Tag: Monthly Reads

Monthly Reads: December 2010.

Monthly Reads: December 2010.

Holly: I did hardly any re-reading in December. Over the last few months I’ve been doing more re-reading than new-reading, but I managed to read some upcoming releases. Unfortunately I didn’t read many that are out this month. They’re either being released in a few months or were released a few years ago. Veil of […]

Monthly Reads: November

Monthly Reads: November

Holly: I know I keep saying it, but I can’t believe how fast time has flown by. 2010 is almost over. Crazy. My reading was really sporadic in November. Thanks to a cruise, Thanksgiving and an unexpected move, I didn’t have a lot of time to dedicate to reading. I mostly re-read, just because (a […]

Monthly Reads: October

Monthly Reads: October

Casee: October wasn’t too bad for me. I got quite a few books from the library, which is new. I do tend to utilize the library when it comes to my kids, but not myself. The library in the town that I live in is rather small so their selection is pretty limited. I was […]

Monthly Reads: September

Monthly Reads: September

Holly: September started out terrible for me. I was in the worst slump. By Sept 19th, I’d only finished one book. That’s pretty freaking sad. But then I started re-reading the Drake Sisters series by Christine Feehan. I broke out of my slump and ended up finishing pretty strong. When my reading mojo came back, […]

Monthly Reads: August 2010

Monthly Reads: August 2010

Casee: August was the best month of the summer for me. I couldn’t tell you why it was better than the previous months. I read some darn good books last month. My favorite book of the month was Play of Passion by Nalini Singh. It is my favorite book since Riley and Mercy’s book and […]