Judith’s review of Were Seduction by Lia Slater.
After living over a century without the touch of a man, Ambria Nogle is surprised that seducing Count Kollens isn’t all that difficult. Unfortunately, falling in love with the Were is just as easy. As an empath, she can see right through Kaige’s brooding face and into his heart. Now if only she can convince him that her heart is just as genuine.
Kaige isn’t sure what to think of the wicked little witch who’s stolen his nights and captured his thoughts. Their sizzling chemistry dulls his usually sharp s enses when they are together, making him uncertain of her intentions. But soon he finds that trusting Ambria is not the problem. Falling in love with her is.
This is a fairy tale, and as such is OK. But as adult fiction, I have to own up to a sense of disappointment in the overall quality of the tale. Lia Slater is certainly an experienced writer and I have liked the other examples of her work. But for some reason which I cannot really explain, this story just didn’t hold together for me. It just seemed contrived — of course all fiction is contrived to a great degree, but good fiction doesn’t advertise that.
I did like the fact that the heroine, a witch that had been hurt personally, was able to come out of hiding in the coven — a place where she felt safe. However, those she trusted and those she looked to for support and nurture weren’t always the individuals she thought them to be. In that sense, this is her story and she was able to grow into a greater sense of herself, achieving a rather remarkable sense of maturity. Perhaps that is really the heart of the tale.
Now Count Kollens–that’s another story, as we say. The political back story of this tale was where I got lost. It just didn’t seem to hold together. Now this was the time of shape shifters and werewolves, witches and covens. So there is fantasy all around. Yet his presence in the story–not his own personal presence but what seemed to me to be a contrived political situation, did not add to the story, IMHO. That he was tempted and attracted to Ambria–that’s the start of their story. The progress of that relationship with its potholes, bumps and rough spots forms the meat of the story. Does love conquer all? Well, you’ll have to read the story. Their personal encounters certainly sizzle. No disappointment there.
So when all is said and done. There were parts of this story that I liked, and other aspects that were really 0ff-putting. I am never sure if that is a flaw in the story or perhaps it says more about me, my tastes, likes & dislikes in fiction. So the reader will have to decide that one, each on his/her own.
I give this novella a 2 out of 5 rating.
You can read more from Judith at Dr. J’s Book Place.
This book is available from Ellora’s Cave. You can buy it here in e-format.