Tag: New Adult

Review: Roommates by Erin Leigh

Review: Roommates by Erin Leigh

Roommates is a light-hearted romance that worked for me. I thought it was cute and fluffy and perfect for what I was in the mood for. Brady Coldwell (affectionately known as BJ to his mother) is a hockey player and is moving in with his buddy’s friend Nate so that they can split rent and […]

Review: Against the Wall by Jill Sorenson

Review: Against the Wall by Jill Sorenson

That was what I looked like when I first heard that Meghan and Eric were getting their own book. When I heard that they were a little older, Eric was out of jail and they were finally going to get their shit together and work toward that happy ending. happy sigh I was a fan […]

Guest Review: Deal Breakers by Laura Lee

Guest Review: Deal Breakers by Laura Lee

Warning: This review contains spoilers. The first time that Riley sees Devyn he knows that he wants to meet her. He chains his bike to hers so that she’ll have to talk to him and a friendship begins. The pair spend the next four years being best friends and each date other people but Riley […]

Guest Review: Against the Wall by Jill Sorenson

Guest Review: Against the Wall by Jill Sorenson

Eric Hernandez just got out of a halfway house after having lived there for the past three months.  He was required to live there after he got out of prison, having served three years for manslaughter.  He grew up hard and in a gang-filled neighborhood but he’s determined to never go back to prison. Both […]

Guest Review: Level Up by Cathy Yardley

Guest Review: Level Up by Cathy Yardley

Full disclosure: At the time I read this book, it was free on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I didn’t get any special treatment, but I didn’t pay for it. Let me get straight to the point: I freaking LOVED this book. I had such a good time reading it! And is that cover not the […]