Tag: Jeaniene Frost

What I’ve Been Reading This Week

What I’ve Been Reading This Week

Well it was an interesting week but an excellent weekend. My youngest was home sick on Tuesday and Wednesday and then my oldest joined the crowd on Thursday. I hate it when they’re sick – as most moms do – but I have say that only working 2 days a week is wonderful! lol Then […]

Giveaway: One Foot In The Grave – Winner Announced

The lucky person who entered the One Foot In The Grave Giveaway is: Wendy!!!! Wendy, please email me at thebookbinge at gmail dot com (no spaces) with your mailing address and I’ll get the book out to you ASAP. Enjoy! Thanks to everyone else who entered. Please don’t forget to enter our other two contests: […]

Quick Giveaway: One Foot In The Grave by Jeaniene Frost

Posted April 28, 2008 by Holly in Giveaways | Tagged: , , | 23 Comments
Quick Giveaway: One Foot In The Grave by Jeaniene Frost

Who wants a copy of One Foot In The Grave book two in the Night Huntress series? Quick, leave a comment before midnight tonight (PST) and you’ll be entered to win. Yes, that’s all you have to do, just leave a comment. I’ll randomly select a winner and mail the book out tomorrow. GOOD LUCK!!! […]