Tag: New Adult

Review: Blurred Lines by Lauren Layne

Review: Blurred Lines by Lauren Layne

What an appropriate title for this book. This book explores the blurred lines of two best friends who start up a friends with benefits relationship. Parker and Ben have been best friends since freshman year in college. Six years later and their best friendship is still going strong. It’s still best friendly and platonic and […]

Review: Unrequited by Jen Frederick

Review: Unrequited by Jen Frederick

I’m still all about the Jen Frederick right now. I can’t get enough of her stuff and Unrequited was another great story that I fell right in with from the very beginning. We finally get Finn’s book. Finn has been slowly spiraling out of control, drowning in booze and babes ever since his father died. […]

Review: Unraveled by Jen Frederick

Review: Unraveled by Jen Frederick

Unraveled is the third book in the Woodlands series and it was another enjoyable story. I’ve been reading a lot of Frederick books lately and I’m really enjoying everything that I’m reading so I’m hoping she doesn’t ever stop writing fantastic books. This book follows Noah and Bo’s Marine brother Gray as he figures out […]

Review: Jock Blocked by Jen Frederick

Review: Jock Blocked by Jen Frederick

This is the second book in the Gridiron series and I’ve got to say that Jen Frederick is really coming into her own as a writer. Her writing just keeps getting better and better with each new release and I am one happy camper because of it. I read this book in one sitting and […]

Review: Before I Fall by Jessica Scott

Review: Before I Fall by Jessica Scott

It’s been a while since I read anything by Jessica Scott but I knew that I was going to like this one because she hasn’t ever let me down before..and I did. I really enjoyed this one. This is the first book in the Falling series and the series follows three ex-Marines (I think Eli […]