Tag: Holly Has A Girl Crush

Giveaway: Instant Temptation by Jill Shalvis

Posted March 11, 2010 by Holly in Giveaways | 55 Comments

Last week, while on vacation, I was able to meet one of our favorite authors for coffee (or in her case, hot chocolate). That’s right, I met Jill Shalvis for coffee last week (though if I’m being honest it feels like it’s been a lot longer..my husband and I were on a LONG road trip).

She is everything you’ve ever imagined her to be; sweet, funny and adorable. We gossiped about boys, small town life and books we love. I had a wonderful time with her.

(I kind of feel like my face is really shiny in this picture…)

That’s Jill on the left and me on the right. See? I told you, she’s adorable.

To Harley, the landscape around Wishful, California, is exhilarating, untamed, and more than a little dangerous. The same could be said for T.J. Wilder, who’s invited himself along on her trek to study a rare coyote. Harley’s career is riding on this trip, and she doesn’t need a stubborn, incredibly sexy distraction. But T.J. is a professional guide who knows when to stay back and when to provide invaluable expertise – just like he’s done since they were in high school. And Harley, as usual, is torn between throttling him and giving in to the raw attraction that’s been smoldering all these years. T.J. knows how proud and capable Harley is, but he’s damned sure not letting her put herself at risk when there are illegal hunters in the area. She needs him, with the same soul-stirring urgency that he’s always craved her. And here, in this beautiful place days from civilization, he’ll finally have a chance to prove it – over and over again…

Being the wonderful author she is, Jill gave me a copy of Instant Temptation while I was there. Instant Temptation is book 3 in her Wilder Adventures series, T.J.’s book. The book isn’t set to be released until March 30, but since I have a copy here and I’m feeling generous as long as you don’t make fun of my shiny face, I thought I’d share it with all of you.

Leave a comment on this post telling me why you’re looking forward to reading Instant Temptation before 11:59 p.m. tonight, March 11, 2010 and you’ll be entered to win. I’ll draw a winner Friday and mail the book out over the weekend so chances are the winner will receive the book well before the release date.

Good luck!

Also, be sure to stick around because later today historical romance author Rose Lerner will be guest blogging and giving away a signed copy of her debut release, In for a Penny.

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In The Interest of Full Disclosure

Posted November 3, 2008 by Holly in Reviews | 15 Comments

I’m doing my best to help promote Meljean Brook and her Guardians series this week. I adore her novels and feel she’s a truly talented and amazing author. Beyond that, I think she is an amazing person. She’s kind, funny and extremely clever.

Ok, the truth is, I have a major girl crush on Meljean. So much so that, well, I really want to have her babies. And guess what? She said I could! No, really! She did. I’m not making this up. As a matter of fact, I have proof. The lovely and amazing Rosie was kind enough to bring me a signed copy of Demon Night from RWA this past July. And guess what the inscription says?

I’m not lying when I tell you she’s amazing and her series rocks, but I thought maybe I should give you the full story before letting you decide if you want to try her. Not that I’m biased or anything. Just because we’re planning our love child doesn’t mean I don’t know what’s good and what’s not.


P.S. I have to ask that none of y’all talk about the baby in front of my husband. He’s a little bitter over how eager I am to have another woman’s baby. Poor guy.

Don’t forget: Buy a Book, Win $100

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