Tag: New Adult

Release Day Blitz: Rulebreaker by Kat Bastion with Stone Bastion

Release Day Blitz: Rulebreaker by Kat Bastion with Stone Bastion

We are thrilled to celebrate the release of Kat & Stone Bastion’s sexy new adult/sports romance RULE BREAKER! PLUS visit their Facebook page today for a $25 Amazon Gift Card giveaway. Further details below. Read for yourself what RULE BREAKER reviewers are buzzing about… 1-click your copy… Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CAN […]

Review: Keepsake by Sarina Bowen

Review: Keepsake by Sarina Bowen

Keepsake was one of the books that I was most looking forward to releasing in October so that I can get my grubby hands on it. I quit everything that I was doing, reading and watching so that I can read this book. Sarina Bowen is one of my favorites and this series has really […]

Guest Review: Frosh: Second Chances by Monica B. Wagner

Guest Review: Frosh: Second Chances by Monica B. Wagner

This is the second book and the series.  After the first ended in a cliffhanger I wasn’t sure that I wanted to read book 2 until book 3 came out.  I really don’t like being left in the dark.  Unfortunately I have no patience so went ahead and read this one. 🙂 The story starts […]

Review: Bedmates by Nichole Chase

Review: Bedmates by Nichole Chase

Bedmates is the first book in the American Royalty series by Nichole Chase and it’s also the first book by this author that I’ve read. I didn’t really know what to expect when going in and while I enjoyed the book as a whole, I didn’t absolutely love it. Maddie McGuire is a do gooder, […]

Review: You Before Anyone Else by Julie Cross and Mark Perini

Review: You Before Anyone Else by Julie Cross and Mark Perini

I haven’t read too many books by Julie Cross but the ones that I did read, I enjoyed so I looked forward to digging into this one. Finley is a model who can’t land any big time jobs because she’s too sweet and too cute and fashion designers are booking the edgy models, the hint […]