Begun a decade ago and encompassing six shelf-bending novels, the seventh and concluding volume of the international literary phenomenon that is the Harry Potter saga comes to a bombshell-packed — and oh so satisfying — conclusion in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, arguably the most wildly anticipated release in modern publishing history.
As the novel begins, Harry, Ron and Hermione are on the run from Lord Voldemort, whose minions of Death Eaters have not only taken control of the Minister of Magic but have begun to systematically — and forcibly — change the entire culture of the magic community: Muggle-born wizards, for example, are being rounded up and questioned, and all “blood traitors” are being imprisoned. But as Voldemort and his followers ruthlessly pursue the fugitive with the lightning bolt scar on his forehead, Potter finally uncovers the jaw-dropping truth of his existence….
Undoubtedly Rowling’s crowning literary achievement, this triumphant final installment not only answers any and all questions surrounding integral characters like Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Severus Snape, Neville Longbottom, and Draco Malfoy but also brilliantly deals with some decidedly adult themes — mortality, faith, duty, honor, etc. — with a lyrical simplicity that will touch the hearts of readers of all ages. (“Do not pity the dead…pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love.”) Rowling definitely saved the best for last in this saga; HP7 will exceed the expectations of even the most demanding Harry Potter fan — a towering, transcendent end to an equally towering and transcendent series. Paul Goat Allen
Ok, I’m not even going over the plot. I think almost everyone has read this book. For those who haven’t, you may read a plot summary here. I admit, I read the plot summary on wikipedia before I read the book. So knowing what was going to happened prepared me.
What I Liked:
Wow. I enjoyed the book. So many emotions. All loose ends tied up. Some of my favorites scenes: Fred and George look at each other after taking polyjuice potion. They say, “We’re identical!” I laughed out loud. When Ron and Hermione finally kiss!!! Damn, that has been a long time coming. Then Harry all, “Umm, can you do this later?” When Molly killed Bellatrix. That was awesome.
Learning about Snape and his undying love for Lily. I have a soft spot for him. I admit to thinking he’s hot. Or at least Alan Rickman’s portrayal of Snape. Snape’s love for Lily caught me off guard. I honestly thought Draco would reveal he was in love in Hermione. I thought how he acted towards Hermione was just a cover up. I was wrong.
I enjoyed learning more about Dumbledore. I liked knowing he had his faults and secrets. It made him seem more real to me.
I also enjoyed the final showdown between Harry and Voldemort. I mean, I knew Harry would win but I also did expect a little more. Maybe a few near misses and then the final blow.
What I didn’t like:
Although I expected a high death toll, two of them I was really sad when they happened. Hedwig and Fred. I was more upset with Hedwig because she’s (or was he a he?) been with Harry since the beginning. She kept him company when he home during the summer. That and how she was hit with the killing curse. Sucks.
Ok, Ron was getting on my nerves for while. Especially when he left. UGH! He made me mad. Little baby. I am glad he came back though.
Also, the epilogue. I liked knowing who got married to who and all that but she could have mentioned if Harry’s occupation. I know a lot of people complained about that. I did read an interview where she said both Harry and Ron were aurors. I forget what Hermione ended up doing. Also, I would have liked to have seen what happened with Luna.
Would I recommend it: Yup.
Grade: Really hard to grade. I want to reread the series again. So I’ll wait until then. But I did enjoy the book very much.