Tag: Holly’s Amused

Lauren Dane Does End Of Book Dance

Posted August 22, 2008 by Holly in Reviews | Tagged: , , , | 1 Comment

This has to be one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. I really like LD’s blog and the few books I’ve read by her were great, but even if this was the first time I’d heard of her, this video would make me want to check her out. Lauren Dane’s End of Book Dance

Nora Roberts Does Author Talk

These videos are absolutely hilarious, but this one is probably the funniest yet. When Rosie and I had lunch last weekend (hee hee) she was telling me about it and I just had to share. That reminds me, I have something else to share with you that I got from my lunch with Rosie. I’ll […]

Books are dangerous

Books are dangerous

We already know that books are dangerous to our checking accounts/wallets. Did you also know that they are physically dangerous? No? Well, I’m performing a public service this afternoon by letting you know. Below is an email exchange between Holly and myself. From: Casee [xxxxx@gmail.com]To: Holly [xxxxx@gmail.com] Date: Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 12:14 PMSubject […]

In Which Melissa Amuses Holly

In Which Melissa Amuses Holly

I received this email from Melissa this morning and thought I’d share with the rest of you. She’s currently reading Danse Macabre, book 14 in Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series. We were on the phone this morning and she was whining and complaining about the series, so when I got this email […]