Book Club: Are You Ready?

Posted March 1, 2013 by Rowena in Features | Tagged: , , | 0 Comments
Book Club: Are You Ready?

Last month, we announced that we’ll be starting our very own book club.  We’re pretty stoked to be starting bookish discussions here on the blog and we hope that all of you lovely readers are ready.  Our first book up on the chopping block is: The Duke and I by Julia Quinn Simon Basset, the […]

Reading Challenges in 2013.

Reading Challenges in 2013.

I’m not doing them. There’s nothing wrong with reading challenges but I’m giving them up.  In 2012, I participated in a few reading challenges and enjoyed them.  But this year? I want to relax more and get back to reading for…me.  The past couple of years I’ve challenged myself to different reading challenges and some […]