Supernaturally (Paranormalcy, #2) by Kiersten White
Series: Paranormalcy #2
Also in this series: Paranormalcy (Paranormalcy, #1)
Publisher: Harper Collins, Harper Teen
Publication Date: July 26th 2011
Genres: Young Adult
Pages: 336
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Evie finally has the normal life she’s always longed for. But she’s shocked to discover that being ordinary can be...kind of boring. Just when Evie starts to long for her days at the International Paranormal Containment Agency, she’s given a chance to work for them again. Desperate for a break from all the normalcy, she agrees.
But as one disastrous mission leads to another, Evie starts to wonder if she made the right choice. And when Evie’s faerie ex-boyfriend Reth appears with devastating revelations about her past, she discovers that there’s a battle brewing between the faerie courts that could throw the whole supernatural world into chaos. The prize in question? Evie herself.
So much for normal.
This was another good addition to this series. It was a little slow to start but the story definitely picked up and took off after a few chapters in. This book takes place not too long after the first book ends. Lend has graduated from high school and is attending Georgetown University and Evie is in her senior year of high school. Evie lives above the paranormal diner and not with David anymore because living with your boyfriend’s father without your boyfriend there is just weird.
So anyway, Evie is trying to live that normal life she longed for in the first book and she’s kind of bored. She misses working with the IPCA and she misses Raquel but she’s coping as best as she could by doing the best that she can in school so that she can get into Georgetown with Lend, next year. She’s going about minding her own business when a sylph tries to kidnap her but because she’s got that little power of soul stealing, she takes enough of his soul that he drops her (from the pain) and then she’s back home with the people who care about her and she tries to brush it off.
On the same day that she’s almost kidnapped, Raquel comes back into the picture, asking for Evie’s help at IPCA. She swears up and down that things have changed over there and while they’re not 100% on the up and up, they’re aware of the things that they’ve been doing and they’re doing the best that they can to make things right. She wants Evie to come back and help out and though Evie wants to, she doesn’t think its a good idea because she doesn’t trust the IPCA and she knows that David and Lend won’t want her to go back either.
It’s hard for Evie because she wants to go back and help other paranormals out, the ones that need her help but she doesn’t know how to make Lend understand that the IPCA wasn’t perfect but they did help paranormals out, in their own way. So things happen and Evie goes back to work for the IPCA on her terms. She can pass on any assignment that comes her way if she thinks it’s too dangerous and she won’t work with any faeries. Raquel agrees to all of this and introduces her to her portal helper, non-faerie Jack. Jack can open faerie doors but isn’t a faerie so Evie goes back to work for the IPCA.
What I liked about this book was seeing everyone again. I really enjoyed getting to know Arianna, David, Lend’s Mom and everyone else in the book and seeing them again was great. I really like Lend and Evie together so seeing them together and in love without it being eye roll inducing was great. I liked that they’re still getting to know each other and they’re still in that I like her phase. I liked that they weren’t perfect but what I didn’t like was what I liked in the first book. The secrets. Evie had a lot of secrets in this book and she kept them from Lend. I really hate that she didn’t trust him enough to deal with her issues with her. When she kept the first secret and then the second secret, my heart hurt because she was being so unfair to Lend but alls well that ends well. By the time that she finally came free, I wanted to strangle her but I was glad that Lend finally knew the truth.
What I’m mighty curious about is where the heck is Lend’s Mom? Why has she been gone so long? Where did she go? Is there something wrong with her or what? Curious minds want to know and all that.
I never warmed up to Jack so I wasn’t completely surprised when all of the crap hit the fan at the end. It made sense since I’m usually all about new love interests and potential love interests and what not. I wonder if I’m going to find something out about Raquel because I can’t quite warm up to her either but I think it’s because she sighs too much. I hate when she sighs.
On the story front, I thought White did a fabulous job of weaving this story together. It started off slow but when it took off, it really took off. I really enjoyed seeing where Evie was in her life after the first book and watching her try to fumble her way through this new life that she’s building for herself was good stuff. It’s funny because when I first started Paranormalcy, I didn’t like Evie at all and now I love her. She’s not the most perfect of people but for me, that’s what I love the most. She could be anyone that I know, she’s this normal teenage girl who has these abilities and she’s trying to use her powers for good and mostly winning.
I’m anxious for the next book. I can’t wait to read it and if you haven’t read this book or series, you totally should. It’s a wonderfully entertaining YA paranormal series with likeable characters and a main character that will totally win you over. It’s a good one.
…and that’s your scoop!
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